How to be creative in spite of your day job

Posted by Jordan, 03 Mar

Being creative can be time-consuming if you are already busy with a day job and all. However, you can coax your inner creativity by engaging in activities that provoke emotion. Can your skills be applied in ways that they are useful to people who can pay you? If not, then all you are is just a hobbyist. Can you strike the right balance without selling out your artistic integrity?

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Cathy Heller (DIY musician, licensing guru, and creator of the popular podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job”) moved to LA to become a professional musician. However, it took a while to find the balance and discover how she could be useful in Hollywood as opposed to creating art for art’s sake. So how did she do it and how best can you brand yourself as a creative? Listen, learn and enjoy!

Jordan Harbinger is a Wall Street lawyer turned Social Dynamics expert and coach. For 11 years, he hosted The Art of Charm Podcast - regularly in the iTunes top 50 and downloaded over four million times a month. Now Jordan interviews the world's top performers - from legendary musicians to intelligence operatives, iconoclastic writers to visionary change-makers at The Jordan Harbinger Show, consistently holding in the iTunes top 100 after just a few weeks. You can also interact with Jordan on Facebook or Instagram.

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