Speed Dating Goes Green?

Posted by Leticia, 15 Sep

There's nothing like an old thing with a new twist. Recently in California the very first proclaimed "green speed dating" event took place. So, in addition to dating 10-20 different people in one night and not have to buy one single drink. You also get to fill up your three minutes with stories about how "green" you are. Is niche dating the way of the future? Personally, I'd like to host an "interracial-green-pet-loving-tall guys who love short women with big butts" speed dating event...any takers?

For those that want to hug more than a tree...the birth of yet another way to date is born. Actually, it's a twist on an old way. Speed Dating. In case you're not familiar, the event calls for between 15-25 singles, chairs, an organizer, 3-minute timer and a horn. The daters are given three minutes to amaze, wow and grab the attention of the would be suitor, enough to be asked for more face time. Usually, you don't find out if someone is interested in you too, until a day or so AFTER the event when you receive a email from the organizer saying something like "hey, so-n-so, likes you too, here's their email address...good luck".

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Well, the twist was made earlier this year when Eco-friendly daters across the Los Angeles area gathered for what they called the first "green" speed-dating event. All money raised went to something that helps the environment. What a great idea. I'm all for anything that will bring like-minded people together for a common good. Who knows maybe they'll bring back the bicycle made for two.

This got me to thinking about how we date now. It's pretty obvious that with on-line dating, the first thing that we go for is the photo and how or if someone is attractive to us. Then we get to their profile and perhaps there's enough general info in there to spark our interest enough to send a flirt or an email. The whole idea of niche dating is how this whole site came to be. Creating a platform where people who want to date others of different races with the same desire to date them.

So, how cool would it be to attend a speed dating or any kind of dating event where there are other singles that were interested in finding a mate of a different race. I'm sure that they exist, you just have to look really hard for them. If they don't exist in your area, why don't you organize one? Any money raised can go to a charity of your choice, your pocket or to help you go out of the many dates from the people that you connect with that night. You can offer prizes like: a membership to our site, a movie basket filled with the best interracial couple movies.

If you're not the "organizing" type, make sure that you attend the event when you hear about it coming to your area and be sure to bring along a few friends that are also open to interracial dating. Speaking of which, when was the last time you told a friend about your favorite website? Remember, the key to success with any dating site, is it's members. The more people we have the more choices you have. You don't know everyone that your friends know, and you'll never know if that someone you've always been looking for is right around the corner or on the other side of the globe...waiting to find you too.

So, here's your assignment, tell at least three friends that you haven't told before. Look for people on the site in your area and break the ice by emailing them and asking if they would be interested in meeting up in a chat room with a group of other people in the area. Pick a night, pick a time and see what happens. The goal is to one day move off-line and everyone bring a friend to a mutual local location where you can really get to know each other and possible make that connection of a life time. Think about it and be willing to make the move that can make the difference in finding what you're looking for...or at least allowing it to find you.

23 responses to "Speed Dating Goes Green?"

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  1.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 30 Jun 09

    You know, I've given this some further thought and it really makes some good sense. Getting a group of singles together in a chat room and then moving it to a real location the next week to see if any virtual magic could transfer to the real world would be fun if nothing else.

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  2.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 25 Jun 09

    Speed dating always sounded a little crazy to me. "What's the rush?", I always thought. I guess though the truth is that you know if you are attracted to someone almost immediately in a lot of cases. And if the room was filled with like-minded individuals on one level or another their would be an increased likelihood that the person to whom I am attracted would have more in common with me to sustain a relationship beyond the heat of the moment.

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  3.   Delphine00 says:
    Posted: 31 May 09

    I've heard of speed dating before and was totally amazed to discover that most participants enjoyed the experience. Many of the reports I read from past events by participants indicated that there was no love connection. Nevertheless, each seemed to have a great time and enjoyed the events. It seems like it's definitely worth a try.

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  4.   Nano56 says:
    Posted: 18 Mar 09

    Love the idea! A "interracial-green-pet-loving-tall guys who love short women with big butts" speed dating event.. is the perfect event for Indy during Earth Week. I will be hosting this project. We African Americans 8 out of 10 in the midwest have long listened to our elders who in the 40s, 50s, and 60s preached "WASTE NOT WANT NO". I for one have never wanted. Count us in as greenies!! Love/Peace Kind Regards, Nano

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  5.   chrs says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    Hey where can I sign up?

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  6.   Meluran says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 09

    This site is so welkown in the world. If they could organise sometimes trips in some countries , that will help those who have friends overseas to get in contact without spending lot of money to travel or even with some travel tour agent in some countries. Single Ladies and single men would get opportunity to meet people in those countries and many wont be afraid to date overseas. I'm in Abidjan Ivory Coast West Africa and my place is really beautiful !

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  7.   Draco1955 says:
    Posted: 08 Jan 09

    Wish we had speed dating in Nebraska...

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  8.   honeybee324 says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 08

    @f3ralanarchy: the green movement is alive in the black community. Google Sustainable South Bronx, Green Jobs For All, Majora Carter, Damali Ayo,African American Environmentalists Association, and Solar Richmond, just to name a few. @peacelover: As a tall woman, I prefer dating men taller than me mostly because I feel it creates a "balance" with my independent, aggressive nature. There are women who do not have a preference for height. Keep looking!

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  9.   Peacelover says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 08

    Why not Tall women who like short men? So many seem to be CLOSE-minded. They claim to be 'open-minded' by dating another race but no,most tall women won't even give a short guy a chance.I tire of reading of women who are 5'3" looking for guys over 5'10.

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  10. Posted: 24 Nov 08

    What I like most about your article is the suggestion that we can take ownership of a project and make it happen. You mentioned organizing a possible interracial speed dating event. It's funny. I and I'm sure many others think of the other person being the one to plan such activities. Well...hey...it's a matter of seeing what needs to be done, taking it in hand and doing it. Thanks for the idea!

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  11.   Tonytboz says:
    Posted: 06 Nov 08

    I understand "Going Green" it been around for awhile just a different term "Recycling" Why not tall women with butts, either way I love them :-)

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  12.   kenyanito says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 08

    i think for the first time i need enlightening on this subject

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  13.   magic72 says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 08

    "interracial-green-pet-loving-tall guys who love short women with big butts" speed dating event.. I would attend this event." Count me in!

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  14.   flamz4000 says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 08

    I like ur heading... I wish i would meet one with a tan, hahaha. how short is the short woman ur refering to? Like 2 inches taller than a midgit? 5'4 to 5'9? I'm 6'4 and I fear women tall as I'am. Maybe 1 day i will overcome that..

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  15.   Prettipet says:
    Posted: 20 Oct 08

    Ha F/ing ha, I think you are funny and mean well...I would recommend being a bit less sophmoric and more serious about lol, the problems we all face and not being so blunt because people sometimes miss the compassion and frustration behind your very direct approach to humor....just kind of take it easy earth to ya'all slow down...smaller simpler doses....so we can all catch up...smiles, H

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  16. Posted: 17 Oct 08

    this is a cool article thinking outside the box.

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  17.   IcyChill says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 08

    "interracial-green-pet-loving-tall guys who love short women with big butts" speed dating event Sounds good to me...

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  18.   loretta says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 08

    I am looking forward in looking for a a green party in bluesprings mo

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  19. Posted: 07 Oct 08

    ummmmm valerie zoe. unless you actually checked i am black. second i am also into the eco-green movement. what you are conveying is information that is in the mindset of a very VERY small percentage of black people in america. what you also have to remember is like minded people flock together. if you belong to a black conservationist group then of course ALL THE BLACK FOLKS YOU TALK TO WITHIN THAT GROUP ARE GOING TO BE LIKE YOU!. want to understand why i made my comment. ask 10 people that you know who are not part of your conservation circle what is the "green" movement about in america and see out of those 10 how many even come close to talking about anything eco-friendly.

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  20.   SERENITY798 says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 08

    I love the twist.. Old meets the new.

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  21.   Valerie-Zoe says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 08

    to F3ralanarchy, you apparently don't know what you're talking about nor have an understanding of black people in America. I am a black woman, who remembers as a child my parents (as I was raised by both who were married) recycled newspapers and bottles in the '70s. As a young adult I separated plastics, paper, etc., using the appropriate color bag when setting it out during the '80's. I've recycled goods, clothing, planted trees and floweres, attended Earth Day events; and can say that I've always experienced other blacks doing the same things. Conservation is a mind set and genuine concern for the world we live in, for the ecosystem, for our future; and appreciation for life. Your comment conveys your self assumed superiority over blacks. Perhaps if you were not so shallow yourself, and took more time getting involved than judging, then perhaps you'd truly learn what black people value.

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  22. Posted: 22 Sep 08

    i'm curious as to how many blacks will speak on this topic. "green" is not something that is a top priority to the average black in america.

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  23.   Keisa says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 08

    "interracial-green-pet-loving-tall guys who love short women with big butts" speed dating event.. I would attend this event.

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