For The Love or Money?
Hey, this is your girl Leticia fresh off a nice little vacation filled with things that I don't usually allow myself to...enjoy is not quite the word. Witness is probable a better choice. I took a few days to do absolutely nothing that required clothes, shoes or thought...
I highly recommend this every 6-months or so. It's what I refer to this as my "mental cleansing". This being the case, why oh why would I follow up a cleansing with putting some trash into my head by watching television you might ask? The answer is simple...I don't know, not a clue, see that would have required thought and as I've already stated I was not utilizing that brain function.
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So, while in possession of the remote, I now understand why men love to hold on to that thing. What a sense of power, a slight motion of a finger you can be visually stimulated and teleported into worlds unknown in an instant. Much like the world where beautiful women get all dressed up to attend a party with at least 20-30 other beautiful women. At this party there happens to be 1-3 millionaires that have paid money to a "match maker" so that he can look you over and choose which one he wants to "date".
No, money doesn't buy you happiness, but it sure does help you weed through the chicks that are fat, ugly and maybe even like you for your personality and not the fact that you have over a million bucks in the bank.
Call me a crazy hopeless romantic (who happens to NOT be a millionaire), but are we that incredibly lazy that we have to have someone hand pick a few females and put them in a room so that all we have to do is walk around, point and grunt... "Me like that one". I get how this could be a huge turn on for the millionaire man who gets his...ego stroked by being 1 of 3 that gets all this attention, is billed as "big money bucks" and has the power to change a woman's life by selecting her. If it doesn't work out, NEXT! But, what's in it for the woman...long term? Sure, if you are the "chosen" one, you get to have some really nice expensive dates. Maybe fly in a helicopter, eat on the roof of a big building, dream of how you will get to decorate the penthouse suite if he pops the question.
I guess the ladies that frequent these parties and belong to this escort... I mean "match making" service didn't hear about the latest survey done by the Pew Social & Demographic Trends Project. It said that in its latest poll "having enough free time is more important to most Americans than being rich".
Of course it came as no surprise to me to learn that the poll revealed that the people that said being wealthy was the most important were the ones that had the least amount of money. This included minorities, first generation Americans and those with the least amount of formal education.
This brings me to my question for you... would you participate in a show or a real life event where you could meet someone based on their income? Would you want a chance with a millionaire, just because they are a millionaire? If you were the millionaire would you pay to have someone "narrow" the field for you?
This is Leticia, note to self, next mental cleansing... rent some old movies.
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16 responses to "For The Love or Money?"
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Barbiedoll7 says:Posted: 04 Sep 08
I find reality shows in general boring; why people watch them is beyond me. The amount of money a person has should not be considered high in importance in looking for a mate; that is if you want it to last. However, our society doesn't seem to know or care much about what constitutes a good relationship anymore....
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LoveMyJeans says:Posted: 10 Aug 08
I saw the commercials for the show in question, and immediately knew it was not for me. Though I see nothing wrong with wanting the person you love to have money (it is a needed thing today to live) basing an entire relationship on money, is shaky. These guys have to know going in, that if times get hard and he loses everything, she is gone. And the women must know that if she suddenly (or slowly) becomes what he doesnt want or need anymore, there is someone younger pretter or something-er, ready to take her place. I couldn't live like that. I'm like the others....I want the whole package, starting with being head over heels in love forever. If we are rich, that just sweetens the pot even more.
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dada says:Posted: 14 Jul 08
Well recently i received correspondence from a lady who specifically asked to be sure to have a PHAT wallet. So this articles certinly raises valid quetions for me.Do i want to date a gold digger or do i want to hit it and move on? .......hmmmm will get back to you on that one
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Morningflower says:Posted: 14 Jul 08
I found the show to be immensely entertaining! It's a "train wreck" but entertaining none the less :) - I think we all agree that finacial security is a wonderful thing to have but I would personally never go after a man simply because the only thing he has to offer is money. I don't know.. I am a hopeless romantic..I want it all.. the madness that is love :) - The millions would be an added bonus for us as a couple.
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laughsailor says:Posted: 06 Jul 08
No way! From personal experience, money does not buy happiness... I'm not talking about prostitution, either!
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cocobaker says:Posted: 06 Jul 08
I tried to watch the first season of the unwritten title of the show we're talking about, and I couldn't finish. I've had an opportunity to go on a date with a man who could be considered a very well off man. It was a blind date, I knew nothing about his employment or income until we met. I went out with him and was extremely uncomfortable. Not because of his income, but because he insisted on throwing money around, tipping the maitre'd and hostesses of the restaurants we went to in order to get a good table or better service. He bragged about his career, his apartment location, his boat, and finally his marriages. If he had just relaxed, not lied about his looks or height and stopped trying to impress me, I might have gone out with him again, because he could've been a really cool guy. I's rather have someone who is comfortable with himself, happy with who he is, and doesn't have to toss cash around or remind anyone else how wonderful he is because of the cash.
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Velvet63 says:Posted: 04 Jul 08
I would love the opportunity to date a millionaire! If we would take a monent and be "real" we all try to find people who compliment us. Having the money is an added bonus.
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GBW says:Posted: 01 Jul 08
I certainly have no problem with rich men. I do have a problem with rich men who would attend such a party, those who apparently lack the social skills or the desire to meet a woman who likes them for more than their stock portfolio. I watched the first episode of said show. It was indeed entertaining. I just wouldn't want to be on it.
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colettea56 says:Posted: 26 Jun 08
HELL YEAH I would marry for the $$$$! We just about do that anyway when he gets not only us but a mortgage, car payments, kids braces, etc THINK ABOUT IT!!!
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Prince56 says:Posted: 26 Jun 08
This was very interesting to red but to the message behind the message.I think i wiil do it was at same position. Leticia i would like to meet you and shake your hand very well. posted by Cheikh
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EMBRACEME says:Posted: 24 Jun 08
This was very interesting to read.. I must admit that I did have thoughts of what I would do if I was a Millionaire and it had nothing to do with a man lol.. Now as far as gold diggers come on.. If you are not well established to know what a gold digger looks like, sounds like, then please do take a course in .. www.golddigger .com cause i dont see why people use money as a means to relationship. Money has nothing to do with the heart .. when people put a price tag on love then america has a problem.
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2bfabu says:Posted: 21 Jun 08
I find this article to be a tad self-righteous! No offense, Leticia, but what world do you live in? I watched the entire past season of the show of which you speak, and see nothing wrong with it! As a matter of fact, I found it very entertaining and learned a great deal about relationships and knowing yourself well enough to understand the "type" of mate you would like to meet -- whether you are a millionaire or the woman seeking to date one. It's no different than one who prefers to date interracially and becomes a member of a website that caters to that preference. Think about it...the matchmaker simply puts like-minded people in a place to meet like-minded people. Isn't that the premise on which this particular website is based? Also, for the record, I am a well-educated female that ONLY dates professional men ---- who can usually afford to date me. It may sound crass, but I look at it as just knowing myself and my limitations. We must be able to match wits, as well as, be able to indulge in the "extras" that come along with having the means to do so! Ciao!
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 19 Jun 08
Well, if my name was Tron, the new richest man in the world, I might consider such a service. I'm riiiich!!
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Naturalgal says:Posted: 19 Jun 08
If I were a millionaire I'd pay someone to gather up a "man harem" for me...I'm rich, why do I have to settle for just one? LOL!!
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 17 Jun 08
To be a golddigger or to meet one? No thanks!!
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I don't like reality shows. There would have to be a love connection first, because if I don't have that then no amount of money is going to make me stay with him! For me money is further down the list.... Granted money is a resource used to buy the necessary things in life. So frankly money does have value. I think a lot of people would agree that...If you don't have any it doesn't say much about you. However, when a man asks a woman to marry him then he should at least be able to support ( and he doesn't need to be RICH ) both of them comfortably. Finally....... As the saying goes "Romance without Financial is a Nuisance."