How philanthropist Leon Logothetis survives on the kindness of strangers

Posted by Jordan, 02 Jun

Philanthropist Leon Logothetis, host of the Netflix show "The Kindness Diaries" and author of "Go Be Kind: 28 1/2 Adventures Guaranteed to Make You Happier" shares his story of how he went from a broker to broke traveler after giving it all up for a life on the road. He travels the world with no money, completely relying on the kindness of the strangers he meets. Leon is a global adventurer, motivational speaker & philanthropist.

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In this episode, he talks about the potential of positive human connection in an era where people seem more divided. And his teachings are inspiring. He candidly shares with us some fun, touching, ridiculous and some dangerous situations he has found himself in, sometimes, in the middle of nowhere. His travel adventures have been documented in various media outlets like  Good Morning America, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Outside, Good. Listen and be inspired!

Jordan Harbinger is a Wall Street lawyer turned Social Dynamics expert and coach. For 11 years, he hosted The Art of Charm Podcast - regularly in the iTunes top 50 and downloaded over four million times a month. Now Jordan interviews the world's top performers - from legendary musicians to intelligence operatives, iconoclastic writers to visionary change-makers at The Jordan Harbinger Show, consistently holding in the iTunes top 100 after just a few weeks. You can also interact with Jordan on Facebook or Instagram.

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