Be a Featured Member

Posted by Leticia, 01 Feb

Get featured today, what are you waiting for?

Are you active on the site and contacting a lot of people? Do you wish that more people would contact you?

Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

If you're ready to be seen and stand out from the rest of the crowd then now is the time. Let the world know you're there! This is a great way to get more exposure in our webzine, Connections.

Just fill out the form below and we'll take it from there.


Responses to "Be a Featured Member"

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  1.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 07

    I haven't seen any featured members in a while...I guess we are all to shy :)

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  2.   charlee1 says:
    Posted: 18 Feb 07

    no way! i'd die of embarassment!

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  3.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 06

    Its nice that you can do this. Personally, I would not like that kind of exposure. I'm much too shy to do that!

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  4.   Fala says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 06

    I didn't know I could nominate myself to be a featured member. Hmmmmmmmmm interesting.

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