Featured Member: Thunder

Posted by Leticia, 01 Aug

This month we introduce you to Thunder.

Connections: Where are you from? Thunder: Indianapolis, Indiana

Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

Connections: How did you find our site? Thunder: Search engine. I looked up the word "interracial"

Connections: Tell us about yourself and your interests. Thunder: My interests are photography, gardening, sports, listening to music of most kinds, zoos, museums, going to parks, beaches, movies and relaxing at home

Connections: What are you hoping to find on our site? Thunder: Someone for me to love, that I can give my all for; a beautiful African-American woman that I can hold and put my arms around and tell them how wonderful & beautiful they are!! And may be pamper and spoil them if I can!!!

Connections: What advice would you give anyone who was thinking of joining our site? Thunder: Be sure it is right for you. Be sure that is what you want to do.

Connections: If you had to give yourself a motto in life, what would it be? Thunder: Be giving, be forgiving, be there for someone when you say you will, don't say you'll be there and then make excuses why you cant. Mean what you say!!!!

Also, life is hard, people are harder, but make the most that you can and learn to be humble; know that you're not above everyone else!!!!!

Responses to "Featured Member: Thunder"

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  1.   Fala says:
    Posted: 04 Mar 07

    Hey Thunder best wishes and good luck in your search!

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  2.   texasbest says:
    Posted: 20 Jan 07

    What a sweet guy

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  3.   shyandsweet says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 07

    wishing you the best of luck.

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  4.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 20 Nov 06

    Best of luck in you search for that special person.

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  5.   Fala says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 06

    It's good to know what you want. Good luck in your search.

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  6.   browneye68 says:
    Posted: 17 Oct 06

    great motto wish more ppl had the same motto and wont have to many excuses..... wish you all the best

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  7.   Ann says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 06

    I'll definitely view his profile.

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  8.   aantonio says:
    Posted: 03 Oct 06

    That is very true, be there for someone n not make excuses. good luck on your search

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  9.   Natural72 says:
    Posted: 26 Sep 06

    Thunder truly words to live by my friend. I truly wish you the best in your searches.

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  10.   Candyshop69 says:
    Posted: 30 May 06

    Thunder sure knows what he wants. Its great to have articles like this to help encourage some of us that's not quite sure, as a result of past ruinous relationship. Thanks again.

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