Do men adopt children more than women do?

Posted by James, 23 Sep

Apparently, stats from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that for every kid adopted by a woman, two are adopted by a men.

First reaction was: you mean we stereotypically heartless species from mars running to the rescue the poor orphans?

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My immediate reaction: what does this say about gender norms? Is the stereotypically less-nurturing sex heading in droves to rescue poor orphans?

Though the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, doesn’t list the reasons why the figures are disparate, their presumption is that men are adopting their spouse’s children in second marriages.

According to Yahoo, 1.2 million men and 613,000 women had adopted children by 2002.

Why are these figures so? Where are men getting this kind of inspiration? Do you think the legalization of gay marriage in California will influence these figures in the future?

4 responses to "Do men adopt children more than women do?"

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  1.   Member says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 09

    Hi! Sorry for the off-top... Where did you get such a blog theme? Could you please share a link?

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  2. Posted: 04 Nov 08

    I agreed with urban39. But I added some opinion. Mostly discreet gay men adopt a children. Gaymen doesn't like to marry women that's why they want a children to help them when became older. They don't need enough a helper to guide or to work at home. The only purpose is a children.

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  3. Posted: 29 Oct 08

    i totally agree with "urbane39"

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  4.   urbane39 says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 08

    I think the numbers are up because we have just endured the 70's era where irresponsibiltiy began emerging. Men that step up are highly respected it is a respect money cant buy. Outside of circumstances where there is broken-ness in homes, some men are realizing that "someone" ought to do it and why not. Love and acceptance is not just generic. Everyone responds to it.

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