Get The Guy with Matthew Hussey

Find the guy, attract the guy and keep the guy with Matthew Hussey, NBC's matchmaker on “Ready for Love,” an innovative and dramatic new relationship show about making real connections.

How do you get a guy in time for the holidays?

Posted by Matthew, 08 Dec

With all of the hype around the holidays, you’d think that EVERYONE has someone special to share them with. The romantic movies, the songs about kissing under the mistletoe, the TV commercials where men drop to one knee beside the Christmas tree and pull out a sparkly diamond ring… It's enough to make a single girl completely STRESSED!

Even if you don’t have any prospects in sight, it’s still not too late to find someone special to kiss on New Year’s Eve.

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This week's video is about everything you can do this December to create more opportunities than you ever have before, with the ultimate goal of getting the romance you want in time for the holidays.

Here are 7 Steps to get the guy in time for the holidays

Matthew Hussey is a renowned dating expert and author. His latest dating book Get The Guy is a New York Times bestseller. He's the go-to relationship expert for Rachael Ray, Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Meredith Vieira and many others. And he's a relationship columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine and the resident love expert for "The Today Show." Here he shares his proven strategies to get a man to do anything you want, from tirelessly pursuing you to treating you like a goddess to committing to you for life.

1 responses to "How do you get a guy in time for the holidays?"

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  1.   ummX says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 15

    I would like to be the one of those who have already taken the lady

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