It's a "Race" wouldn't understand!
Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but I really do believe that there could very possible be a group of "higher ups", powerful people, "them", that are trying (and succeeding), in keeping the races divided. Who are "they" and what could they possibly have to gain in keeping "us" apart?
Just when you think we're taking one step forward in race relations, we hear about the actor/comedian Michael Richards tirade and we are sent flying backwards about five steps.
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I'm sure you've all heard the story by now. The ex-Seinfeld star was doing a comedy set in Los Angeles and he was being heckled when he went on a verbal attack of the guy by using the "N" word ...a lot. Not only that, he made some very racial comments that don't warrant repeating here.
Anyway, I'm not really sure at this point, what was worse. The offensive slurs being hurled by an actor whose claim to fame is a television sitcom that ended almost 10 years ago, or the media that gave this more press coverage than MOST Amber alerts.
Again, call me a conspiracy theorist if you want...But, I really do believe that there is a group of "powers that be", that have decided that we as a Nation, are better left divided. You know the saying..."United we stand, Divided we... blame the other side" (or something like that). If we spend all our energy and our efforts pointing fingers at all the mistakes and differences, it leaves very little time to embrace and celebrate our similarities.
Now, I'm in no way dismissing the actions of Kramer. I'll call him by his character's name, because I do believe that he slipped and fell out of consciousness and into character on that stage. He must have thought that at the end of his "N" word dialogue, the director would yell "CUT", the audience would applaud and the world would never think of him as a racist, just a great actor.
He is definitely responsible for his words and his actions, but who is responsible for taping it and playing back the audio and video over national television and all over the internet...over and over again? Big brother has the power and is not afraid to use it?! The power lies in "their" ability to guide our attention and focus on an out of work actor instead of on the industries that actually affect our education, finances, housing and overall opportunities while continuing to practice some form of racism, sexism or classism everyday.
The bottom line is that, I don't really care what words some out of work actor uses in a fit of rage and loss of intelligence. His words don't define me or anyone that I know. What I do care about is that there are some important and powerful people out there that don't see anything wrong with what he said, they may even agree with his vernacular. And, today, they will be making decisions about who gets a loan for a house, who gets admitted into a college or university and who is able to have their freedom and the ability to support their families emotionally and financially.
This is Leticia, reminding you that sometimes the "them" US!
Responses to "It's a "Race" wouldn't understand!"
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Tom says:Posted: 09 Jan 08
There is no "higher up people". Stop putting the blame on the elite. You know who is to put the blame on??? answer: Our own people... Why dont you look at us? The middle class working people. Its us who give each other the wrong looks when you see an interracial couple. ITs us who creates the barrier. Its our own friends and family that creates the racism. Stop the excuses.. it starts at HOME!
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cocoadream says:Posted: 24 Nov 07
The worst part about this whole thing with Richards was the way the racists tried to censor him for being white. Yep, that was the way I saw it. Nothing but discrimination to claim that only one group can use certain words, but no one else can. And where is the outcry for the racial slurs hurled at him? (cracker etc) Nothing much said about that, why not? Why only comment on what Richards said? But yes, the media does assist racism by running to report every time one of those like Al Sharpton starts ranting his racist spews. I wish he would just shut up and quit being such a negative influence on, not to mention representative of, black people. Not all are such over reactive drama queens that will lie their asses off for fame and fortune. The powers that be that are working to reinforce the cultural divides are the Sharptons. Trying to say that a gang of thugs with prior criminal convictions for assault should be let off the hook for an attempted murder (if it hadn't been interupted who knows how far those punks in Jena would have gone) just because they are black is about as stupid as it gets. Why try to make it look like black people have no conscience, respect for others, or the laws. Why try to make it look like we condon the acts of these thugs? SHUT SHARPTON UP ALREADY!!!!!!!! AN EMBARRASSMENT TO US ALL.
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JordanMardan says:Posted: 22 Oct 07
"But, I really do believe that there is a group of "powers that be", that have decided that we as a Nation, are better left divided." JL: Of course there are such people. they benefit by keeping us fighting one another. But here's the kicker: Why does the white middle class believe they have a lot in common with wealthy whites?" They have nothing in common with people who could afford to take a cruise around the world for 6 months or more with a 30-person crew. Thus, members of the white middle class have more in common with "illegal" immigrants than they do with the duPonts, Astors, Vanderbilts, Fords, etc.
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Purdey says:Posted: 12 Aug 07
This might seem pedantic, but 'Kramer' was not being heckled. He was very angry because the group were being seated and ordered drinks during his routine. Interestingly, he did not insult the whites in the group. Also, the excuse that he 'slipped into character' was laughable. I wasn't a fan of Seinfeld, but I have never seen the Kramer character act like that. He was more 'slapstick'. However, Leticias' excuses do not surprise me. If Michael Richards was really a comedian, he would have been able to turn the interruption to his advantage. How many years has he been doing standup? As for the 'N' word, I strongly disagree with anyone using that. Chris Rock saw the error of his ways, now I'm waiting for Dave Chappelle, et al.
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Melissa says:Posted: 03 Mar 07
The racial divide is simply a tool to keep us distracted. If we're too busy coming up with new race jokes, stereotypes, or reasons to hate people of other ethnicities, then we won't notice changes to civil liberties, healthcare, gov't spending, and so on.
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Got2b4Real says:Posted: 07 Feb 07
I dont watch TV much,...simply because of the "programming factor". To be blunt, most of us here who experience racial prejudice each and every day by way of our life choices or birth, KNOW IT EXISTS. Not just racially, but across every psycho-social system, there IS a divide. At this point, in 2007, the fact that the media and those who give it their beloved ratings thought this was "NEWS", is both baffling and discouraging to me. Do we want to be the same or unique...conform or rebel...ignore or or act...I dont have one solution to the problem, but this whole incident just shows that the real problem is not being addressed, that is the shameful conspiracy. Maybe we should be asking, "Is there really a difference between Humans and "lesser" Animals (lol)? Honestly, Are We Human Beings Using Our "Social Skills" Effectively to ensure the survival of our species, while growing individually and communitively by drawing on one anothers strengths and cultural developments/diversities???? Sadly, I believe the answer is "no", but I have no solution to the real problem. I just live here and deal with the stares and simple-mindedness around me, knowing that "They" have already accomplished "Their" goal for us: EXTINCTION BY DESIGN. My only wish is that if there happen to be a woman and man survivor, please let them be interracial. Maybe then we'll stand a chance!!!
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maishagal says:Posted: 23 Jan 07
The article was great to read...but I was really intrigued by some of the profound responses to this article and specifically the incident that sparked it all off.
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Fala says:Posted: 15 Jan 07
On the eve of MLK day, I hope people realize that this is more than a "black" holiday. Martin Luther King Jr's accomplishments helped all minorities around the world and women in the workforce. MLK's dream was for all people to live in harmony and for us all to view people beyond their race or the color of their skin. That transcends any race or skin color.
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Jade74 says:Posted: 12 Jan 07
Thank you for the wonderful and thought provoking article.I am reading now "Walking Proud Black Men Living Beyond the Stereotypes" by George Edmond Smith,MD, M.Ed....very good reading and information.
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Fala says:Posted: 07 Jan 07
Correction: that last sentence should have said: but I just DON'T like using a word so hurtful
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Elric says:Posted: 07 Jan 07
WE ALL LIVE UNDER ONE SKY! Not just a philosophy but the title track of an album by Phil Bates (ex Electric Light Orchestra) and I think it says it all. Some words and phrases (the police use IC1 IC2 or IC3 for example) will always be used to describe appearances, if we look for racism we will always find it. I have no problem with black or white and unless a substitute can be found we have to find a way to dissociate these words from the racist imagery imposed upon them, possibly by not responding to it. At the same time the N word needs to be deleted PERMANENTLY. Sadly commercialism will perpetuate these issues as long as sensationalism sells. Until they get the idea that this particular type of sensationalism does not sell it will continue, I do my little bit by crossing off the offending media from my list for at least a month each time and The Sun newspaper is permanently on the do not buy list. Perhaps if we all did this?.... God created us free, we made the chains.
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David says:Posted: 06 Jan 07
Were I to rely on what other people thought or how the media portrayed things, I would never have met my first wife nor have 26 great years with her. Strangely enough it was not our outsides that attracted us to each other, but the insides. When she passed, I did not mourn what she looked like on the outside, I mourned the loss of my very best friend, and lover. And every one in my family felt the same way.
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dannie says:Posted: 05 Jan 07
Of course there are powers to be that keep 'us' divided. That is how 'they' hold onto the power. But as more 'mixing' and education take place, so does maturity. Race is a big issues for Americans, whereas 'social class' is more important to others. It is our nature to find what makes us alike, unfortunately, not enough people see being human as enough of a connection.
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HABIBTI says:Posted: 05 Jan 07
I hesitate to comment because I do agree with the perceived intent of your message, but I feel that it must be said that it is a little off base-- specifically, the "Kramer” example. Although I do believe that most of the "higher-ups" in America would prefer that races remain segregated, I believe that this particular incident was taped first, by accident—meaning I don't think the heckler ever anticipated such a response from "Kramer". Secondly, I believe the taping continued to inform the public that this beloved figure was in fact a RACIST! As a Black American of course I think his apologies are pathetic, if not, a transparent ruse to salvage an already dead career and his behavior is reprehensible. But more than that, the incident was astonishing because I never suspected "Kramer" to be racist. Obviously, that misconception has been dispelled and I have that tape (or rather the person who recorded it and the media that aired it) to thank. I believe that this is the source of the overwhelming publicity. I just admonish that we don’t jump to ill-founded conclusions, but rather use this as an avenue to bridge the ever widening gap among our races and respect the differences that each of us bring to the table. Clearly, WE are all committed to that mission…and I say F#©! THE POWERS THAT BE and let’s love each other! E.
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fala says:Posted: 05 Jan 07
I personally am not comfortable with anybody using the N-word, especially white people. The word just has too long and too hateful of a history in the US. Call me old fashioned or weird or uncool or something but I just like the idea of using a word so hurtful to so many people.
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Coco says:Posted: 02 Jan 07
Its really too bad that after all of these years, racism still exist. People should remember that children aren't born racist, they are TAUGHT it!
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hypnotic says:Posted: 30 Dec 06
Who is "them"? I agree with many of the comments, but not all. We are all one race--human. No one is trying to keep "us" apart, except "US"--it's not a "race" thing, but a color, cultural, and social thing. Maybe it stems from our own upbringing and our "cultural" makeup. I grew up in an ethnically diverse urban community and even though my skin is white, I was never treated as being different, and everyone described people by their features--everyone had nicknames--that's not racism! There was "white Mike" "black Mike" "bald Tony" "Red" "Mellow Yellow". How do you describe somebody without referring to their features, which includes skin tone? Later, when I moved to another part of the city, married and had two children: one lighter than me; the other with a beautiful caramel complexion..everyone in my family, except my son experienced "racism" not from the white families though. Odd huh? My husband constantly accused of denying his own "race," my daughter and I called ho's and white trash, but I taught my children to ignore hatred cuz it only eats away at the person who hates; my daughter was really hurt and ended up having more friends that were boys than girls-black girls hated her because she was so light, white girls made fun of her hair, and so on, but it made her a stronger person, and I might add, she is beautiful and has a warm, loving personality. We eventually had to move. I did my research and bought a house in an ethnically diverse suburb, however, it wasnt long before I began to notice "class" and "color" divisions, between people of all skin tones-white, light, dark, etc. There are a lot of mixed couples in my area, and no one seems to have a problem with that, but, when a man with dreds moved in, even people of color (including my now ex-husband) had a huge problem-why? Social sterotyping? He drove an Escalade--must be a drug dealer--just ridiculous! His son hung out with my son, the man was an engineer, his wife a nurse. The family ended up moving after a year. Dont blame them. I find it very difficult to date white men-yes, I used the color word again--mainly because the ones I meet are intimidated--sorry, but cant change who I am, and although they act like they accept my children, deep down inside, many of them don't and culturally, we just don't seem to click. does that make me a reverse racist? It takes two strong people to hang in a interracial relationship--not always because of acceptance by others, but because WE create our own racial divides. And, that is my opinion, based on my life experiences. As far as the N word goes, my son uses it all the time; rap music is full of it, comedians use it; I refuse to let him use that word along with MF, etc in front of me--he thinks I'm nuts--says the word ending in "er" is bad, but ending in "a" or "az" is okay---what is up with that? Now explain what media is impacting our children?
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 30 Dec 06
Its too bad people in this country can't focus more on what we have in common than what divides us. As someone who has traveled to a fair share of foreign countries, I know that black or white we have much more in common than someone who just came from China, Russia, or India. Its easy to see this on the outside looking in. Hope the rest of us can one day move forward and stop seeing color and start seeing human beings and fellow Americans
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gms77 says:Posted: 28 Dec 06
I agree but WE have to be change agents to show THEM who has the power to UNITE~
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yoby says:Posted: 28 Dec 06
well i see at least this article is producing a lot of nice thoughts in the mind of the people!
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Schuy says:Posted: 27 Dec 06
Very good article and well said. It's nice to see that someone else seems to get it and have some sort of clue. Understood and able to take it a few steps further, Leticia. Nice work.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 27 Dec 06
Thanks for a great article! Serious food for thought, and I love all of the comments! Keep the articles coming!
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anonymous says:Posted: 26 Dec 06
I think that religious bigotry is a bigger issue nuw. More wars and more people have been killed due to religious differences than skin color.
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Bgee1938 says:Posted: 26 Dec 06
Look at the past history of America. Why should you be suprised.The KKK have taken over the government. From the white sheets..To three piece suits. Just think about it...That the way it has been..And that the way it will always be. The founding Fathers laws were not written for people of colors. That a fact my friend..A retired military Vet with over thirty yrs. service. A purple heart, Dfc, and 600 combat mission in Nam. And america still treat vets like dirt.Dont get me wrong my friend..I still love my county. Just speaking the facts. No hard feeling.. I served..Didnot run.. Peace.
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whytb0y says:Posted: 25 Dec 06
i agree with mary we all bleed red blood and we all breath the same air. but i disagree with Elohimgenius when he said and i quote : Everyone who decides to use the terms; White, Black, Yellow, Red, etc.. Are practicing racism and therefore by definition a racist. that does not make me a racist when i say i,m white your black .and honestly its not about race or that we should all denounce our race and forget where we came from every race is different and diverse ,its when another race puts down other races ,diversity can be good and bad ,i can be white and realize that whites do things different than blacks but also do things the same.i can be white and be proud of my ethnicicty just as a black man or a asian man can be proud of their origins .but i can also embrace other cultures and races and know that my race does not make me superior or better ,no man or woman should ever let a different race decide their importance or cause division ,we are different but yet the same .humans are complex and diverse .but myself i love the diversity and detest the division.oh and as far as kramer that was pretty retarded of him ,he coulda called the guy a moron or a idiot for heckling him ,but busting out with the ignorant racial comments was pretty lame. at the end of the day god see's what's in the heart not the ethnicity,man see's the skin your in
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Jabali says:Posted: 25 Dec 06
In my country, Kenya, the concept of racism doesn't exist, at least not in the circles that I operate in. So when I read how "important" racism is for some people I thank my lucky stars that that kind of mentality is not a baggage that I have to carry. It is amazing to me that there are still some characters in this world for whom that kind of pettiness still exists.
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Kanuquabea says:Posted: 25 Dec 06
Race Race Race, wihs the world was colour blind.
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mary says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
hi,it is a crying shame when god put us here an we have to have racists.god loves all an we r suppose to do the same as we r god's children..we all bleed the same ,use the bathroom,wake up,sleep,cry,smile,breathe,have emotions the same .so the people that r so critical of another race ought to look at something it might b a person of another race to protect or help your family or even you..there is no race anymore supierior than another.god created all one another thats what god said,that is what we should do..merry christmas to everyone
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nehuskerfan says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
Very interesting article as well as comments.
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Majesticone says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
I agree with you Leticia. the them is also the us. every time one of our brothers uses that word to defing his "homeboy" and every time we choose to stand on a corner rather than go in a building and get educated and for every "booty shakin" rap video where the guy is callin a sister a hoe, slut, b*tch,etc.. we become them. and we give them the power to continue the abuse that has been going on sice we stepped foot in this country. no by no means am i placing blame or making it a black/white thang in fact, if we take control and change those negative and destructive behaviors, we will be able to dictate how we are treated, who gets that home loan, business loan, college loan, car loan and savings account... rather than accept crumbs and blame someone for not given us the whole slice of bread. i like my bread, buttered and served on a fine piece of china, thank you very much. Maj
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truthis says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
You are right on the money. It's the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan, and Creation and Evolution. One unites, one divides. The answers are in deeds not word. They are your best friends, and your worst enemies.
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Pleasjure13 says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
I once saw where a squirrel was nourished by cat and suddenly I thought how so very far advanced animals were over human beings. When we learn to love ourselves only then can we venture out to others.
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Lee says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
I agree with you. I definitely believe that the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping us divided. The old Elite Guard can't afford to let the population see how they really are. They would certainly lose their status quo and power.
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thunder says:Posted: 24 Dec 06
I agree with everyone here, but the bottom line is first when that guy said those words on stage, he knew that it was going to go out into the media, don't be fooled he knew it, thats why he said it, people forgot about him for a while but now we're talking about him again. in a few months he'll be doing shows again and making all kinds of money, and people will let that situation go!! he'll even probably write a book on his life and up bringing and we'll buy into that too!! but anyway the truth of the matter is racism is a sin, just like murder, stealing, adultry,etc., until we break that pattern in our lives, using words that are not kosher will always live on!! yes its wrong to call people names and yes its wrong to want to hurt someone, rather we say it or do it it's all wrong!! another thing rather we want to believe or not we all have some type of prejudice in our lives, i used to despise white people, even though i'm one of them, i disliked rich people, i disliked gays, i disliked people who are racist, so in effect i'm just like them!! GOD created us all, everyones blood bleeds red, so lets just let our differences go and except each other for who we really are, GOD'S creation!!!
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Jade74 says:Posted: 23 Dec 06
Thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful articles..There is power in words.I never watched the show when it was on and now.His action only showed his true feelings and thoughts.
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Toney says:Posted: 23 Dec 06
Interesting article, and I too really don't care what the actor says. I am particularly disturbed by the uproar by some of the black community. I know, I know the media made a big deal about it but there was some parts of black america that had a problem with it. Well if they had a problem with "Kramer" saying th "N" word then let's make a deal about it when our young and some older black males use it. When they use it, it just makes it ok for white america to use it. Some might say well there are two versions of the word. Bull!!! When we say the "N" word either way it is still the "N' word, whether it is with the "er" or "a". No one is trying to separate the races. The media is the media, just out for a buck, isn't that the American Dream.
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ogasa says:Posted: 23 Dec 06
1agree with the author as well as the first 2 comments in all except the area of shedding light. evil like silence, covert, hidden hush hush scenarios. it hates scutiny & exposition.because of the excessive play the tirade got, the whole nation was made aware of the filth kramer had in him. and 4 dat, he will 4 ever be remembered & thus punished. he cant escape it now.he would have gotten away with it otherwise.the same thing happened with trent lot a few years ago. martin luther king wouldnt keep quiet untill the world could see the evil he was protestin against. we know what happened as a RESULT. shedding light on this conspirators every time they are caught doing it, put them and all the players on notice &forces them to be more carefull or cease all together pretending somethin bad is notthere is the best way to keep it bad 4 ever.if i were racist, i would love 4 no 1 to talk about it and pretend im not. since our differences is what is used against us, if we want to remove discrimination, we must study, show, and parade these diferences & teach them in schools, this way we can see why we are different and why our differences arenot relevant. racism, is far morecomplicated than skin color and race itself is far more complicated than color. there is individual bias, evolutionary, historical, & cultural-political properties involved. knowledge, information, exposition, education are the answer. NOT PRETENDING AND COVERRING UP what is there. thanks 4 d oppotunity OGASA
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yoby says:Posted: 23 Dec 06
why being surprised if medias emphatizes stories like this oneto sell more? By all respect, there are much more worse things which happen everyday and nobody takes care of it!
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sweetest1 says:Posted: 23 Dec 06
I used to have a mental image of a group of white men sitting in an all white room with all white suits on plotting and planning things to keep races 'divided' I know its kind of silly to think that way--I think everyone is too blame-- ppl being lazy and feeding into stereo-types all keep the racist fires burning by not stomping them out!!
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Glo says:Posted: 23 Dec 06
I really agree with u leticia. Race is a big problem in so many countries, but im surprise an actor will still behave like that and use that "N" word. Nowadays so many ppl from different race r coming together, so i think in the next centuries this wouldnt be a problem anymore.
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marquez097 says:Posted: 22 Dec 06
I believe there may be something to this but if you look at society, its the "races" trying to stand out from each other. In this day and age the "bling bling" tends to be a trademark of african americans where as it looks like white people just walked out of the Gap. Look around and you will see just by where people chose to shop.
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Elohimgenius says:Posted: 22 Dec 06
I'd like to start off by saying this main point. Everyone who decides to use the terms; White, Black, Yellow, Red, etc.. Are practicing racism and therefore by definition a racist. The concept of race is a meme. A meme is a bit of information transmitted from one mind to another that is then internalized by the receiving party who then adds their past experiences and reintroduces this concept or idea into society. A clear example is a child born has no concept of race until this information is given to them. The bottom line is this. THere is only one race, the Human Race. So-called racist scholars and historians and other professionals have been trying to continue seperate the human race into various categories for years with the goal of placing their particular (I use this term loosely) race on the top of the totem pole. The majority of the people walking around in the US who think they are white aren\'t and vice versa. We all have the same genes just different levels of melanin. This doesn\'t make us less than one another. And it definitely doesn\'t make us different races or sub categories within the human race. On another note, the author of this article is right in respect to a group of people trying to control the world. But it goes deeper than just saying the powers that be. I would suggest everyone do a little research to really find out what\'s going on in the world. There is something happening on a larger scale than anyone would believe. This is no conspiracy theory. IT IS REAL!! I would also suggest everyone born here in America take a trip out of America to get areal view on the world and not just looking at it from a one sided point of view. From living here in America that is.
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I think as blacks we can help to usher in a more color blind society by taking more responsibility for ourselves and actions. When I look around the world it is always the blacks at the bottom in society. Yes, most of it is because of racism, but a lot of it has to do with bad habits that keeps us from making progress. I'm a black social worker who meets a lot of people who are poor who may be involved in the criminal justice system. As I talk to them about the problems they face in their lives they quickly come to the conclusion that they made a lot of bad choices that lead them to their current state and not racism.