Interracial or same race relationships?

Posted by James, 27 Jan


Halle Berry, President Barack Obama … both are mixed race Americans. However, the media and most Americans see them as Black. But if memory serves me well, they are both half-white.

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Most of us have chosen not to see President Obama’s marriage to Michelle as an interracial marriage. Most of us have chosen to see Halle’s relationship to Gabriel Aubrey as an interracial relationship. So, if our president isn’t in an interracial marriage, shouldn’t the same be said for Halle’s relationship since she has white blood in her too?

We Americans seem to have made our race issues more about colorism, where actual skin pigmentation is the basis for deciding what race one is. As Americans diversify through interracial marriage, it seems to be more difficult to differentiate race; so skin color is now being used to assess others, I guess. This explains why we have chosen to suddenly drop the ‘White’ in Obama and Halle and label them ‘Black’.

An interracial relationship is one where there is marriage, sexual or romantic relations between individuals of different races. Halle Berry is mixed race. If her relationship with Aubrey is interracial, don’t you think the same should be said for Obama and Michelle’s?

We can’t run from who we are. We shouldn’t blind ourselves to the fact that Obama and Halle are mixed race … half-white … half-black. Who are we to erase their Caucasian backgrounds out of this equation? So they look black. But does this make them less white?

If one of them is in a same-race relationship, then both are since they have half of both worlds. So, which is which? Interracial or same-race?

128 responses to "Interracial or same race relationships?"

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  1.   LaShaz says:
    Posted: 30 Jun 09

    Oh the great debate...It's the one thing I hate answering. Cause to be honest I am a blend of all my ethnicities. In the States I'm black, in Puerto Rico I'm Puerto Rican, even when I'm on the reservation I'm Native American...Sadly my Irish side is only recognized by family. The US has been the only place where I've lived where you get the constant questionin fof what are you. I'm an American...not an African-American, Native American, Latin American. An American that bleed and sweated for this country while serving in the military. So if you want to identify me then I'm all or nothing or simply an American. God help my son who's part Sicilian and looks white. When he has to face this situation.

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  2.   sisi19 says:
    Posted: 30 Jun 09

    This race issue is huge and we all should go on Oprah and discuss it. I am African- American, Irish, Sioux Indian, etc. The list goes on, sometimes I get confused myself. My neice is all the things I'm mixed with plus her father is Polish, Italian, Mexican, Spanish etc. It's too much, but I am not overwhelmed by her race, but by her beauty and my culturally diverse family. When I pull a wet brush through my hair in the morning I wonder what part of me makes it strait and silkly, then turn into a million little sprials. What part of my race prefers white men? Instead of trying to figure out what race people are that are already here, let's just try to get along with them. I think lol is funny, but makes a good point.

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  3.   lol says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 09

    It just makes me laugh that you all of you purposely came to a site for interracial dating and now race doesn't exist or matter, why are you here.

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  4.   Delphine00 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 09

    Why does the United States American person make such a big deal about race? It goes on and on, in every venue, this talk about race and racial pride and racial competency and racial this and that. What does it matter? Does a person's race define them? Apparently there are many who think it does. Isn't that rather pitiful and sophomoric?

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  5.   NubianGem says:
    Posted: 06 May 09

    Some people feel as though being black or white is simply a frame of mind. Sociologist protest race as being a social construction intended to separate and classify. America and early Americans classified black as having 1 drop of black blood. Ya grandparents black? mom or dad white? your black! Simple as that! I find it is hilarious though that we have a black man in office and suddenly he becomes mulatto, half and half, he is mixed, he is this, he is that. He is human just like you and I! He doesn't have wings nor the ability to read minds. Geees! wake up people there are more important things in this world besides skin color. Don't get me wrong I am a sister by far and I love the skin I am in beyond compare but are you serious? Genocide along with apartheid are still alive and well in Africa, Latin America is still dependent upon the U.S. There are still prisoners in Guantanamo and I have a tummy ache just to name a few things that are more important than America's dichotomy!

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  6.   Selva007 says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 09

    The first time I saw Barack Obama (on Oprah), I immediately thought of him as Mulato, the same thing with Halle Barry. In Latin America being a Mulato is a definition of being mixed with white and black (there are many more definitions, javao, morena etc.) and many of them are proud to be one. In this country anybody that has a darker color than white is called Black. This is because during the slavery the only color full accepted was white, anything else was tainted and rejected. For many black woman having a mixed child meant rape, so that is why this was not something to brag about. When I first arrived in this country I did not understand why everyone was called black, now I do and respect it. I voted for Obama not because he was black, mulato or mixed but because he is an honest, smart and good man and chose a very smart and good woman. I do think that all parents count, white, black or mixed and I am glad America is acknowledging this. My son is mixed but his skin color is white and while people have different definitions for him (which I don't mind) I am glad we live now in a world accepting us all. More than color what counts in life is being raised in a nice, disciplined and loving environment. I voted for Obama not because he was black, mulato or mixed but because he is an honest, smart and good man and chose a very smart and good woman. I do think that all parents count, white, black or mixed and I am glad America is acknowleding this. My son is mixed but his skin color is white and while people have different definitions for him (which I don't mind) I am glad we live now in a world accepting us all. More than color what counts is a being raised in a nice, disciplined and loving environment.

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  7.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Mar 09

    I have been following your blog for a while and I like it because it give me insights and new perspective on dating matters. For anyone interested, we developed a site for finding and dating good honest men. If you are looking for dating good honest men in your area, please check out our site and let us know what you think.

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  8.   Rome82 says:
    Posted: 04 Mar 09

    Should Barak deny his devoted white mother, or Tiger woods his Asian mother? Should Halle deny her white parentage, all for the sake of "well, in the U.S. if you're not white, you're black"? Face it--most of our ideas about race don't stand up to logic. You can say "well that's just the way it is" but then it never changes. STRONG INDIVIDUALS stand up to the bullsh*t and move the human race forward. Thank God Barak didn't sit around saying, I'm black and I can only reach out to blacks and everyone knows a black man can never be president.

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  9.   spicelaura says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 09

    i have a 4 year old little that is mixed race but i don't see that and all i see is how that other person is and you can't help you who you fall in love with and my granddad was black but i still love him no matter and race is no big deal and it doesn't matter and you can help where your heart lead you and you can't fight the feel when you know is right.

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  10.   lucious1 says:
    Posted: 23 Feb 09

    I personally think it is beautiful when a people of a different race can come together and love each other. I dont see race, i see a human being. i was raise in a culture that did not truely expose me to racism. I got a dose of it when I moved to the South. Yet i feel the same way. Not everyone is racist/ignorant. I deal with individuals and respect everyones opinions.

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  11.   secchance says:
    Posted: 21 Feb 09

    I quote "Can't we all just get along" I am 57 and can recall the colored water fountains in Ga, and ain't nobody getting out of this thing call life, alive, live and enjoy while one can.

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  12.   fiel says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    At the end, all that counts is if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. We are all Gods loving creation, so instead of looking at pigmentation and judging each other seek God.

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  13.   Hawkgirl26 says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    Ok wow were dpi start.... First of all we all need 2 shut our mouths and open our ears... R u all Listening 2 ur selfs? Ok I want2 adress one of the 1st ladies she was reponding 2 a white women sayn "basicaly" stop hatin when we white, Spanish,Italian ,german,Asian. Women walk into a resturaunt or bar or WHATEVER! And as far as ur respect, I u will get it but sweety u need 2 b able 2 give it 2, bcuz I didn't nor did ne 1 els ( unless she took ur man)then u need 2 handle ur buissness I meen..... Come on we r all women and we all get wrongd by men but black women please stop HATIN buz bottom line u all can say black men like outside there raise bcuz "white women r submisouve" which in some case yes jus like in some cases black women r loud and rude and some assain girls can't drive . But bottom line most Blk guys I date DONT date Blk women .... 4 vereouse reasons. Jus like I don't date white guys 4 veriouse reasons! LOL I meen this is all soundin raisest and let's just remember what jus happend this jan. But pleeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeeee DONT 4GET who raised oboma LOL a white mother n gma!!!!!! But it first matter let's just try n Coe exist. But as 4 the guy that said we "white woman" we basically a push over lollollollol uhhh huhuh y don't I give I the number 2 my exs LOL. And that's like steriotyping all Blk males as loosers u can't do that bcuz sweety, there is good in everybody jus d pends if u choopse 2 look at it. But I wish a $&@?! Would ! I will never no what ur ansistors went threw and it sux n I can apologize up n down but basically it comes down 2 who we all find atractive.... So u can't hate on that bcuz in the long run we r jus going 2 b 1 big melting pot!

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  14.   BillySag says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    TO REALY SEE HISTORY YOU MUST FIRST AQUIANT YOUR SELF WITH THE MATH. ADAM WAS SYMBOLICALLY THE "O" or the egg, androgyny.He had a Female in him. He was further synonymous to the ark of Noah,Sacred. From Sacred you get the races. The ark in this case being the carrier of all seeds, like Abraham. So in an abstract metaphysical way,again, there is no color. Who turned the heat to 58 degrees, by the way! OUT

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  15.   jali7 says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    What color was Adam??? Race, color, nationality its all relevant to a particular set of circumstances, time and space. If the rainbow did not have the many hues it would not be a rainbow. Defining things or people by different characteristics is natural as well as necessary for in the difference you find the likeness. So, its paradoxical in that oneness must divide and multiply itself to eventually be understood as oneness. The human being is no different. As much as i love my color (and i am darker than most) i am happy and satisfied everyone does'nt look, like me. Ah, the beauty of variety which creates a beauty of choice... If we are gonna read history lets read all of it. Some may say "its all good" and, then, others may say" it ain't all so good". Either way, its history...

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  16.   BillySag says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09


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  17.   jali7 says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    Great article and good topic for conversation. As an African American/Black/Colored/Negro, its amazing to me to me to how many of us wont accept the the other ethnic side of mixed race human beings. How can you in good consciousness dismiss the other side of the equation, how? To do so is utter disrespect. Barack's mother was Irish so that makes him as much Irish American as it does African American. So we have a African/Irish American Pres...

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  18.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    So far (being in the mid sixties), I have felt comfortable among any kind of people world wide and I felt accepted and even loved, because I felt no prejudice toward anyone who may have looked differently, or having other customs, behavior or religion. I had, however, not been a threat to these people, because I was not a burden or did not jeopardize their existence. I pretty much stayed within the broad middle class of those countries and perhaps with a positive attitude, my wonderful experiences are not a miracle, they had to happen under these good circumstances. Many people experience the opposite for many reasons. They may have been raised with prejudices, they may have had negative experiences themselves in the past. They are simply not able to look at others without bad expectations. I do not blame these people, as they did not have the same background as for instance I. My family has always looked for interesting partners, subsequently I have seven different European nationalities in me. It was only natural for me to have healthy, intelligent and beautiful children with a dark skinned American. I know in the U.S., generally one drop of dark blood is considered being black. My children do not identify themselves as being black, though, and they live in an international, educated society in the U.S. (including many dark skinned Americans). Our family believes, behavior has extremely much to do with being accepted by others. Being educated and well mannered opens up lots of doors anywhere. Topped by good looks and a positive personality will get anyone ahead. This is the reason why wonderful Barack Obama (despite his name) is admired world wide. He can relate to people anywhere on earth and is a true world citizen. He had to work very hard - also on himself, to get there. I would like to express my sorrow for all people on earth, who do not have a true chance to get out of the bad situation they were born into or brought into by others who are greedy, ill minded and egotistic. We do not all have the same chance. There is no justice. Many people are severely handicapped from the moment they are conceived by mothers who are drug addicts or have aids. Does it really help to pray? But a fact is, that our greatest celebrities throughout history come from the so called lower class in society. They were given a chance for education. Thereby they discovered a great talent, which, with much ambition, made them world famous. They did not get there by feeling sorry for themselves, blaming others, being loud and aggressive, lazy and without perspectives. Perhaps one should look at oneself if there is also prejudice toward others - are black Americans without any? Once they moved into a nice middle class neighborhood, do they welcome a trashy family next door, regardless of color? It took a long time for someone like Barack Obama to become president anywhere on earth! Time has come to look at true values!

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  19.   kelly2008 says:
    Posted: 14 Feb 09

    There is no such thing as different races, theirs only one race and that's the human race, all of these people or human beings, but have more than one cultural background and or ethnicity involved in their lives. If all humans being would treat each other as humans their would be no problems. Men are Men and Women are Women whether they be black, white, red or green. A dog is an animal whether it be a German Shepard or pitt bull its still a dog. Get over it people and call humans what they are and stop trying to make them something different.

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  20.   BillySag says:
    Posted: 14 Feb 09


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  21.   russian_QT says:
    Posted: 14 Feb 09

    This is a great article and how awesome that we can talk about stuff like this! I think that Obama is not black or white but BOTH. If his wife was black or white, both relationships would be considered interracial. Did we forget that our Hispanic neighbors are only a mixture of native Americans, white conquistadors and black slaves?? We could just call them mixed then. I don't think you loose a culture when your father is one ethnicity and your mother is another, you gain, and you are fully both things if you embrace them.

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  22.   BillySag says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 09

    Speaking Truth To Power If any one tries to convince you they are other than them selves; RUN. I love HIP people; All over the planet. I'm very partial to people who love to read BLAVASKY(SECRET DOCTRIN) And ALICE BALIEY (Esoteric Astrology) and Jazz. I also love German Women. Not because of the whiteness but because they are so Dam HIP... Love a person for who they are....Not for who you want them to be....

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  23.   BillySag says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 09

    It's a fact that most African Americans consider them selves as black.Why is this? There have been many races enslaved in America. Not to mention Irish, English; in good old Virginia. Read your history. For Blacks, they had a certain Law. Regardless of how light you were; your ass went to the block. Sold by the very same Rapist, irregardless of Blood. South American and the Islands had a different story.These people embraced their children and their women or Men. A very good sign of strength would be a black person irregardless of the color of his or her skin, to say I'm Black, and leave it at that. If you will note, the new Social Engineering has preferences. I wonder why?

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  24.   VallinSFAS says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 09

    I'm 1/8 (grandfather-father's side) Cherokee, and I grew up in Washington, DC and eastern NC. I now live in Atlanta (until I move to London). I list myself online when asked as Af-Am/Cherokee.

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  25.   jaquentin says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 09

    heres my thoughts on this discussion..first of all the whole white america-black america thing needs to stop!! its comments like these that keep us divided,and if you find either of them to be true than you are seperating yourself by race and that to me is racist!! we are all americans period!! yes i am white,does this make me a racist??im sure in some peoples eyes it does!! hmmmm...let me guess why...oh i know because im i see how that works... i guess now because im going to voice my opinion and because im WHITE im being racist!! i guess then its also true that everytime i apply for a loan or try to get a job i will have my way because im white...hmmmm i guess i also have perfect credit because im white!!ok then i guess i will have all the riches in the world and everything i want because im WHITE...wake up people we are who we are period regardless of how others may look at us. there were plenty of loans I DID NOT GET..there were plenty of times i applied to jobs I DID NOT GET..and yes at one time my credit was horrible..oh yeah SugaD305 i didnt know the color of your skin can lower your credit.maybe you should try paying your bills!! it sounds to me like your hiding behind your skin color as an excuse of your own failures..its comments like yours and others that make this country seem so hateful and racist!!so by you calling yourself a house NI@#ER must mean this is how you think white people look at you this offends me maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror because you are being racist with that point is this..we are who we are and what we do on a daily basis is how we choose our own lives,accepting who we are as individuals is what makes us, not our skin color!!!barack obama is a great man and i have all the respect for him in the world!!if he lived his life with hatred because he was black and thought of himself as a house NI@#ER he would not be in the position he is today.he is a smart man with respect and he accepts who he is whether he be black,mixed,or white he believed in his own dreams and goals regardless of his color. him believing in himself is who he is..he believed.. he worked hard he knew not to base his life on the color of his skin.hes accomplished more in life then i could ever imagine myself doing and i give him all the credit.hes who he is as an individual and his positive attitude paved his future!! so however people want to look at him black,white,mixed it really doesnt matter when he goes home hes just himself.. barack obama!!! change your attitude and believe in yourself as one regardless of your race or skin color...and your life will change with it. peace to everyone, we are all a great people and nation!!!!!

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  26.   SugaD305 says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 09

    I just feel like if you wanna say that Barack and Halle are not classed as black then you sould say that most black people are not classed as black. I can't take off my black skin to get a good job or to get good credit or a loan. I have to live with this just as Barack and Halle did before they got into the jobs that they got. One day when I'm famous then I guess I won't be just a black man anymore, but for now I'm still just a house NI@#ER. And we still live that way. I don't like it but get real its life.

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  27.   Nyala_Red28 says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    Great comment Roderic1...AMEN! Most people regardless of racial heritage are mixed to a certain extent so why are all the labels needed? We definitely do get "caught up in the wrong things" which only continues to divide people in our country.

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  28.   me says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    Sorry, didnt check my last response before I posted it. One more thing. Why is it that when he was running for president, so many people were saying things like, "I'm not voting for a black guy as president" But now that he's in, those same people and more focus on the fact that he's half white now as if the black doesn't even exist now? hypocrites indeed. My point is that I hope some people posting comments like "he's just as much white as he is black, why do people say he's fully black?" see their fault. Because, Really? Wow, noone says he's fully black, but he is indeed our first black president. You and your nonsensical thoughts oppose each other. If you want to attack someone for calling them black(as if they are not) then you should be attacking Barack and Halle, cause they do it themselves. Please stop saying that noone acknowledges that he's half white, because noone denies that he is.

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  29.   me says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    one more thing, why is it that when he was running for president, so many people were saying things like, "I'm not voting for a black guy as president" but now that he's in, those same people and more focus on the fact that he's half white now as if the black doesnt even exist now? hypocrites indeed. My point is that I hope some people posting comments like "he's just as much white as he is black, why do people say he's fully black?" Wow, noone says he's fully black, but he is indeed our first black president. You and your nonsensical thoughts oppose each other. If you want to attack someone for calling them black(as if they are not) then you should be attacking Barack and Halle, cause they do it themselves. Please stop saying that noone acknowledges that he's half white, because noone denies that he is.

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  30.   me says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    quite a few of these comments are a bit silly. cause.... Obama and Halle are the ones that identify themselves as black....... it's not forced..... Besides, the point is, that they are both(black and white). So tell me, does the white negate the black? NO That is why he is the first black president, and she is the first black woman to win that award. You people forget that they are BOTH, do they negate each other and make something foreign? is your daughter not black because she is white as well? See I don't need a pole to touch this subject, cause it's all quite simple, and you are making this needlessly complicated. Geeez, we are ONE people anyway, what's with all this "best of both worlds" bologna? It's your little nonsense that keeps all this separation, why we have so many identity issues. Yes they are black, yes they are white, so you should be careful not when you say they are not black. Imagine your child, she goes, "well..... if I'm not black.. and if I'm not white because white is something "pure" then.... what am I? I'm Other?" Ahhh people, come on now. They are Black and white, not some kind of strange creation of no origin.

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  31.   brinjanlsu says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    Very true. I am indian and people judge my on my skin color. But... I am born in America. Although I don't have "White or Black" blood, the fact is.... all humans (especially Amercians) judge on Skin Color and not necessarily culture or ethnicity. I joined thsi site and amazingly, 100% of people who have emailed me or winked me are "Black" I don't mind persa, but its funny that 0 whites have. What does that say? I think that proves human nature is to be "initimate" with people that Look more like you because inherently humans judge on color. Its sad -but the truth. So given I live in America where 70% are white, 12% black, 17% Mexican - i don't have too many dating choices because most women stay to their races, or those few that dont will still want to be near their "color". If not, then they always go with the "White" because that is what is socially acceptable given "whites" are the dominant, wealthy power in our world.

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  32.   LadyJade80 says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 09

    I am obviously of european descent. As a matter of fact, I am first generation American and find the thought that my daughter, who is of mixed decent would only be considered black. Her black father doesn't have any involvement in her life or upbringing, so why should be solely identified by the fact that her skin is the color of a nicely tanned white person?? I mean really, in the summer you have white people who you wouldn't even know they were white because they are tanned. So do they become black by the season since their skin pigmentation is dark versus light? And so, it seems down right ignorant to try and claim that if you are half black you are all black. I am very much white, but my daughter is not MORE black then she is white. The bottom of her feet and the palms of her hands are just as white as mine. And on that note, does that mean an albino person, is truly white although both of their parents are black, simply because they are lacking pigment?? sounds ridiculous right? Now, Barack Obama is just as much white and he is black, but it's funny no one really wants to touch that with a ten foot pole. I do think it is interesting that the first "black" president, really is the best of both worlds and it is a nice transition from our history of only white leaders. Don't you think it's time we start seeing people for what they truly are and not what's convient at the time?

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  33.   Micheli says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 09

    What is this white world/black world garbage??? Are these planets in two different galaxies??? Fact is if Obama was standing on the corner with a 40 ounce, nobody would be calling him "bi-racial". But we know exactly what they would be calling him! Seems to me nowadays when a "black" person accomplishes something outstanding, white folks want to whitewash the black person. But if that same black person were on foodstamps, in jail, or being loud on the bus, no one is going to say, "Look at that bi-racial!". AND let's face it, on her way UP the ladder Halle was considered BLACK. Somehow after winning that Oscar she became BI-RACIAL. Interesting indeed. Perhaps if America pulled it's racist head out it's racist behind we can get back to calling people what they really are...PEOPLE living in ONE world!

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  34. Posted: 02 Feb 09

    It is interesting and refreshing to see the comments from a younger generation. This is apparently a topic of fascination still. I met my second husband in 1980. He was the love of my life and claimed to be creole. His father was a very dark black man and his mother was a very fair skinned (with black hair and eyes) creole woman. Their children were a beautiful chocolate. Of course I lost my family with my decision to marry 'outside' my race. Funny, at seventeen I had an Aunt say a dasterdly thing about my first marriage to a Catholic. It just goes to show you cannot please everyone! Follow your heart.

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  35. Posted: 01 Feb 09

    I think that there is one important fact missing. We, those who have light colored skin. Also are in the mixed catagory. You see, being of two parents whom come from two different countries would make you mixed if it's about ethnicity. If it's about shade of the skin, someone from Ireland and someone from England are more than likely not going to have the same shade of skin, but people don't look at that the same. While the same is true for those from Nigeria or Africa. Each lineage has different characteristics. Be it the shade of the skin, predominant facial features or body structure. No matter the color of your skin chances are we are all mixed. I think we've come a long way with a longer way still to go to teach the world about color blindness.

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  36.   thekid47 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 09

    Actually, the argument was independent of being in America, it was focused on the fact that race is a construct, that things therefore are looked and talked about differently, not only between countries, but within them, and the question itself is problematic- But I take your point about living in America, but I suggest, that the ground, to borrow a phrase from the President's Inaugural, 'has shifted'.

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  37.   Maggi32 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 09

    Yes-if you look black,that makes you less white.We live in America.Some things won't change

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  38.   thekid47 says:
    Posted: 31 Jan 09

    Actually, the phrase one drop of 'blood' referencing anything genetically is a bit deceptive. That language comes down, in the United States specifically, to the racial laws that have their origins before the Civil War. Genetic information is not passed via blood-hence the laws here, up until the late 40's, forbidding the transfusion of blood between persons of different 'racial' groups, was and is, flawed. The use of the phrase 'mulatto', has it's roots as a ethnic description as early as New Spain, at least in the case of this hemisphere. Racial designations, vary by country, Brazil I believe had and has, 5 designations-and the in the United States, there are certain interesting definitions that one will find in US Department of Labor documents-such as persons being part of the original peoples from..etc. The exception, very curiously, is that for the definition of black, it is people originating from Africa for example-but the phrase original peoples is ..well, missing. South Africa under apartheid had three-interestingly enough, only three. Brazil and the United States had more, and of course, different. As far as the President and Halle Berry, and whomever-I think that while stating who they are, they also probably realize that it is not simply a one person definition-precisely because they both live in a society, with real, unfortunately, real people, some of whom have this social construct of 'race', and that is what it really is, levied in their thinking and hence their behavior. To author of the article, no I haven't chosen to see Halle's Berry's relationship as a interracial one-and the President's marriage as a Black one per se. How about, seeing the President's marriage as one of those 1/10 marriages that are full of love, respect and strength and so refreshing to see in the White House? How about wishing Halle Berry, who has had problems in previous relationships, all the best and all happiness in her life? The problem fundamentally, in some of these blog articles, is that they fundamentally beg the question, and set the discussion off in a adversarial fashion-which is not necessary at all. Discovery magazine, about a decade ago, had a edition on the science of 'race', and how arbitrary it is-depending on what set of genetic factors, and blood is not a genetic factor-people across countries for example can have B+ blood-but how, depending on what factors, Norwegians and Nigerians are closer genetically than say Norwegians and Finns-depending on what factors are chosen.

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  39.   mixedgrl80 says:
    Posted: 30 Jan 09

    I think people would be surprised to find out how many of the black balls would consider the swirly and polk-a-dot balls outsiders too. For everywhere white ball that feels that way, there is a black ball that feels the same. It's really up to Halle and Barack, who have both lovingly acknowleged their white family, to say who they are. I personally don't feel I will ever date within my race, because I'm not dating my sister. So it will always be an interracial relationship for me. (Race as as cultural label, of course not as a biological one because we all know biologically we are all the same race.) It's all love really, and putting a label on it, doesn't change what it is at it's root. So Label on.

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  40.   mixedgrl80 says:
    Posted: 30 Jan 09

    Most scholars will agree that Mulatto is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese Mulado, meaning Mule. You can now, in most applications, and in the census, indicate that you come from a multi-ethnic background. What's important is how you see yourself, not how others judge you. If you want to identify with being black, that is up to you, it is not up to anyone else to put labels on others.

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  41.   SugaD305 says:
    Posted: 30 Jan 09

    Look here's the truth. I don't know one black person that is all black. I don't know to many people that can say they do. I see my mom and grand parents and I know that I'm not all black. But the way I was brought up by my family, school's and the United States of America makes me black. Black not as a color or a race but black as in a class of person. Don't get mad because the person you put in that same class is now the President of the US. Oh and he also calls himself a black man who has a black wife and kids who are about as white as I am and will be classed black. Angel Goddess get help. Mulatto is not a race is a tone. Let me see you check that off on your job app. Its cool to say you love your white parent, just remember that in america your White, Black, Hispanic non Black and Asian. And is you add black to that it put you in the black check box. If you go to jail you will be classed black if you have a drop of black in you. Thank about that and ask yourself why????? And then look at your past because it will helf build your future.

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  42.   mixedgrl80 says:
    Posted: 29 Jan 09

    Brandy624, I'm sorry but beauty isn't in an ethnicity. And 1 drop of any other blood is just as strong genetically. It's down to individual genetics. I can think of a handful of other ethnicities that "show" strongly in others. Strength, faith, and passion are amazing to have in your life, but people who aren't black don't lack these traits. Being proud of who you are and where you've come from is great, as long as you realize you are not alone in your love for whichever ethnicity or culture you hail from. It is just as great to be proud to be Sioux, or Scottish, as it is to be proud of your Blackness. They are all beautiful... and as humans, we are all one.

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  43.   brandy624 says:
    Posted: 29 Jan 09

    1 drop of black blood and u r Beautiful, be proud, our bloodlines are strong. u can put 1 drop of anyone elses blood in someone and never know it. We are blessed to be black. I love my color, my strength, faith and passion for life.

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  44.   Roderic1 says:
    Posted: 29 Jan 09

    I find it unfortunate that still in this day and age we are still having to have this type of discussion. To tell the truth should it really matter about a person's ethnic background? I mean its not like any of us get any extra points for being one or the other except in our own minds. I have been raised as a black man even though my great great grandfather was white. Does that make me any less black? In this country isn't it a a fact that most of "Black" America is of mixed heritage? We have had to claim anyone who looks like us and we have. You are who you claim to be and that's fine with me. It amazed me that more people, black and white, celebrated the fact that we have our first "black" president than the fact that we elected an agent of change. We get caught up in the wrong things. Why don't we just accept everyone for who they are and why don't we start that right here, right now!

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  45.   mixedgrl80 says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Well as my SN states, I identify with being mixed. I think it goes to how I was raised, and where I was raised, so saying that I will respectfully disagree with the statement that people of mixed race are just black. I was raised in a culture where our ancestry is not just your mother and father, but all of your relations- and they are important. Very Important. In my opinion, saying I am only black is denying my mother and her family- not to mention the Scottish and Native tribes of my fathers lineage. I will refuse, until my dying day to only acknowledge one ethnic backround in this manner. I know that I look like my father's family in South Carolina, and on my reservation there is no question I am Dakota Sioux... Race and ethnicity are secondary to ancestors and culture in my household. Your roots are made up of ALL peoples who had a place in their making, not just one. I love and am proud of all my relations, but I will not turn my back on the majority of them to embrace any outdated practices such as the One drop rule. Yes I am Black, but I am also German, Sioux, Choctaw, and Celtic. All are beautiful, and all are a part of who I am, genetically, and culturally.

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  46.   gethere1970 says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    We as Black Americans have to acknowledge all parts of our racial makeup. I myself am Black, Indian, White and Asian. So wouldn't that make me MULTIRACIAL too? We recognize President Obama and Halle Berry as Black because of history. When slave masters "mated" with their slaves, do you think that they brought the products of those unions up to the big house and presented them to their wives and family? They were not half-Black and half-White. They were Black. Throughout history, anyone having skin pigmentation darker than a paper bag was considered undesirable, even amongst other Blacks. Even today in Africa, some nations are divided by skin color. I was told by my daughter's father that I would be treated like a queen in Ghana because I am considered lightskin by their standards and they equate skin color to wealth. For most of Halle's and Barack's life when people looked at them they saw a Black woman and a Black man? Would whites be in such a hurry to want to claim them as part of their race if they weren't how they are? I think not. I however, love anyone with dark skin and white skin and red skin and yellow skin and brown skin and claim them all. But I identify as a Black woman and am proud to be that. The person who wrote this blog is clearly ignorant to our history to have asked this question. Do me a favor please. Pick up a book, better yet just watch the movie Roots and come back and ask that questions again.

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  47.   LaCacique says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    I find that whenever a mixed raced American are doing somthing positive, the media wants to focus on the fact that they are of mixed race, but the moment someone of mixed race does something negative (i.e. breaks the law) the headlines read "Black Man commits crime!" It even happened when Halle Berry had her car accident. The media focused her race as being black, not mixed race. I find that white America still can't accept black americans doing something positive so they have to change black to mixed race to feel better. Reminds me of the breakfast scene at Mooby's in the movie Dogma.

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  48. Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Well I am half white and half black and I call myself "Mulatto" even thou I look spanish most people think I am spanish. I don't feel like just a black person because some of my characteristics are of a white girl and some are of a black girl, I can like Rock music one day and Hip-hop music the next. And it is hard to fit in sometimes because, black people feel I'm not black enough and white people feel I'm not white enough the same problem Obama deals with from the nay sayers, truth be told he was raised by his pre-dominantely white family so can he not give them credit for taking care of him? I mean it's always so rediculous I think really. I'm proud of being both races and I can never say I'm just Black, because I'm not I'm also white...Love it or leave it alone it is what it is..

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  49.   adventure88 says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 09

    The trouble is, there is no such thing as "race" in scientific terms. It is a judgment of how people look. That is why when studies are done on things like whether one race is more intelligent than the other, the study is already worthless because race cannot be scientifically defined (e.g. the book The Bell Curve). DNA is scientific, genealogy is scientific, as is ethnicity. We use race to describe how people look. I believe each individual has the power to define him or herself however he or she wants to, at any time and in any situation - regardless of how others may perceive him or her.

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  50. Posted: 27 Jan 09

    The truth about race is that more than 90% of Black people in America have white blood in them dating back to the slave trade. If you go to Africa, Jamaica or any place where the people are dark skinned, they don't refer to themselves as "black". The american negro term came in america. Africans refer to themselves as either African or by the country the come from. Since Black people were the first people (so to speak), then that makes all of us mixed. The definition of a black person however is someone not "white". Thus the opposite of black is white. You can't be both! Not that it really matters, but if you mix an African with a white person, you get a Black person period! Thus, Halle Berry is black, President Obama is black, and I am black! We are not African's or African Americans. We are Black Americans! Love you all, peace.

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