The Loving Story film set to air this Valentine's on HBO

Posted by James, 05 Jan

The Loving Story documentaryIt may have been a long time coming but its finally here… The documentary film about the infamous interracial couple (Richard and Mildred Loving), "The Loving Story", is set to hit the airwaves on HBO this Valentine’s Day.

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With a blend of raw archival footage and exclusive interviews with the couple’s family members and Lawyers, the film will relay the story of the Loving couple in a bid to reconstruct the civil rights battle that was, in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the 1960s and the landmark Loving vs. Virginia case that overthrew the U.S. ban on interracial marriage in 1967.

As the story goes, the film looks at the life and conditions that revolved around these childhood sweethearts who fell in love and dared to get hitched on June 12, 1958 in D.C. When they got to their home state in Virginia, it was rather unfortunate that such a couple with such a lovely name (Loving) had to endure arrest and a one year jail term because during that time, they were in violation of Virginia’s ban on interracial marriage. Luckily, their case made it to the US Supreme court and it’s thanks to the couple's fight against the miscegenation laws and the ruling passed in 1967 that today, its legal for interracial couples to get married in the US; you and I can freely date and marry whoever we want.

To all interracial couples: This Valentine’s day, you truly have something to celebrate… Make a point of watching this documentary and let's hail this couple that made it all possible!

14 responses to "The Loving Story film set to air this Valentine's on HBO"

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  1.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 12

    I enjoyed the Loving story very much and felt that the love they had was very pure. I loved the way her husband expected everyone to treat his wife the same even though they did not. He loved her to death and she loved him too. They were willing to go through so much and stood by each other all the way. He provided for her and she took care of the children and the home. They didn't take each other for granted. It was a beautiful story. I also appreciate how the family supported their decision even though they knew people were going to treat them. I think that the children they kept having showed even that much more determination. He was so proud of his children he had with his wife. That was truely a beautiful and true story.

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  2.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 12

    @Honssolo I do not agree that polygomy should be allowed. It is a practice that is degrading to women. Even women in the bible suffered from feelings of rejection when they felt their husbands attention was diluted. A woman should be adored by her husband and likewise so should the husband be adored by his faithful wife. There is something to be said for faithfulness across the board.

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  3.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 12

    @Hanatokoi I think the issues in the loving story are different than the issues involved in gay marriage. The IR issues involve between a man and a woman merely suggest that white is greater than black or other races of people. The loving story is express in that it proves the cultural wall was built only by man. With same sex marriage race is not the issue but the concern for children who may be involved. There are people who simplhy don't believe in it and will not support it for spiritual reasons. Spiritual convictions are more difficult to change than pure racism. I think using cases like the Loving story to justify same sex marriage is poorly matched. They have nothing to do with each other. Same sex couples continue to be together but they insist on trying to force everyone to accept those unions when it is clear that there will always be personal convictions that will not allow people to accept that these relationships are healthy. How others feel has never stopped people from practicing same sex relationships as they have always existed since J. Hoover and before. I don't think it is right to mistreat anyone but I personally do not condone same sex marriage because it is sanctified by a God who has always hated it. He doesn't hate the people but he is not supportive of the lifestyle. Marriage itself is for a man and a woman who plan to have children together to give the child the fathers name and the nurture of the mother.

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  4.   Tammie says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 12

    Hanatokoi, same sex marriage is ungodly, regardless of how you or anyone else feels about it.

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  5.   jazzinwine says:
    Posted: 19 Jan 12

    I loved the movie with Lela Richon and Timothy Hutton!! I am so looking forward to the documentary. I would LOVE to find the movie on DVD and hopefully HBO will run it often.

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  6.   Hanatokoi says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 12

    "in the US; you and I can freely date and marry whoever we want." Um... gay people? They still can't marry in most states. But wait, their love doesn't count, or is inappropriate, or is "ungodly," and whatever excuses are out there. Two people genuinely in love are denied the right to marry in this country, because the theocrats don't approve, just like they didn't and some still don't approve of IR dating.

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    • hala4 says:
      Posted: 18 Jan 12

      Thank you Hanatokoi for stating the obvious..... there is still not equality in marriage and relationships in this country.....not until gay couples can marry as well. Gay rights is a civil rights issue, the same thing that the Lovings were fighting not all that long ago.

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      • Honssolo says:
        Posted: 19 Jan 12

        And Polygamist too. Love should not be restricted to just a popularity contest of the majority. Love has no bounds!

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    • chococandi says:
      Posted: 29 Jan 12

      Your correct, it is ungodly!

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  7.   laromana says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 12

    I think it's great that the Loving story documentary has finally been made. It's about time that all Americans learned that it was a Black Women/White man interracial couple that made it possible for ALL other races of interracial couples to be legally married. Also, since BW/WM IRR'S seem to be the MOST stigmatized IRR couple in America, I hope that the Loving story will help destigmatize this type of IRR and end the BRAINWASHING of American men when it comes to dating/marrying BW.

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    • sunflower211 says:
      Posted: 09 Jan 12

      Watched the movie years ago that was based on them..with Timothy Hutton and Lela Rechon. It was good..a must-see.

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      • Julep says:
        Posted: 09 Jan 12

        I saw that too..was very touching

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      • Posted: 15 Jan 12

        I remember this movie and it was amazing. Thank goodness times have changed where its becoming acceptable in most places to date and marry outside of your race.

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