Multicultural Friends or Lovers?

Posted by Leticia, 05 Mar

The one thing that all races have in common is our need and desire to be loved. We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, good times and challenges. There is the need to be able to tell our deepest darkest secrets and not worry about a movie or song being produced about it (without our permission), the next day.

There is also a thing called desire, lust, and passion. Sometimes that line that separated friends and lovers is almost invisible. Opinions vary about if that line is crossed, whether both parties can ever go back to their respective sides. Of course, I must first tell you that this is just me Leticia talking. I've never been a doctor but I have been to one and lusted over a few. So, this is all "my opinion"...take what you want and leave the rest.

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I think, that with any relationship (romantic or platonic), there has to be mutual respect and trust. The only difference between friends and lovers is the level of intimacy. True friendship for me involves a true level of caring and concern. The desire to see someone else happy without expecting anything in return. Being able to tell and be told true feelings and emotions without holding or passing judgment. That's a friend. Now, take all this and get naked, exchange a little body fluid...and that's lovers.

As for crossing the line and coming back home again. Well, I know from experience that it is possible. Sometimes with true friendships, there is a blur in time, when you don't know if there could or should be more. Sometimes it takes crossing that line to learn that, that is not the direction that you need to be headed, that a friendship is far more valuable at that time. It's been shown that having had "multicultural" friendships lend to more open views and opinions about different races. Makes sense to me. You are more likely to be understanding and tolerate of things and people that you understand and more fearful of those that you don't.

With all this being said, how and when do you know if it's time to move from friendship to "the other side"? Well at the expense of know! Or should I say, you will both know. It's a feeling, it's a desire, it's that thing that people have been trying to explain for century's and guess what...they are still trying today.

Let me just tell you that it's okay to be wrong. Remember, that true friendships are about respect and trust. Trust your instincts and respect your friend's opinions and desires to cross the line or stay where you are.

Responses to "Multicultural Friends or Lovers?"

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  1.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 06

    great article, it shouldnt matter what race you are.

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  2.   EMBRACEME says:
    Posted: 21 Nov 06


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  3.   Carla says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 06

    True friends are based on mutual respect....

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  4.   Kandi says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 06

    Great article

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  5.   mmw10aday says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 06

    Multicultural relationships, however great they are, still have yet to realize the importance of the knowledge that can be obtained. Often people experiment with multicultural relationships and don't realize what they are in store for. The differences between cultures is greater that people know. A perfect example is the obvious, black and white. I'm a caucasian male but feel I am more black than white. Why you may ask? The answer is: black is not a skin color, its a way of life. Those people call black are actually different shades of brown. Those we call white are actually different tones of cream. There is an obvious ignorance to the racial classification. I think we need to stop saying race and start saying culture. Cultural differences can be understood if others will take the time to look, listen, and learn, then and only then will people begin to realize that although there are differences in cultures, once those differences are understood that is when we as a race, THE HUMAN RACE, can begin to walk the path of peace and good will to all men (and women).

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  6.   dafydd says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 06

    You speak the truth. If people are friends,as defined in your piece, then there is the ability to become true lovers and friends. This is what many people say they want but they blow smoke in the begining and then scratch their heads when it ends in some strange place.

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  7.   Saasy2 says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 06

    I am very pleased with this site. I have always enjoyed dating various races. I am hoping to meet the last date here.

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  8.   markduff says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 06

    I'm very glad to be in this site because every thing I need is here but I'm still waiting for my right one. She's gonna be my inspiration. william

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  9.   mulira says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 06

    I am so happy to use this site to express my love and passion to one lady I have dreamed to stay with.

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  10.   Ola says:
    Posted: 22 Mar 06

    It's very nice to have this kind of site where people of different races come around to chat and express their fillings. LOVE is not limited to any race but a standard for all

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  11.   PoshBird says:
    Posted: 21 Mar 06

    Loving the article! True friends are those that respect your choices and decisions (regardless of race) and will always love you just the same... x

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  12.   Chamika says:
    Posted: 21 Mar 06

    I like the expression in the whole Article. Thanks for the encouragement! I am still hoping to find True Love, I have met a few short-sighted judgments and opinions and this is a stumbling block when we focus on stereotypes. Lets look inside, and find Real Love.

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  13.   rudolphe says:
    Posted: 20 Mar 06

    I have been waiting on my other half all of my adult life. Along the way I have had my share of stumbling blocks. I have so much love to give the right woman.Where is she? I have great friends, that are taken or better still, we dare not taint what we have through mere fulfillment of the flesh, but it is hard.

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