Sexual Hang-ups and other Mood Killers

Posted by Leticia, 10 Feb

In a world that is driven by sex, we sell cars, vacation packages and even medicine to cure STD's with sex; how do you cope when your drive is somewhere between reverse and park? Throughout our lives, our sexual desires change. Sometimes and with some folks, there is a loss of desire. What are some of the common causes and possible cures for sexual dysfunction?

Hey, this is Leticia, and a topic that we don't hear a lot of people taking about is sexual dysfunction. We see a ton of television commercials for this pill and that cream, half the time we don't even know what it's for because nobody wants to come right out and say... "Hey I don't really want to have sex". Why would they say anything? People would look at them like they were crazy. I mean isn't the whole world "doing it"? And if they aren't, they want to right?

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Actually, research suggests that sexual dysfunction is common in about 43% of women and 31% of men at some point and time in their lives. With such high percentages you'd think we be more vocal about it. Perhaps if we were, we'd find out that most cases of sexual dysfunction are treatable. There's hope and help, all you have to do is open your mouth and ask for it.

Sexual dysfunction affects both men and women. No particular race or nationality is more prone to it. Of course we hear a lot more about older men, with products on the market like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

Sexual problems for men include erectile dysfunction which is when a man is not able to get or maintain an erection. The causes for this varies, anything from disorders that affect blood flow, to stress, depression, anxiety or an injury to the penis. There are also some medications on the market that cause this as a side effect.

There are several ejaculation disorders that effect men also. Of course we all hear about the NOT so popular premature ejaculation. That's when ejaculation happens before or immediately after penetration. Inhibited ejaculation is when ejaculation is slow to happen. The cause for both of these can stem from lack of attraction to your partner, anxiety over performance to some drugs like anti-depressants. Retrograde ejaculation is when the orgasm instead of coming out the penis is forced back into the bladder and can be found in men with diabetes. In some guys, ejaculation problems happen after an operation to the abdomen, bladder or prostate.

Sexual dysfunction for women includes desire disorders when you don't have the "desire" for sex or have a significant decrease in your desire. An arousal disorder is when your body doesn't get or stay aroused by any sexual stimulation. Orgasmic disorder is when you can not have an orgasm or if there is pain during your orgasm. There is also Sexual pain disorder when you have pain during or right after having sex.

The cause for these disorders in women is not much different than some of the causes for guys. Diseases, medicines or depression can be a few of the reasons. Many women notice a change in their sexual appetite after childbirth or menopause. Other psychological matters like trust, finances or traumatic past experiences can also add to the problems.

The bad and good news of it all is that, although most sexual dysfunctions can't be prevented, there are many things that you can do to take control of your mind and body and create healthy sexual experiences.

Some treatments include treating the medical or hormonal condition that is causing the dysfunction. There are some prescription medications available through your doctor. A lot of times no medication is required. Don't be afraid to seek the help of a sex therapist. They are there to help you get to the cause of your dysfunction. Therapy often includes information about techniques and ways to improve your sexual relationship with your partner.

You know that Leticia is not a doctor. So, if you think you suffer from a sexual dysfunction and you need additional information or assistance, please talk to a professional. The way I see it, if more people cum when they go...the world would be a much friendlier place to live in. I'm a bad girl...I know this!

Responses to "Sexual Hang-ups and other Mood Killers"

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  1.   George says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    This article is a good way to get information to those who need it the most, thank you.

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  2.   Jabali says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 07

    That's right COCOKISSES. The difference between what we want and what we have is in the mind. Have to be positive!

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  3.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 08 May 07

    We all should think positive and be happy, whether we are alone or with someone. If you are unhappy in your life, you are not going to be open to new love. Fix the problem, and love will come :)

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  4.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 02 May 07

    lol@my cup runneth over!!

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  5. Posted: 29 Mar 07

    informative article....thanks...

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  6.   Coco says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 07

    Pleasjure, you know that the best is yet to come! You didn't need me to tell you that either. I find you to be a very handsome man. I am sure others feel the same way. Open yourself up to real never know who will come knocking!

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  7.   sweetnes20 says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 07

    god, i read this again and still learned a little something.

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  8.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 07

    I have decided that my time has yet to

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  9.   sweetnes20 says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 07

    how true coco.

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  10.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 07

    Thanx Coco. Nice to know a woman such as you as well...I do hope that someone swoops me up soon because I am tired of being on the shelf...but you know deep down ,honestly my time may have passed.

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  11.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 08 Mar 07

    Pleasjure, you are too funny :) I do like the sentiment behind the humor :) You are right...there aren't many men out there who are not waiting for love. All I can say is, I am proud to know someone like you is out there!

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  12.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 07 Mar 07

    A loss of libido is my least concern...if anything I am over charged.

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  13. Posted: 06 Mar 07

    great article..thanks.

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  14.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 07

    Good article.

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  15.   mwm says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 07

    a highly informative article.

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  16.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 07

    I don't know if it is a hang up but you wouldn't believe how long it has been since I have had sex. It's crazy...not because I can't rather because I choose not to until I find the one who is willing to tolerate me. Many women do not fell that a man can choose celibacy.It is not easy as my cup runneth over.

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  17.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 07

    great words of wisdom.

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  18. Posted: 02 Mar 07

    good article and commments by above members....something to bear in mind..!

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  19.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 07

    Oh!... but sex is such a good drug.

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  20.   Tarah says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 07


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  21.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 25 Feb 07

    All I can say is thank god for hormone replacement therapy! I can tell you that it does work for this problem :)

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  22.   Kandikane23 says:
    Posted: 25 Feb 07

    I just love this article!

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  23.   Fala says:
    Posted: 25 Feb 07

    Ashley, I m surprised your doctor never mentioned that that could be a possibility for you. Lots of hormonal changes go on in a woman s body during and after pregnancy. Let your doctor know if you experience any other changes, emotional or physical. Look after yourself!

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  24.   sweetnes20 says:
    Posted: 22 Feb 07

    how true maishagal!!!

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  25.   maishagal says:
    Posted: 22 Feb 07

    It is so cool that we can talk bout this subject today...very informative~thnx

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  26.   mansouri says:
    Posted: 21 Feb 07

    bonjoure ec que je demande en famme poure relation ex merci

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  27.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 21 Feb 07

    I tend to agree that sexual dysfunction is common amomg many. I do not think that human beings were meant to go on and on like the "energizer bunny". The book of Proverbs comes to

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  28.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 18 Feb 07

    congrats ashley.

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  29.   Ashley says:
    Posted: 18 Feb 07

    I assumed that my lack of wanting sex now was due to being tired... didnt think that it could be because i just had a baby 2 months ago

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  30.   Jabali says:
    Posted: 18 Feb 07

    Great article

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  31.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 07

    Good information and reading. Thank you!

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  32.   romeoluvs says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 07

    Good article and nice piece of information.

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  33.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 07

    Just goes to show that sex among many pleasures has it's defaults.

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  34.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 07

    Very good article with some good information.

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  35.   pleasjure13 says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 07

    All that glitters isn't gold.

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  36.   Fala says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 07

    The good news is there are treatments out there for anybody willing to go in search of them.

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  37.   unme23 says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 07

    wow, that was some news i never knew.

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  38.   Coco says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 07

    Wow! What a great article! I was unaware that it is more common in WOMEN than MEN! Thank you for a very enlightening article.

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