There's No Romance without Finance!

Posted by Leticia, 14 Jan

Maybe the bill collectors aren't calling every day, but somehow you still can't manage to save any money. Need some help getting started in the New Year? Help is on the way. You know what they say... "No Romance without Finance"...

If I've heard it once I've heard it a thousand times... "Money doesn't buy you happiness"... However, it sure does make being miserable a lot more fun!" How is it that some people do and some people don't? Some can and some can't. Some will and others won't? Save money that is. For some it's an endless cycle. They get caught up in the "if I only made more money". Then when they get more money... it still isn't enough.

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The problem doesn't seem to be a lack of money, but a lack of money management. You ever wondered how our grand parents made a lot less money and provided for a lot more children. They all ate three meals a day, had clean clothes, shoes and for the most part, everyone turned out all right. Except maybe your uncle Pookie?!

Of course our ancestors had it a lot easier than us right? There was no QVC or Black Card on the market. If you wanted to hear music in the car everyone would sing a song, if you got lost, you'd pull out the map. Now, we've got to have a 12-disc CD changer that goes in the trunk or better yet XM satellite. A GPS system is a must. With every new technology is a bigger price tag and we've managed to make more millionaires and billionaires in the history of our world all the while we're still trying to pay off our student loans from 1982.

Well, Leticia is no financial expert, however, like you; I have access to a wealth of information here on the internet. It would not do either of us any good for me to break down a list of what you could or should do to get your finances in order. You already know. If you don't well let me break it down for you:

There are 113,000,000 sites on Financial Planning, 9,920,000 on Credit Repair, 31,400,000 on Saving Money, 17,900,000 on Investing and 14,300,000 on Creating a Budget.

Check them out and then go back to the article on Setting your Goals. You've got to have a plan in order to achieve anything...let's call it a physical, spiritual or financial road map to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. You can use all the help in the world getting there, but how and if you stay there is determined by your attitudes about money and your ability to make the best choices for you and your family in the short and long term.

As you probably know by now, there are many happy poor people and there are unhappily wealthy folks. You must make the money and not let the money make you. The best part of being financially fit is a lot like being physically fit, it allows you the opportunity to live a healthier and happier lifestyle, filled with unlimited possibilities. It gives you the chance to ask "what do I want to do?" Instead of "what can I afford to do"?

I'm sure that I've told you this before...there is no one in the world that is more deserving of happiness and financial freedom than you!

39 responses to "There's No Romance without Finance!"

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  1.   cheeky1968 says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 08

    i agree i recentlt met some one online and i got the impression she was more interested in what i earned wich is shallow soon as we met and she asked what i did sge seemed not to be interested she was more into financial stability than love shame really

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  2.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 21 Feb 07

    Very good article and comments by all.

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  3. Posted: 09 Feb 07

    good article...again...gonna whip out my beatles-cd collection and listen to their songs!!!

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  4.   Pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 07

    " I don't care too much for can't by me love. Beatles

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  5.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 07

    I agree Pleasjure13. What I want to know is when the marriage is over, will I be able to take care of myself and my child, and still have money for future endeavors like college and retirement? Yes! Look at how many women are devastated by divorce and can't take care of themselves and their families. If those women had planned for that, there would not be so many struggling single parents out there. Trust me, I know...I was one of them a few years ago!

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  6.   Pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 07

    Yes money is important but it has nothing to do with ones ability to love another.Look at the divorce rate by socio-economic class then a clearer picture will emerge.

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  7.   sweetnes20 says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 07

    sad to say, but its true.

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  8. Posted: 01 Feb 07

    good article....Yes it does take two responsible partners working together...or ...just one to mess things up!!

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  9.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 29 Jan 07

    Yes, it does take both people in a relationship to manage their money together.

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  10.   Pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 07

    For a couple it will take two responsible money managers.

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  11.   fala says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 07

    Love, like most things worth having, isn't free.

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  12. Posted: 26 Jan 07

    good article...I agree with texasbest---love dont pay the bills...though saving and paying off bills is so important(credit rating) I think us mostly middle class citizens should do what the US government does...just for one year...and SPEND AND SPEND AND SPEND...and "bill it to" the future generations!!!---of course Im kidding-as hopefully most of us are more responsible and "conscious" than the US Gov't...I just want to spend friviously sometimes--thats all!!

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  13. Posted: 26 Jan 07

    I totally agree with this article. It makes some valid points about having your finances in order.

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  14. Posted: 25 Jan 07

    Money doesnt buy love, but it sure does by a movie and a dinner date!

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  15.   kkeennyy says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 07

    happiness is never found in an emty hole,i fell for some contributions is to go ahead with the essencials.

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  16.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 07 isnt cheap!

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  17.   Lovelydimps says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 07

    Hmmm grudgingly agree this article makes good common sense - but I say spend spend spend - u can't take it with ya when ya gone. Life can be tough enough without a few luxuries!!

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  18.   besweet says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 07

    Great article !!! And its true, you do have to take care of your finances TODAY, so in the end they( the finances you put up) can take care of you.

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  19.   Fala says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 07

    I just finished talking to a financial advisor about my taxes and he said if you just put away $50 a month in savings - it can really add up to significant savings. Just a thought . . .

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  20.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 07

    Great article...I am working on my 5 year plan. TIme will tell

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  21.   Coco says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 07

    Fantastic article, and great food for thought. Thanks!

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  22.   msjanine says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 07

    Great to get them bills paid

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  23.   turbogirl says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 07

    I haven't read this article, cos i haven't got the time at the moment, will have to come back to read it. But whatever it says, money can't buy me love or hapiness. It's speaking from experience, nothing else....

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  24.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 20 Jan 07

    Financial freedom....a worthy goal that I am working to make happen. Gotta stop and smell the roses too though.

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  25.   kenyanito says:
    Posted: 20 Jan 07

    Yeah, your arcticle is correct but you don't have to sail in millions for the relationship to work.Its a matter of priorities and stability.

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  26.   sweetnes20 says:
    Posted: 20 Jan 07

    no doubt, love dont pay the bills.

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  27.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 19 Jan 07

    im sorry, but money is what makes the world go around.

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  28.   maishagal says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 07

    Doesn't it have so many different meanings for everyone though??

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  29.   jerry says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 07

    well, the must important thing is having this money, and be able to manage it.I think money means nothing when it comes to true love

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  30.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 07

    Very good advice in this article.

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  31.   Deleriyes says:
    Posted: 17 Jan 07

    I'm one of those people that lets money make them, but is trying very hard to make money instead. I make a lot of money, but I spend a lot of money too, and like the article said, that doesn't leave a lot of room for romance.

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  32.   texasbest says:
    Posted: 17 Jan 07

    Love don,t pay the bills.

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  33.   Pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 17 Jan 07

    Sure we all should know that money is important. The point is how would 2 people adjust to hard times. Probably not very well. If you can't keep a vow then don't make them.

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  34.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 17 Jan 07

    im gonna have to agree on this article.

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  35.   Natural72 says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 07

    Yes I do think being financially stable is a big part of any relationship. No you don't have to have expensive hobbies, but it is nice to be able to share a nice weekend getaway on the spur of the moment.

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  36.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 07

    This is so TRUE say it loud!!

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  37.   Majesticone says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 07

    well i know from experience that having a hobby can be expensive. i know that we buy into all or most of the advertisements that we see on television today and that costs money. lets face it, how can you save when everywhere you look it says to spend ?

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  38.   Fala says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 07

    This is a really helpful article to start the new year off with. Thanks!

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  39.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 07

    I am totally agreeing with this article! A man has to have his finances in order and be able to prove it as well as I can. he doesn't have to make as much as I do, but he does have to have a plan for his future and not be knee deep in debt. I can be poor all by myself, but I certainly won't have someone living off all that I have worked for these past 20 years. Thanks for a great article!

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