Study: Men hurt more over rocky relationships

Posted by James, 16 Jun

men hurt moreAs per popular belief, ladies have it rough coming to terms with a breakup – the pile of used tissue, the binging on ice-cream and junk food, the sleep over with friends that starts with a little alcohol and ends in every lady in the room crying and bashing their friend’s ex.

HOW-EVER, according to not so common wisdom, men also have a sensitive gene of their own. Apparently a research from Wake Forest University finds that: Men get more emotionally wounded over crappy relationships than the ladies – and they get a psychological boost when things are smoother.

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The researchers examined data from more than 1000 young people of college age. Based on relationship and mental health, they discovered that men suffer more immensely than women when their relationships go bad, but are very good at hiding it – women get depressed; most men engage in substance abuse. The greater the problems, the higher they scored on the substance abuse scale.

Audrey Nelson, author of 'Code Switching: How to Talk so Men Will Listen' agrees with this study. “We’ll cry, show our feelings – when a woman is having a hard time, she has two or three friends she can talk to, to ease the pain. Men have the same feelings and emotions, but they have no outlet,” she told ABC News.

I don’t think men lack the support system or outlet. They just choose not to deal with things that way.

Do you agree with the study? Dude, can you even picture yourself trying the ladies’ approach – calling up friends, bi***ing and getting all emotional support you possibly can?

111 responses to "Study: Men hurt more over rocky relationships"

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  1.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 10

    James and Ichibod, you guys are right. This study is true and there are many other studies to back it up in the psychiatric abstracts online or at the library. It just appears that men aren't hurt more because men aren't allowed to express their emotions as much. They also aren't allowed to express what are considered to be their feminine emotions as much because of society's indoctrination. The Psychologist Jung said that we all have a male and female side to us as human beings. They are called the anima and the animus. He encourages us to develop as human beings in order to be healthy to develop the opposite side of our gender. So males are encouraged by him to express their female sides and emotions more. Unfortunately, that isn't seen as positive in our culture except of the man is metrosexual or gay which would explain why metrosexuality has its popularity. But like I think Ichibod said, men tend to act their emotions in destructive capacities which are considered to be more manlike and they have to repress and suppress their feminine emotions that would allow for the bereavement process for the end of the relationship. Women are allowed to grieve in the bereavement process much, much, more in our society and get more support than men do in that capacity. Males just aren't supported in our society so they never really get to then end stages of bereavement which are grieving and closure. Thus they are affected more seriously by rocky relationships and especially relationship endings. So the study is true and it is a valuable one that should come to light more. Joseph

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  2.   shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 10

    I think this study is a joke or something. Just, highly unlikely to me. My opinion, though. PetiteChick, most of what you've posted is right on target! Shotgun007

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  3. Posted: 13 Jul 10

    rene06 appreciated that you clarified that. as said previously i have seen you as well as a few others always having good points and views well thought out and well represented.

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  4.   rene06 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    Mr. Looking, Please don't take any of my comments personally. I don't know anything at all about you, so therefore it is not possible for me to indict YOUR character, nor was my comments intended for you to take as a general statement, or painting every white guy with a broad brush. Now if you do indeed begin to show signs of "Superior Great White Savior," (a condition I personally happen to find apparent in most of the white men I've encountered,) over us "lowly black folks," then all bets are off, and at that point, I WILL be quick to let you know EXACTLY how I feel about that crap as it applies specifically to YOU. But until then, go in peace, and carry on, taking nothing personally.

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  5. Posted: 12 Jul 10

    ps i am not real keen on being grouped in with alexander even i felt he was a bit too far out of line

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  6. Posted: 12 Jul 10

    rene06 those type of negative comments are exactly why i dont post often. "all hail the all knowing white guy man" now i hope it is directed primarily at 1 person and we are not all being included in that basket. ignorance knows no color and i am not referring to you. you like a few others you always seem to have balanced well thought out arguments or views. petitechick its good to know that your account is straight. i do wonder though even reading back how this got from a gender discussion to a race discussion. and lastly back on topic men and women both hurt when their are problems just deal differently and i do believe the female way of dealing may be better because: 1 its usually less violent 2 doesnt usually damage a 3rd party emotionally(rebounds, barfights) 3 doesnt cause explosive outbursts by trying to bury it and its too easy to blame society as i said before but it is quite frankly a conditioned reaction and i say this because little boys and girls are equal at the age of 3 and are allowed to cry when they are scared or hurt. shortly after that feelings and emotions are quickly nurtured in little girls and conditioned out of little boys. sad but true

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  7.   Rene06 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    Petite, I too thought it very strange how Mr. Alexander overlooked almost, if not, every other post in agreement with yours, including mine, so that he could direct his attack squarely upon you. It does seem he attempted to prescribe a certain amount of his own frustration towards you exclusively, and without any regard to what both I myself, and a few others have written in agreement with you. This behavior on his behalf is very strange indeed. Also, From the way I see he converses with, and deals with the black female, while purposely avoiding the black male, does make it very difficult for me to believe that this same gentleman would have any significant amount of success with black females in general, seeing he appears to be not only cowardly, but also totally closed minded, slightly condescending, and overtly judgemental of black women. He also seems to carry a certain air of "self perceived" superiority, while lacking a show of equality, in dealing with at least you in this blog, which further leads me to believe that he is not very successful in the world of dating very many black women, or any woman for that matter. In his messages to you, he has properly demonstrated a fine example of why many blacks may feel enraged, with merely only the least amount of interaction with them. All hail the all knowing white man. Rene

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  8.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    To those who give care, my account status has been rectified. There is only ONE (1) PETITECHICK.

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  9.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    Hi Hmontaq! I happen to agree with the list from the woman's point of view as well as the male's point of view. For the woman - that list does sound familiar to me, as I have done some of those things. Likewise, I have also complained about some of the things men say we as women do! Uhh ohh!

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10


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  11.   beachkisses says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    Two of my exes never showed emotions after we broke up. But i would always see them randomly working out, running, biking- etc. And lets just say it was neithers natural everyday lifestyle. I do beleive it effects men just as bad as women. Men just arent supposed to bitch and moan about their feelings and relationship problems. so they take it out physically, or try to avoid the pain all together. My ex in Hawaii (kinda hard not to bump into him everywhere) ended up moving to Oregon, he knew NO ONE there. And the other dealt with it by moving to a different city, to avoid encounters. Which was for the best, bc that break up was a year of a emotional roller coaster hahah, i thought would never end unless someone made that move.

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  12.   hmontaq says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    @ PetiteChick Great women list... Im divorced for those exact same things. Then add doing stupid things for attention.

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  13.   sam says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Study: Men hurt more over rocky relationships? They really did a university study on this? Sorry, but I find this a bit funny. We all are humanbeings and we all have emotions and we all feel hurt if things go bad. My hearts been broken thousand times. Well, not thousand, but really broken couple of times. Some of us men just hide their pain better, some of us don't. I did not by choice. I let it all out, in public, on the down town Helsinki city street in the morning rush hour. Yep, some thoughed that I was a drunk or maybe a junkie or simply a nut. I didn't care. Tears were spurting from eyes like from sprinklers, my nose was running like snot Niagra, my eyes were like two swollen tomatoes, I felt like passing out and swayed all over the place when trying to walk. Why? Well, my marriage just broke up that morning, so... I think we all suffer at those moments. I don't see any difference between sexes or races or cultures. The pain we feel in those moments is universal. You want the proof? Just look at the popular culture. Touching movie abot love lost does well around the globe. When a black american woman sings her heart out for a lost lover, a white finnish girl cries because she feels something in kind. It is universal. Men feel more pain? They are more hurt? What is this? Are we five years old? "I'm hurt", "Yeah, but I am even more hurt"? We all get hurt sometimes.

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  14. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    ichabod and tatted2death have been here longer than i, so i am quite surprised they still indulge some of these people, no particular people am i speaking of but their arguments are usually fair.but 1 final thought is this women are far more understanding and compassionate we all know this is true. so then when a women is hurt she goes to other women so do men no one likes to suffer alone. except me i guess its easier to wait and lick my wounds before moving on and doing so in the proper frame of mind no rebounds here please and thanks

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  15. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    i am not trying to make points this isnt a game even though i understand what you were trying to convey to me. i have gotten flirts from illiterate women who cant read the 30-40 age thing or the black only thing but that doesnt make it ok to be rude or belligerent about it. people may not like my point of view or my preference but its ok...its just that, my preference. whether you like petite chick or dont your business or you like ichabod or dont its your opinion. i love black women i have met some nice ones hereand i hope to find what i am looking for. i been on here about a year i read the blogs and seldom reply simply because of the negativity i see in them i do not feel alot of people here have the open mind required for this forum to work.they are too set in their opinions.

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  16. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Good point sir.

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  17. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    1 thing i think is being ignored unless i missed it is that as men the societal issue we share not only is it unacceptable to cry but show emotion. men mostly have a range of about 3 feelings being happy sad or angry and quite often sadness becomes anger as well. women usually about 15-16 with compassion being front and center during a freinds breakup. being emotionally stunted makes it extremely difiicult especially women to understand just how much we hurt. not many boys grow up into men through this and being able to properly function emotionally. this is not a copout but reality how many times have you heard a small boy be told be a man and stop your crying?? a young girl?? unfortunately our anger is dealt with in a variety of ways many negative and previously mentioned and many just suppress and move on never taking the time to greive which also destroys relationships. so ladies when looking for your next hot "bad boy" think about this for a minute.

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    I don't want your wishes of peace and happiness because they are not genuine. You are not genuine. You are angry because I rejected you and then you came in here to tell me how to talk to someone I've been talking to and having disagreements with for months about how he and other Black men have behaved toward Black women. Rejection shouldn't make a man behave this way Alexdander.

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  19.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    No darling you are angry because I called you ungentlemanly like. My issues. You know nothing of. You don't know me or anything about me. All you know is a mere fraction. Rejection from a woman should not make a man behave this way Alexander. I try to be decent toward people as evidenced throughout this site. However, do not for one minute think I will let you or anyone else talk down to me like I'm a child. You were wrong. Really and you should just admit it. If you continue to bother me, I will have no other choice but to report you as a concern. You look very silly!

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  20. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Ok ms petitechick, I can see by your writting that you have some very strong emotions regarding Ichibod. That is your personal issue. Yes you have made that clear. It amases me the assumptions you have made do to my notice of your tone. You have taken a small matter and compounded your personal emotional feelings into many wild attacts. Now i am strong enough and wise enough to see this as your issues that may stem from Ichibod, or even from other areas of you life. Why is it so important for you to try and turn tables on me, or turn you anger and issues into what you feel must be my problems. Hopefull when and if you calm down and perhaps take time for some introspection you may be able to deal with issues stated in bloggs head-on and not try to turn everyone else comments it personal attackts on you. I truely feel for you; the anger pooring out must mean you have some deep hurts. I wish you well, and hope you can find some peace and happyness. :)

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  21.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Rejection from a woman shoudn't make a man behave this way Alexander!

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Another thing you pompous fool how much of this did you read? Do you realized he referred to the FIRST poster as a bitch? Can you comprehend that? Do you realize that he directed his anger about the differences in opinions directly at me? And not the others who disagree with his premises? Do you further realize that it is opinion based? I told you to leave me alone and stay out of my business. You would want to learn to mind your own. Comments having nothing to do with you or perceived discussions that you come in on the end of and then come back to run your mouth when you don't know the intracacies makes you look ill informed about what transpired NOT THE SUBJECT matter. Pompous idiot.

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  23.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Topic is mens feelings right? or did I miss the point there too. how are the genders going to learn to communicate if your own hurt feelings keep you form discussing a topic. You just gave us a good example of the difficulty men and women have in communicating. Yes the issuse stems from our feelings, and assumptions around those feelings. I would like to hear some other opinions on what happened here. AnyONe? ----------------------------------------------- This ain't about no "hurt" feelings toward this man and I. It is it about his behavior toward me and others. Shut up, the more you talk the more of an idiot you sound like. Ask him what I'm talking about. You look like a TOTAL IDIOT, but you don't realize that. I didn't date him if that's what you're referring to. I sure as hell won't date you either, is that what bothers you? You're one of those who thinks he's superior to everyone else aren't you?

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    You immediately came to the blog to attack ME. Meanwhile there was a BLACK GENTLEMAN who saw eye to eye with me. Further there were some women who commented. Guess you didn't see that I apologized to Ichibod. But I'm not sure now whether he deserves it. A tone, yes with Ichibod because of a past with Ichibod, NOT YOU. What's it got to do with YOU. If two people argue and you have no clue what it's about why are you jumping in? You are probably having bruises about now. You can respond wherever, however, you please but I have never seen you enter a blog with "WOW." I have issues with men who badger Black women. I have issues with men who don't want to accept their responsibility in the struggles we face as a race. YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST MINDED YOUR OWN BUSINESS. It wasn't about YOU. It was between Ichibod and I that goes a long way back. You could have responded, but since you don't have a clue about WHY I talked to Ichibod in th fashion that I did I suggest you mind your business. Maybe if you had asked. Maybe if you had just made general statements instead of moving directly toward me. There was a Black man there also he insulted, this because the Black man agreed with me. I dare you to get into Rene06's business as he agreed with every word I stated, so did some other women. The other women don't have the differences and arguing that Ichibod and I have had. You still flapping your gums cause you're an almighty knowledgable one. I asked you not to admonish me. I asked you to leave me alone with your disrespectful self. I am asking you for the last time. What's wrong are you mad that you can't curse me via email? You were blocked the minute you flirted with me. Go away for the last time go away. Stay out of my business. Otherwise approach a Black man the way you have approached me! The same Black man that agreed with me throughout. You pompous idiot! Post where you want, leave my name out of your mouth.

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  25. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    I see petite, so I cant respond to a blog? I noticed something- a tone and mentioned it. Shame on me. You must have some strong issure there. So no one would have known if you talked about the issuse of the blogg. you made it personal by attackimg me. Now you want to blame me for your- is it "hurt" feelings? Focus woman, focus. I do have some understanding of the topic. Topic is mens feelings right? or did I miss the point there too. how are the genders going to learn to communicate if your own hurt feelings keep you form discussing a topic. You just gave us a good example of the difficulty men and women have in communicating. Yes the issuse stems from our feelings, and assumptions around those feelings. I would like to hear some other opinions on what happened here. AnyONe?

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  26.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    No, I can see you should mind your own business. This really has more to do with something you know nothing about Alexander. Nothing. You don't know the history. That is why you should have just minded your business. There's more than meets the eye. Go away.

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  27. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    I can see from the tone of this you only seem interested in promoting your ideas, and not truely listening to others. You do dissapoint me and tend to let evidence that many woman (not all) just want me to do as they want. I was trying to talk on topic and you want to bring in personal none related topics. This is sad form one so into these blogs. When anyone challenges you in the least- lash out attack. No disscussion, no trying to understand- just attack. so sad. I wanted to get into a discussion. But I guess I have been told and like a "good Boy" go sulk in my room while you rule the world. Hahahahaha

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  28.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Alexander honey, Ichibod and I have a history that you might not know much about. Maybe you do. Whether it was uncalled for is none of your business. I'd hope you wouldn't enter a thread I was in so that I did not have to tell you that you were RUDE and really not gentlemanly by flirting with me without reading my profile to see that I was not interested in Caucasian men. And further, inviting me to Skype with you when clearly in a thread I discussed my dislike for such avenues of communication. I tell you what though, when one is responding in a thread ONE SHOULD CLEARLY be able to make it known who it is they are referring to rather than bunching comments together much like Ichibod did with me and has done to me in the past, so as to try to "imply" things. Don't you ever in your life again admonish me about anything. People have disagreements all the time. What I stated isn't foreign. There is validity. Finally it is common sense. Step away from the computaaaaa!

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  29. Posted: 09 Jul 10

    WoW, I just got into this blog. So much to read, a real marathon. Ichibod, a lot of what you said made since to me; but so did others. The trouble in some of these dicussions seems to be people want to convince the other about their point rather than trying to understand the view point of another. This is true about explaining feelings (yes men to have feelings). the trouble comes in relating anothers feels to our own in connection with our own experiences. So often "people" can only relate to anothers feelings within thier own experince rather than trying to understand where the other person is comming from. Asing for more information about an expressed "feeling" in terms of the expressing persons experience and not judging based on the listeners expeience. *this discussion gets difficult just in terms of identifying whose feelings are being refered to. * petite- I felt some anger, and frustration in a few of your responces toward Ich that i felt were uncalled for. It supprised me because of the intellegent way you have show in many bloggs. Exploring feelings seems to be an ongoing and somewhat difficult task, being able to understand anothers feelings even when they do not understand their own feelings.

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  30.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    Hi Bigeyes, sister girl! It will be ok for you I believe. TIME takes care of things. LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL THANG! It's what I seek. (My definition, of course), LOL. Ohhh, I ate barbecue alright! But I ain't cook it. *smooches for my sister friend*

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  31.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    Hey Petite!Ms Chic Petite,lol. Thanks Ms Lady for all the kind words. I'm especially in a good mood since the "you and all your pictures off my pc and mind" thing is working itself out,lol. I love this man,dare I say. That is GRAND y'all coming from ME,lol. I consider myself to be quite scrooge-like when it comes to love and expression of such...such, emotions,lol.I'm SPRUNG,I have analyzed this thoroughly and yeah it's true. Man, that was hard. Anyways,love you all and happy fourth! Please DO eat too much BBQ,lol

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  32.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 10

    All: Enjoy your holiday weekend and be safe!

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  33.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 10

    Good morning everyone! @all, especially my girl BigEyes...... Latest on the Woods: TMZ is reporting that Elin will only get $100MM from Tiger. Tiger isn't worth the original 750MM that was floated around various media outlets. His estimated worth is between 500-600MM. I was skeptical about his worth being well over 750MM. He ain't no billionaire. I guess he can back to women hunting now that things are wrapping up. The Judge "ORDERED" him to not see other women. Soon he can get back to bizness as usual and I'm sorry to report I doubt he will be so "emotional." Ladies and Gentle-man this report has been brought to you courtesty of BVSpin and Roland Martin via

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  34.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    Thank you tatted. Same camera maybe just "springy" looking as opposed to all the dark colors? I dunno I think I look the same MOST of the time. LOL. We won't get into those times, us women go through.... Peace, much love

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  35.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    LOL @ Rene: "Al Green" is one of my all time favorite R&B crooners. Now you know you just went and insulted Rev. Grits by calling him "Al the Gore Green." All jokes aside, the real Al Green is my man. Grits or not! LOL.

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  36.   Rene06 says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    Petite: "I was wondering why I hadn’t heard anything about the Gulf Spill from him considering he’s our resident environmentalist. Teeheee." ____________________________________________________ I wondered why we haven't heard so much as a song, or whistle from "Al Green" myself.

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  37. Posted: 02 Jul 10

    oh wow....PC.....just saw the new pic upload.... You need to burn that other camera....LOL....It did you NO JUSTICE, sis.... lol....forgive me....but I speak only out of love here... Peace tatted2death

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  38. Posted: 02 Jul 10

    after it's all said and done..... "These kinds of men who cheat can’t lay no claim on being “emotional” when their relationships go sour." Thanks Petite-sis for saying what needed to be said right there. Peace

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    Hey Jenna: Girl it's true. Sex scandal after sex scandal with high profile men who have a great deal to lose get caught in the poonanny trap! Now it's Al Gore (former VP in US). I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything about the Gulf Spill from him considering he's our resident environmentalist. Teeheee. He's caught in a sex scandal. But I'll be he loved Tipper (wife). I believe they are divorcing. These kinds of men who cheat can't lay no claim on being "emotional" when their relationships go sour.

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  40.   Jenna says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    @PetitChick 'Poonanny is a helluva drug.' I like this statement alot lol!

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  41.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    Rene Tiger should have known the job was dangerous when he took it. You can’t play with the lives of others, and not expect to pay for it with serious consequences. Marriage is not a game, and at least according to the family laws in California, a community property state, it is the law that upon divorce, pretty much everything is split 50/50. If he got married in a community property state like California, then him being a big boy, he should have known the cost of admission to play in the Big Leagues. I can’t be mad at Elin. Also, Tiger really left her no other choice but to leave that marriage. She’d look like the biggest fool in America to stay with such a serial cheater, after all of the things he did to disgrace her, the kids, and the family. He didn’t just make one mistake, and repent, he put at least one, or more of those other trizzamps before his wife, proclaiming to love them, while dissing Elin. Lastly, if he was so unhappy, then be a man, sit down your wife, and tell her the TRUTH. It’s over! Then perhaps it could have been much less for Elin to be outraged about. El Tigre is paying for being stupid. LoL! ------------------------------ All of the above bears repeating. If anybody in this whole mess is emotional I can see it being Elin. She dang near tried to beat his ass with that golf club! My whole thing is that after all the cheating he say's he loves her and wanted to get "help" for his sexual addiction. The same with Sandra's hubby. Errrrbody got a different definition of love! Poonanny is a helluva drug. LOL.

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  42.   rene06 says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    Tiger should have known the job was dangerous when he took it. You can't play with the lives of others, and not expect to pay for it with serious consequences. Marriage is not a game, and at least according to the family laws in California, a community property state, it is the law that upon divorce, pretty much everything is split 50/50. If he got married in a community property state like California, then him being a big boy, he should have known the cost of admission to play in the Big Leagues. I can't be mad at Elin. Also, Tiger really left her no other choice but to leave that marriage. She'd look like the biggest fool in America to stay with such a serial cheater, after all of the things he did to disgrace her, the kids, and the family. He didn't just make one mistake, and repent, he put at least one, or more of those other trizzamps before his wife, proclaiming to love them, while dissing Elin. Lastly, if he was so unhappy, then be a man, sit down your wife, and tell her the TRUTH. It's over! Then perhaps it could have been much less for Elin to be outraged about. El Tigre is paying for being stupid. LoL!

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  43.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 10

    Rene you and I are thinking along the same lines. I say this because he cheated. But boy did he cheat! This woman's health could be at stake. It's one thing to do this - wifey finds out and you try to work things out. I guess Tiger thought that cause he is who he is "Rich" he could treat her that way. Is Tiger even worth that much? He lost a lot of endorsements. Shoooot, Juanita Jordan ain't got nothing on Tiger's soon to be ex. See are these the kinds of things that bring out the emotional side of men when a relationship goes bad? Just ask'n... All for the sake of the poontang! I ain't mad at that woman.

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  44.   Rene06 says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    She deserves every penny. Now come holla at me Ms. Woods.

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  45.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    Hey girlie! Why do you feel this way?

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  46.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    Ms.PetiteChick, I heard about this last week. I think on so many levels this is WRONG!!! I am in no way condoning Tiger's cheating but it's something wrong about rewarding this amount of money to the soon to be ex Mrs. Woods!!!! love godiva

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    This is slightly off topic, but maybe still kind of relevant. In any event I wonder if Mr. Woods is going "emotional right about now?" Tiger Woods Report: Tiger's Wife About to Rake in $750 Million in Divorce Settlement - BV on Money

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  48.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    Rene: I too believe men genuinely can be hurt in a relationship, but not to the same degree as does women, simply because women ARE pretty much the most emotional between the two genders. Me: By design the way God planned it! ------------ In general, many to most women are proned to not casually sleep around, because intercourse for them is both mentally, and physically deeply internal, while on the other hand, for us men, intercourse is at the very least, external, and in many cases, can be performed rather effortlessly, and almost at anytime, absent an emotional connection whatsoever. Me: Yep, yep, yepper! I ain't say'n all women don't sleep around cause there are some skeezers now, but generally speaking the act of sex alone involves more emotional connectivity than it does for a man. This has been true for as long as I can remember...... Some women will go so far as to sleep with a man in the HOPES he develops an emotional bond with her. Coochie ain't never done that! What that man may appreciate from that woman is just that, her coochie! If coochie can keep men around we'd all have a man by now, LOL. Coochie is like a helluva drug for some men. They think they love chick if she throws it at him right! For him that's love, for her that's just reeling him in and sometimes love as she deems it. LOL. No manuals, no dress rehearsals, no scripts, no right or wrongs JUST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TH SEXES as designed by God. ------------ The hunter/gatherer/provider that’s programmed into us men can not allow hurt feelings to stand in the way too much, because we still must hunt, and gather. While it’s mostly programmed in women to be the home maker, i.e. the center of the nuclear family. Me: Well stated! Very well stated.

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  49.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    Big Eyes..... Hey sis, you really need to get them to fix that mess. The men are missing out on such a gorgeous face, ha! Good to see you anyway foto or not! *smooches*

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  50.   Rene06 says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 10

    I too believe men genuinely can be hurt in a relationship, but not to the same degree as does women, simply because women ARE pretty much the most emotional between the two genders. In general, many to most women are proned to not casually sleep around, because intercourse for them is both mentally, and physically deeply internal, while on the other hand, for us men, intercourse is at the very least, external, and in many cases, can be performed rather effortlessly, and almost at anytime, absent an emotional connection whatsoever. The hunter/gatherer/provider that's programmed into us men can not allow hurt feelings to stand in the way too much, because we still must hunt, and gather. While it's mostly programmed in women to be the home maker, i.e. the center of the nuclear family. The proof of the male ego being the cause of much, to most of his pain comes in the fact that many of us seem more proned to commit acts of violence behind a woman not doing what we may want, (the controlling male) or kill her for leaving us. It is my opinion that it's mostly all male ego, which leads a man to kill his lover behind her leaving him, especially for another man. The "I can't have her, then nobody can have her," situation, or the "how dare she do this to me" scenario. While women may do things too, like attack a man's car, it's done out of pure hurt, anger, and revenge for the most part, to make HIM suffer, but rarely will she kill. She may feel like she wishes him to get run down, by an out of control Mack truck, but she wants to see it from anywhere but behind the wheel of that semi. Even though I believe women hurt more, I also believe women are more resilient, and move on more resoundingly. They are beautifully intricate, but never piss em completely off. This is all just my opinion.

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