Are You Stuck on Single?

Posted by Leticia, 20 Jun

Have you ever met someone and instantly you knew that they had to be single, married, gay? Do you send off a vibe that says the right things about you? Here are seven clues to the single man/woman's lifestyle that could be the very reason why you're home alone...reading this article.

Hey, this is Leticia, let me tell you about this incredible talent that I have acquired. For lack of a better name, we'll call it a "people-meter". If you want to know someone's age, martial status, sexual preference, just ask me. For as long as I can remember I've just known these things. Just ask my old college roommate. I tried to give her the heads up about two different boyfriends...I hear that "they" are dating each other now.

Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

Anyway, let's move on to you. Have you been single for so long that you don't realize the signs that you may be giving off? These aren't good signs either. Of course you want others to know that you are available, but, you don't want them to think that you want to stay single...if you don't!

#1 Appearance - Besides not having a ring on your finger, does the way you dress say "what the hell, nobody's going to look at or talk to me anyway"! So, why bother 1) putting on make-up 2) combing my hair 3) ironing my clothes 4) wearing clean clothes (it happens).

If you are single and "looking", every moment that you are in public is an opportunity. You must always look and act the part. It's been said a trillion times and it's still true, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression". Are you really putting your best foot, legs, arms and all those other body parts, forward? All the time? Think about it, when you look good doesn't it make you feel good too? That comes across when people meet you.

#2 Eating Habits - If you are what you eat, there's a lot of Hungry Man, Doritos, Coke a cola looking folks out there questioning why they can't find somebody to love. As with your appearance, what you eat, where and how you eat, says an awful lot about you. It's important to take care of the inside and outside of your body. Diet and exercise is vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and image.

#3 Stuck in the past - It's not just about how you look. How you act and what you talk about says a lot about you too. Are you a constant flashback? Do you talk about past relationships (good or bad)? One sure fire way to prevent a new fling from beginning, is to keep talking about the old ones. No one wants to hear what you bought or where you went with someone else, especially if they weren't there and it doesn't look like they're every going to go...with you. Make new memories and keep the old ones lock up in a nice safe and warm place, in your mind.

#4 Not enough "face" time - Have you ever met someone on-line and they were so charismatic, engaging, humorous and just plain fun? Then you meet them in person and it's like watching paint dry. People skills are like any other skill. You must practice to improve. It makes sense that you need to spend more time with people than your home computer to get a better flow. If you get nervous easily or feel uncomfortable, it shows. The only way to get over it and move on is to talk to as many people (in person), that you can. Say hello to a stranger, who knows they could be or introduce you to the next love of your life.

#5 Inability to compromise - The only thing worse than someone that over reacts is perhaps someone that doesn't react at all. The extreme in either direction is not good. When you've been alone for a long period of time, it's easy to forget how to work things out. You get used to the idea of doing things "your way", because you are all you've had to think about. Being able to share your space, time, love and attention requires some unselfish re-programming. If you say you want someone else in your life, you must be willing to make room in your heart and house.

If you are in doubt to whether or not you're emitting "single signs", ask a friend or a stranger. What better way to strike up a conversation with someone that you don't know. Who knows, on that road to self discovery you may just find the love you're looking for.

42 responses to "Are You Stuck on Single?"

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  1.   mrgeno says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 08

    By the way...SIGH.

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  2.   mrgeno says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 08

    I'm stuck because my great aunt put a curse on me when I was a kid--she told me to NEVER get married.

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  3.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 08

    I don't feel stuck. I agree with most of what this article has to say. I am not on all the time, but no one is perfect. I look good when I am out, but when I'm riding my bike, I naturally look like I'm riding my bike and that may not be pretty, but I'm only a shower away from it. My diet reflects my desire to be healthy more than my attempt to meet my match, but the effect is the same. I do keep my memories where they belong, neither wishing to shut the door on what I've learned or wallow in what was. And my ability to compromise has been honed to a sharp point. Finally, strangers are only friends I haven't spoken to yet. Breaking the ice is always the hardest part but once that's done, I can usually find something to talk about. I guess I'm on my way.

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  4.   snehaseeli says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 08

    I'm stuck. It the nervous thing. And the sad part about it, is that I can and do talk to perfect strangers all the time. It's the stranger I really want to get to know, that has me tongue-tied.

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  5.   TriChique says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 07

    HHmm, I will reread this one and think ... I'm stuck like chuck in the muck when it comes to being single.

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  6.   Joy says:
    Posted: 12 Sep 07

    OK so I listened to your y you are still single. I am 26 sinlge parent and still single. I am the opposite of most women. Athletic shall we say. Some women athleticlly inclined do wear make up and what not. I however do not. PLus I am a littel tom boyish. I do take care of my self clean clothes and grooming, But I think indepenedence adn everythign thing else scares the men I meet. Although I usually get the ones I am not attracted to. What is your take just curious

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  7.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    Fala are u recruiting for the Md. area again? LOL

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  8.   Fala says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 07

    Come on Coco - everyone knows those 2 are eeeeeeeeasy! LOL

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  9.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 07

    LOL @ Fala! Sorry girl, but you know its true! It must be got Mossimo and Unme23...I envy you :)

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  10.   Fala says:
    Posted: 22 Jul 07

    Legs - me? flirting????

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  11.   kenyanito says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 07

    its a good article. mmm... some of us are scared of being hurt again.

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  12.   hiimsteph says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 07

    wow, I never paid attention to signals like that. People think im always married when im not. Guess they work in some cases

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  13.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 20 Jul 07

    dont front

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  14.   Legs34 says:
    Posted: 20 Jul 07

    LOL....Fala you on here flirting again?

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  15.   Fala says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 07

    Coco!!!! Don't go giving away my secrets here where everyone can see them!!!!!

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  16.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 17 Jul 07

    C'mon Fala...tell the know you can make UNME23 happy :) Tell the man girl!

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  17.   Fala says:
    Posted: 17 Jul 07

    Unme, if I had answers to questions like that - would I be HERE every night????

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  18.   UNME23 says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 07


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  19.   Fala says:
    Posted: 14 Jul 07

    That's a good question Unme.

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  20.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 14 Jul 07

    im still tryinng to figure out if its a good thing or bad.

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  21.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 13 Jul 07

    can anybody???

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  22.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 07

    can u make me happy fala? lol

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  23. Posted: 12 Jul 07

    i just wanna be happy.

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  24.   Jabali says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 07

    I'd rather be happy, whatever it takes!

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  25.   Fala says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 07

    Would you rather be single and unhappy or part of a couple and unhappy? Just wondering.

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  26.   sweetnes20 says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 07

    i think we all are, other wise we wouldnt be on this site

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  27.   molatelo says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 07

    I like the article I've learned something from this.

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  28.   Tim says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 07

    No one has yet to tell me who the woman is that done this article. I just want to hit her up to see if she is tired of being single. LOL, but anyway get at me.

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  29. Posted: 07 Jul 07

    me too candie.

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  30.   CocoKisses says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 07

    Nothing wrong with being single. Even though I am in a relationship, I am committed to it, but still happy with my single status. Some of us know that marriage may not be right for us. Until then, I will be happy in my single skin :)

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  31.   Candie4u says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 07

    I was wondering what was going on with me...Lol. Time to make some changes.

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  32. Posted: 03 Jul 07

    i hope this article can help me.

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  33.   SWEETNES20 says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 07

    stuck, stand still, same thing.

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  34.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 07

    stuck like quick sand.

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  35.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 07

    Interesting article, thanks for posting!!

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  36. Posted: 01 Jul 07

    very true unme!!!

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  37.   Fala says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 07

    Stuck? yeah that sounds about right.

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  38.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 30 Jun 07

    stuck?? its more like a dead end.

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  39.   Kdogg1976 says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 07

    I just want to know who the woman is in the picture.

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  40.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 27 Jun 07

    Not stuck, just on hold :)

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  41.   generic says:
    Posted: 26 Jun 07

    im stuck

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  42.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 07

    Very good article.Good information also.

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