How to talk to men online
So he's really cute and he sent you a flirt now....
Here's your chance to not be shy! Even if you can't do this in real life, use this as an opportunity to stretch your comfort zones and let your hair down a little. Let yourself go! But don't do anything you don't want to do! You have to be able to respect yourself in the morning.
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Even if you know where you want to go -- go slow! If you rush through the courtship stages, not only do you cheat yourself of the romance and the thrill of the chase, but it may be very difficult to gain the sense of romance once you have gone too far. It is better to go slow than to fall too soon, too fast. Going all the way on your first or second date may cause your cyber-relationship to crash and burn.
Most men are very tactile. They want you to connect the dots and show them what is going on. They need to have a visual, which is why they often ask what are you wearing, what your vital statistics are and even your bra size! Many women, on the other hand, want to be seduced with words and descriptions of sensations. With a man you have to describe something you are doing, something he can see or visually imagine. To type "I am running my hand through your hair" appeals to all three of his senses (sight, sound, touch).
You may be wondering about taking it to the next level of reality. Assuming that you are both single and available, you may be curious to speak on the phone or even meet in person. WARNING: Are you willing to let go of a fantasy in order to have a real life experience? If the answer is yes, and you are willing to accept any possible outcome, then you know what you need to do next. Call him! If it goes well, get on an airplane, catch a bus, ride that train!!! But be honest with yourself. Ensure you are ready, willing and able to face the fact that the person you have been imagining and created in your mind is different from the living, breathing, real man you are likely to meet.
Responses to "How to talk to men online"
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Ann says:Posted: 13 Dec 06
Chatting with men online is very different than meeting them in person. They can just dissapper, lie about their current relationship or just be absolutely wonderfuL. I've experienced all of the above. Now before I meet in person a background check is a must.
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Kara says:Posted: 14 Nov 06
Yeah, I agree completely with the advice to take it sloooooow! Letting the courtship/relationship build over time does a couple of things: 1) Gives you much more time and experience with each other to help ensure that you really ARE compatible, and 2) makes the passion and love that you develop all the more hot and intimate and enduring! So I say, don't rush into a relationship in your search for love. Instead, revel in the glow of friendship and nurture the spark to grow it into a flame and then a fire. :)
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tracy says:Posted: 13 Nov 06
the best person you can be is yourself, learn to admit and accept your fault and mistake , the wost mistake anybody could every make is pretending to be something you are not love the person you are,
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Carla says:Posted: 13 Nov 06
Good article..nice read...I learned a great deal..thanks
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embraceme says:Posted: 09 Nov 06
Hmmm.. now we all know the first time you meet a man you are being all kind and sweet and saying all the right dthings... Ok lets be honest.. You know dayum well you are letting him meet your good side.. Myself when I talk to a man , I try to be out going let him see I am what I am and sometimes it isnt all what he wants .. But to be honest the right dman you dream about does not exisit only in your dreams..
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urmydestiny says:Posted: 28 Oct 06
Everyone wants to paint a good impression of themselves therefore it's very unlikey we are going to hear the things we really 'need'' to hear. So it's important not to create an image about a person until you have spent time with them.
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sweetest1 says:Posted: 09 Oct 06
I think it's best not to create an 'image' of the person you are getting to know until after you have met them... most often the profiles point out the best and they put on the '1st impression' act until you really get to know them. Noone is perfect so remain open minded and make sure the good outweighs the bad... I think thats the best strategy.
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Fala says:Posted: 04 Oct 06
The part about the person you created in your mind being different from real one - makes a really good point. Just chatting online or talking on the phone is no substitute for actually spending time with another person getting to know them.
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I agree with Fala. someone recently mentioned online you can edit yourself before sending, in real life, you can't Make sure the one online who is th world's greatest is also that same way in person/