What are "they" saying now...?

Posted by Leticia, 04 Mar

You know, there have been several books, movies, art and songs that have focused on romantic "multicultural" relationships. But not a lot discussed on pure unadulterated "multicultural" friendships.

If we take a good long look at the little research that has been done on the topic, we'll find that in comparison to same-race friendships...don't tell anybody...but, there's not much difference. Other than the obvious, these friendships lead to more positive racial attitudes. Society would have us believe that multicultural relationships are filled with problems and are dysfunctional. Of course, just like with multicultural friendships...not much research to back up these findings. There was one done back in 2002 by Gaines & Leaver and the results indicated that these multicultural "romantic" relationships are actually gratifying, rewarding, dare I say...nice, despite what "they" were saying.

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You know the infamous "them". That group of people with opinions but no faces. If we continue to let "them" speak for us...we'd still have only two flavors of ice cream, two types of music and everything would forever be us and them. There is little discussed about preference.

People seem to accept more willingly the "right to choose" within same race relationships. You may hear family and friends tease, "Yeah, he's got a thing for blondes" or "he can't seem to stay away from those big girls". But, when it comes to crossing that color line, it becomes more about "them" and not about you. If you decide that you prefer to date only one "type" of person; that is your right to do so. It's also the right of everyone else. So, don't get hurt, offended or upset when someone tells you "no, you're not my type"...it's really not about you. We have to be open to this idea even when it doesn't benefit us. As far as the "them" out there...

The good news is that in the little research conducted, it appears that multicultural relationships that lead to marriage produce couples that are committed and work together toward a solid and mutual goal...what does that sound like? A relationship!! Huh, with a cute little "multicultural" label slapped on it by them, of course.

Responses to "What are "they" saying now...?"

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  1.   Dexter says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 07

    Being a black male who lost his virginity to a white girl at a high school party, and ever since then, having dated woman of black, white and Asian race, I find that race does not determine the quality of a good woman.

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  2.   EMBRACEME says:
    Posted: 24 Nov 06


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  3.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 06

    Multi-cultural relationships are a beautiful thing. Lets all break down the supposed barriers.

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  4.   Fala says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 06

    Racial Inter-marriage and procreation is probably the easiest way to eliminate racism. If everybody's a mix of everyone else who can you hate? You can't hate your own kind.

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  5.   Carla says:
    Posted: 16 Oct 06

    God made us all different if different ways but each unique and special..no matter what the color....just my 2 cents

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  6.   Kitson says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 06

    I am a black woman from the UK and when I move to the States I would love to date a Latino or Hispanic or White Californian fella. They are cute.

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  7.   Glo4pride says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 06

    What I see nowadays is that multicutural relationships are dominating the world and it seems multicutural partners tends to live together longer than other races . When a white man dates a black woman or the other way round, they want to know more about each other's culture and the deeper they go into it the more committed they become and with that they find themselves more interesting than their normal race.

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  8.   Karen says:
    Posted: 29 Mar 06

    I see nothing "wrong" with multicultural relationships. I have always been attracted to Latino/Hispanic men; but up until a few years ago, I never acted upon those attractions because my friends did not approve. I finally decided that my happiness is what really matters. I think Latino men are beautiful, sexy, passionate human beings. To not get to know them simply because of their ethnicity is wrong. I hope to one day share my life with a beautiful, passionate Latino man.

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  9.   antoinette says:
    Posted: 22 Mar 06

    I feel personally committed to helping other black women open their beautiful eyes to the possibility/fact that 'others' are very/sincerely interested in them and their beauty. This site stands out online in that I have never come across so many black females happily pursued/attached to ones 'outside' their race.We've long been made to believe by self-haters that our beauty has few lovers. Thanks to this site, it's confirming that true and fulfilling relationships are available for us. Thanx for a wonderful site.

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  10.   PoshBird says:
    Posted: 21 Mar 06

    I think that multicultural relationships are a beautiful thing!It's hard to explain to people sometimes...but ever since I was a very young girl I have always been attracted to black men and as I have got older my feelings and passions are still the same! What makes me happy is I know that there are black men out there who understand what I'm saying. I just hope one day I find one of them who I can share my life with... x

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