Featured Member: kdogg1976

Posted by Leticia, 15 Apr

Jackie from Customer Service interviews our Featured Member kdogg1976. Kdogg1976 is looking for an adventureous, faithful, and easy on the eyes woman with a good education that goes beyond street smarts. Learn more about kdogg1976 as Jackie interviews him for you.

Hi this is Jackie from Customer Support and I've got our featured member of the month Tim on the line. Tim is known on our site as kdogg1976.

Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

Hi Tim, how are you?

Doing fine today, how are you?

I'm really well, now you've been on our site for a little while. Tell us some of the things that you look for in a female.

Adventurous, first. Have to be faithful, second and easy on the eyes would be third and also something that attracts me to a woman is education. Education plays an important role because conversation wise it seems like, I've been in the streets, I know about the streets and it's about education to a point then most of the time you're street smarts and I am looking for someone beyond the street smarts.

So a nice mixture between street smarts and book smarts?


And what sort of things do you bring to any relationship you have with this wonderful, adventurous and easy on the eyes woman?

I bring the adventurous side of everything, I just to be adventurous, I hold nothing back, I am very faithful and I just all around love to have fun.

I've been interracial dating my first date so I have been in it for a long time and that's the biggest thing, I am not looking for anybody looking to try it for the first to see what it's all about. I know what it's all about and I am looking for someone who has been there already and not just wondering. Coming here, I just feel like, it's a whole lot easier to find somebody who is happy to have an interracial relationship.

And basically it's one hurdle you don't have to get over isn't it?

Right, it's the best site I have found for interracial dating.

What's your method for meeting people on our site?

My method is the chat room basically. I really want to be able to see the person and talk in to them in the chat room and go from there basically.

I know that there are moments the chat room is quite busy and there are a lot of people in there. What do you recommend to those who can't type too fast and really want to get in contact with someone.

Oh Boy just try to keep up is all I can say. Practice, Practice Practice.

So you just learn to become a faster typer just by trying to keep up?

Right, you find the conversation of the person you are interested in and you try just to start filling in the missing pieces.

So just block out everything else and concentrate on that one person?


What else would you like to tell our lovely ladies out there?

Just be truthful, be truthful about your profile and please fill out your profile. I took my time to fill it out completely and I mean if you are gonna flirt with me or email me, please fill yours out.

Add what about a photo? Is that important to you as well?

That's a 50-50 also, I believe that you don't always have to have a photo, some people choose not to do it but to get to know you by your intellect instead of your picture.

Your screen name is kdogg1976 and you can send him a message and say Hi and I can assure all the ladies, that Tim is a lovely man and he doesn't bite. So if you are interested in contacting Tim you know how to do it. Thank you so much Tim for being our featured member of the month.

Thank you

Responses to "Featured Member: kdogg1976"

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  1.   PattyCake48 says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 07

    Hi Tim, I appreciate your comment about the photo. Not all photos are truthful. You sound like a very nice and I hope you fine that special one.

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  2.   natacha says:
    Posted: 19 May 07

    ya he sound like a nice guy , we are meeting in person june2 can't wait

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  3.   texasbest says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 06

    What a great guy.

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  4.   yoby says:
    Posted: 16 Dec 06

    this is again a proof that men can be nice!

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  5.   Fala says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 06

    Kdogg, where you been? I haven't seen you in chat or on yahoo. You hiding from us? Stop by some time and say hello.

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  6.   EMBRACEME says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 06


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  7.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 21 Oct 06

    Wish you the best in all that you do in life. Hope that you find the love of your life.

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  8.   Natural72 says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 06

    Congrats Tim! We've talked on the phone several times as friends and chat buddies. I certainly wish him the best.

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  9.   Sweetheart says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 06

    He seems like a wonderful guy, to bad I havent found one like him.

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  10.   charlee1 says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 06

    i've never spoken to tim but he seems like a genuinely nice guy!

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  11.   xina03 says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 06

    I think everything he said is true about where to meet people...

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  12.   Fala says:
    Posted: 14 Sep 06

    I know kdogg. He's a nice guy. My dog likes him too.

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  13.   maria says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 06

    I think that for him to look for Jojo after katrina was the sweetest think anyone could do for a friend.

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  14.   embraceme says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 06

    Some woman is going to be very lucky to get you.. Dont stop being a true gentleman..

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  15.   Eve says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 06

    Hi Tim,would like to chat with you if you are interested too.

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