What's Your Sign? And The Winner Is...

Posted by Leticia, 25 Nov

Thanks to all those who participated in our "What's Your Sign?" competion! I must say that many of you were very inventive and came up with some great locations, did strange things to your pets and found some really weird places including the toilet to show us your signs! And the winnners are...

Congratulations indiankitty, you have won a Kodak 5 MP EasyShare C340 Digital Camera & Dock, we are sure you will be able to take some great photos with this. indiankitty had not only the most people in a photo, she also had a funny caption and proved to us that "we believe the children are our future".

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The winner of the Best Pet photo goes to Desiree, girl...anyone who can put a snake that big around her neck and still smile has to be a winner! Congratulations you win the Palm Z22 Handheld Organizer.

Funniest Captions gave some people some great ideas but the winners (and they were both great in their own way) are milkshaka and Naturallyliz. Milkshaka thought our site was always HOT AND READY, whilst Naturallyliz has some great advice for anyone considering their first date!

I decided that if you were stuck up a tree you may have been Lost so hazeleyes777 wins the Lost Board game whilst sweetann71 wins a World Series Texas Hold'Em game...no pun intended on the Hold 'Em :)

Congrats to all the winners of this competition and stay tuned for our next competition and here's a hint, go see your Mom and ask her for any old baby photos of yourself!

And here is the full winners list:

1st Overall

Nickname Prize

indiankitty Kodak 5 MP EasyShare C340 Digital Camera & Dock

Best Pet

Desiree Palm Z22 Handheld Organizer

Funniest Caption

milkshaka SanDisk Sansa 1 GB MP3 Player

Naturallyliz $50 worth of Wal-Mart Music Downloads Card

Weirdest most interesting location

hazeleyes777 Lost Board Game

sweetann71 Excalibur World Series of Poker 6-Player Texas Hold 'Em Game

Merit Award Prizes go to







Responses to "What's Your Sign? And The Winner Is..."

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  1.   maishagal says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 07

    This does provide a great diversion to the usual venue. Thanks!

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  2.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 10 Jan 07

    Please bring this back in some form,it was fun!!

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  3.   Jabali says:
    Posted: 30 Dec 06

    Congrats to all of you!

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  4.   turbogirl says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 06

    Yeah me too Anntonio, will be good to participate.

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  5.   aantonio says:
    Posted: 23 Dec 06

    When is the next contest, will look forward to participate again :)

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  6.   Fala says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 06

    Yeah Rory, just look at Desi and that snake - they could be twins. LOL

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  7.   auroraxxx says:
    Posted: 18 Dec 06

    i like the pets most of all...so cute....is it true that pets look like their owners ???????

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  8.   turbogirl says:
    Posted: 16 Dec 06

    I hope to participate in the next one myself.... hope i'll still be here, but that's only if my right doesn't sweep me far far away to fairyland where dreamz come true b4 then....lol

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  9.   charlee1 says:
    Posted: 16 Dec 06

    well done all of you! i'm digging out the baby pics as we speak!

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  10.   DaTruth17 says:
    Posted: 08 Dec 06

    Where was I when this contest was going on? Oh Well, congrats to all the winners.

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  11.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 08 Dec 06

    I wonder who won what? Thanks to all that voted for my 2 long haired Chihuahuas!

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  12.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 06

    A big congrats to all the winners!

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  13. Posted: 06 Dec 06

    Please bring this back it was fun! Congrats to all teh winners!

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  14.   Fala says:
    Posted: 04 Dec 06

    Why don't you list the winners names next to their winning signs so we know which pictures won?

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  15.   aantonio says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 06

    Congrats to all thw winners. Well i tried to be a little creative in my photo. However, it was enjoyable and nice to see so many people participating. Again congrats to all the winners

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  16.   Coco says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 06

    Congrats! You must have a lot of heart to be wearing a snake that big!

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  17.   marquez097 says:
    Posted: 01 Dec 06

    show offs :P just kidding. its obvious some of you guys put real thought in what you did. congrats to everyone that participated.

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  18.   romeoluvs says:
    Posted: 01 Dec 06

    I missed this one, hopefully wont miss the next.

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  19.   Eldon says:
    Posted: 29 Nov 06

    Just want to say you did one good job with showing off. Congratulation you winners.

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  20.   Majesticone says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 06


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  21.   Fala says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 06

    Desi, my dog does not look like a rat. Maybe you need glasses. Oh, and that thing around your neck, looks like a stuffed sock - I can't believe AR fell for that one! LOL

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  22.   thedude says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 06

    Great photo Des!

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  23.   mikshaka says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 06

    OOOO I am so so crunk! Thanks. Working on my pics now for the next contest.

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  24.   desiree says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 06

    i admit i was a bit impatient because i wanted to see who got what for the contest, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. congrats to everyone in the contest with me. i voted for fala's dog for best pet. even though i make fun and call him a rat lol thank you, and much love to everyone.

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  25.   sweetest1 says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 06

    Congratulations everyone!! Great job!

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  26.   Fala says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 06

    Congratulations to everyone who participated. The entries were all very creative and the contest was a lot of fun. See you all at the next competition!

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  27.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 06

    Congratulations to all.You are all winners. Ready for the next contest.

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