Interracial or same race relationships?

Posted by James, 27 Jan


Halle Berry, President Barack Obama … both are mixed race Americans. However, the media and most Americans see them as Black. But if memory serves me well, they are both half-white.

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Most of us have chosen not to see President Obama’s marriage to Michelle as an interracial marriage. Most of us have chosen to see Halle’s relationship to Gabriel Aubrey as an interracial relationship. So, if our president isn’t in an interracial marriage, shouldn’t the same be said for Halle’s relationship since she has white blood in her too?

We Americans seem to have made our race issues more about colorism, where actual skin pigmentation is the basis for deciding what race one is. As Americans diversify through interracial marriage, it seems to be more difficult to differentiate race; so skin color is now being used to assess others, I guess. This explains why we have chosen to suddenly drop the ‘White’ in Obama and Halle and label them ‘Black’.

An interracial relationship is one where there is marriage, sexual or romantic relations between individuals of different races. Halle Berry is mixed race. If her relationship with Aubrey is interracial, don’t you think the same should be said for Obama and Michelle’s?

We can’t run from who we are. We shouldn’t blind ourselves to the fact that Obama and Halle are mixed race … half-white … half-black. Who are we to erase their Caucasian backgrounds out of this equation? So they look black. But does this make them less white?

If one of them is in a same-race relationship, then both are since they have half of both worlds. So, which is which? Interracial or same-race?

128 responses to "Interracial or same race relationships?"

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  1.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 24 Jun 10

    Okay, my 2 cents on this subject. In America, the terms black and white are social classifications. The classifications merely say that if you have black in you you are to learn how to be a black person and if you are classified as a white person then you learn how to be like a white person. The classifications were designed to keep the two seperated in every way. The time has come for this to change. When that will happen, maybe it will maybe it won't.

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  2.   Member says:
    Posted: 29 May 10

    BIGEYES11, are you possibly signed on? IM me.

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  3.   Member says:
    Posted: 29 May 10

    Any black women interested in a white man...6-1, 214 lbs, but wheelchair-bound due to an accident that happened in 1991. I am divorced from my only daughter's mother. I am not paralyzed, but I don't walk. I can perform between the sheets, however.

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  4.   wonka says:
    Posted: 22 Feb 10

    Micheli is so right,I'm Trinidadian/Irish you don't see me going public about it or the WHITE man maki- ng his way to my house to interview me.Of course I'm not rich and famous like Halle Berry or any of the other KNOWN!! bi-racial people in the world.Who cares who's what and what who is!!!???,I'll tell you who,the WHITE people care,that is when it's beneficiary for them.We need to stop this crap,it doesn't matter,I see bi-racial as bi-racial,but,if your part of the minority then bottomline your part of an ethnic group,those are the facts.

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  5.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 10

    I think it's awfully sad that "sisterly" love doesn't want another "sister" to get "glammed up". I love being a woman who wears boots with stiletto heels and perfumes. I didn't know that being in the "sistahood" meant you couldn't be a woman...LOL. Sorry, I like "johnsons"...LMAO. "BALANCED" yeah, RIGHT

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  6.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 10

    Imagination, imagination...following YOU around the bloggs....Ha ha..what a joke. Projecting does NOT equal strength. Using....utopian psychology and "buzz" words doesn't get you anywhere but at home being jealous that someone else had a Superbowl party to go to and date to take them,LOL. People must realize that "marking" ones skin doesn't build ones self-esteem but only mask the pain of being "ordinary"....sorry,LOL. One must accept one's skin NATURALLY as it is,LOL. Utopia doesn't allow for such "excesses" after all EVERYONE IS THE SAME...LOL P.S. I have ALWAYS "felt" myself loooong before I came to this blog....and I shall continue to do so...:-)

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  7. Posted: 13 Feb 10

    I speak the way I do here because I represent MYSELF and no one else. I have the right to have different opinions and address different people in the manner in which THEY respond. This doesn't make one a "CYBIL" as you put it. But again if "following" me around this blog and putting down any and ALL of my comments makes your day, I say have at it......but it sure tells ALOT about YOU. Maybe "Daffy"...(which I have EARNED the right to call him as such....being called MANY names by him)...has been filling your head with too much hot air these days......REALLY has you "feeling" yourself a little too much. Masking does NOT equal self-esteem.....sorry. Have a good ONE... Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S. Oh yeah, "Ms. Unassimilated", how was the SUPERBOWL party that you had to get all "glammed up" for....LOL.

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  8. Posted: 13 Feb 10

    on the bra strap again I see.....why not worry about your own "image" here???

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  9.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 10 Feb 10

    Isn't wonderful how utopia makes peoples' personality change from day to day. All this talk of "brothers can speak so peacefully amongst themselves",lol. Oh my god and the"could you extend a little of that to the "sisters",LOL. Cybil's in one of her OTHER PERSONALITIES,LOL. That's the ONLY way someone having behaved the way they have could have the audacity to even talk like that. They are someone else from day to day,LOL.

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  10.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 09 Feb 10

    @boots, sorry I've been enjoying the fruits of the "who dat" party,lol. You make some excellent points. Blacks have not had the same tax breaks for starting a business the way other minorities have. Blacks have been disenfranchised on so many levels that the playing field is nowhere equal. Other minorities can network with each other because they don't lock anyone out but blacks. For example, the beauty supply industry the Indians network and reveal their suppliers to the orientals but will not allow blacks to know. Yes, we can work hard and achieve but frankly we have to work harder and often on our own.I think it goes back to making amends. In this country the japanese were given an apology and some amendments for being placed in internment camps, the Jews are respected and protected because of the U.S. not responding in a timely manner to the holocaust, the Native-americans still have laws that are different from the U.S. laws and are enforced by this government, they get to attend college for free without loans or grants, and then there are the casinos. Everyone has been given "SOMEHTING" to ease their transitions to success. I'm not saying blacks should always be looking for a "handout" but if you are already giving "handups" to other races of people, why not be fair?

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  11. Posted: 09 Feb 10

    ....and even all this is "off-topic"(lol)...I truly appreciate your spirit, boots (and, of course, fenway and Ich) and yes, I did get a chance to read the other threads where you posted. Alot of your points make much sense and I can see where you are coming from much clearer......thanks.. Peace

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  12. Posted: 09 Feb 10

    I love you too, boots...... .....I have TRUE love for ANY man/person that has some integrity and can speak from the few of us do these days. Everyone's putting up some front or some other bullshyt. Isn't it just wonderful how you "brothers" can speak so peacefully amongst yourselves??? The only other thing I could ask for is that you extend a little bit of that to the "sisters"......regardless of her SKIN TONE or dating choices she possibly deserves a little bit of that love as well... NOTICE: I said "possibly" because I know TRUE sellouts exist (IN MANY FORMS) and until they can leave the ones "they DON'T want" out of their mouths, they need a different kind of "love" (self, maybe). Peace and Blessing tatted2death

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  13.   boots says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 10

    To fenway2k..........I love ur fire bro.....But it's not fair to lump blk americans together with other so called disadvantaged groups ,what other group had their status predetermined by a national policy.Asians, Hispanics,Indians,and middle Eastern minorites have a preferred status over blks and a higher social acceptability, moreover these groups were never mistreated as blks were by government policy.100 percent of our ancestors were here before most of the ancestors of all the other groups, yet white america still has not been willing to assimulate blks.All these groups that u have listed none have carried the burden of slavery and jim crowism."As Asians and Hispanics find places in the economy they are allowed to move upward on social and occupational ladders"(Two Nations:Black and White Separate Hostile and Unequal)Andrew Hacker historian......Blks have had no such options....These groups have also piggybacked on the blk civil rights movement with affirmative action legislation ,accomadation went to white women ,Hispanic, Asian and the handicapped ahead of blacks.Blks should not be included in the same minority category as these other groups b/c they were never( by statute) deprived by the government of their humanity and the right to enjoy the fruits of their own labor...With all respect to you my seem to imply in your last statements that blk people are not willing to sacrifice and they make excuses while paying attention to sterotypes.. I disagree....we should talk one day concerning, the ethics of hard work and the myth of hard work...When you say I am teaching theory....if that means speculation, again I disagree, history when properly understood is'nt speculation, when you say abstract, if that means not concrete ...I again disagree, here's something that's not abstract (in 1860 blk americans owned and controlled approximately 1/2 of 1% of the nations wealth.By 1990 blks owned and controlled 1 1/2 of 1% of the nations think systemic racisim maybe the Ich.....I know you carry a real burden for blk people... all people and you and I both know who has the real truth...keep me in your prayers....thank u

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  14.   fenway2k says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 10

    To Boots: Not disagreeing with you in the slightest. But you are teaching theory, talking in abstract. I am simply stating why your theory will never be realized among Blacks. Isn't it amazing how other nationalities can take those same theories you preach and make it work for them? Regardless of the state of the union here, other minorities have unified and carved a niche for themselves. Middle Eastern minorities have cornered the market on convenience stores and the hotel/motel industry. Asians rule the beauty supply market, and the Hispanics are in charge in the manual labor/construction market. They came over here, made sacrifices ( 50 living in the same house/ only buying from their own) and are now successful to a certain degree. They didn't seem to pay attention to their opposition or stereotypes and excuses, just did what they had to do. You seem to have ignored the examples I gave...may I ask why?

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  15.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 10

    Thank you, Boots. That's exactly what I meant and why I hurt for our people. I was busy battling some racist, voodoo priestest in another topic. Romans 8:6 "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Yes, the Apostle Paul WAS briliant. James brown mentioned in a song about getting some land, growing our food like "the man", save our money like the mob, put up a fight down on the job. But people choose to only hear "I'm black and I'm proud!" and say it louder than growth and education.

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  16.   boots says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 10

    I guess what Iam trying to say to everyone albeit in a long winded way......our lives ,our outlook on life, the way we think ,perception,the way we view each other,how we react to one another,is shaped by our environment ,not entirely but in a great measure. Whites have shaped the environment of blacks in this country since the first slaves arrived in the early 1600s .Through slavery of course,Jim Crowism and all sorts of laws that resulted in social engineering.Has brought us today to a state or status of disadvantage.For sure with individual effort and determined faith /hope one may prevail,but by in large blks carry an extra burden.I dont seek to change the mind and heart of the white world only God can do that ....instead give me something concrete tangible,my spirit and soul will be repaired when my great grand parents will be restored that which was stolen.Their posterity will accept in their behalf the long overdue reparations ...thank u all

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  17.   boots says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 10

    To ....Ich,yes blk nationalism would be a hard sell,we need land to have a nation.This was a big debate in the 60s with MalcoLm X,the Panthers, Carmichael and even prior,with Du Bois,Garvey and Washington in the early 1900s.Why can't we have a type of nationalisim that suggests a love for ourselves with the absence of hate for others.Surley as a christian you could feel the longing that the Apostle Paul had for his own people the Jews in Romans chapter 10.1 . to fenway2k..blk unity can be achieved through acknowlegement of truth i.e undestanding history ,if there is blame then it should'nt be shielded...Yes unity can come through revolution but not in the sense that the word connotes,but a revolution in mindset,aspirations, in thought, with a new focus on the spiritual non material things.With a love and devotion to one's own people, in light of the common burden of racisim in it's subtle forms borne by all blks. to example of something that happened yesterday having an affect on us today,( the Homestead act of 1862 represented America's last great land policy.....this act remained in effect until 1900 and provided 400,000 to 600,000 white families with homes and farms,most of the land went to speculators who aquired claims to rich western lands, timber, and mineral rights that led to great wealth.Blacks were unable to aquire any of this land wealth..... No one had spent more time tending land than blacks certainly not European immigrants,yet not even free blacks were allowed to participate in the famous land rush West)..BLACK LABOR WHITE WEALTH..CLAUD ANDERSON,Ed.D powernomics 129

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  18.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 10

    I don't like Black Nationalism... so called. Booker T Washington had the best idea, in my opinion. It was sort of a seperate, but equal kind of thing. He started so many agricultural and mechanical (A&M) universities so we could focus on growing our own food and running our own factories developing goods for ourselves and anyone else that would buy from us. I believe the reason black nationalism would be difficult today, as it was before, is because we can't get the premise across without people finding and feeling hatred and bias toward other races, primarily WHITES. I know where the answer to this problem lies, but I'm not gonna start that whole discussion over again. I was just thinking about the "40 acres and the mule" thing the other day. Ofcourse, trying to nag the government for it now would be pointless, but have you priced a 40 acre lot? There are many black people that can afford it or families that can put up that kind of money, not to mention celebrities. Lots are even sold and auctioned on eBay. For one, the record industry (rap and R&B) needs to be destroyed. Blacks with microphones have the chance to speak to millions and aren't saying anything. That's the opportunity to educate the masses on a master plan for us to advance. Tupac talked about how scary it was to be on stage in front of 10,000 people ready and willing to do whatever he told them to do. And all these millions of kids are being told to do is to "Superman that ho". It hurts, it really does.

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  19.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 10

    to bigeyes... ur correct.. land, money, wealth, the transfer of wealth, political power,and even the perception of power that some blks automatically have of whites ,which may make them (whites) seem more appealling...these things should be explained understood,digested.Let's talk. ..but I got 2 get those taxes done

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  20.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 10

    Greetings to all........I swear by my own head..I love all u guys... tatt,bigeyes,Mr fenway2k, Queens,Ich I read your comments all the time. I love blk people,I make no excuses 4 any evildoers blk or Tatt ,regarding your post if ur able, please read my response to GLASSWING on another blog,where some of my feelings on this subject r shared . Yes I do agree..... BLK NATIONALISM in the USA would be very difficult, it's been tried b4, and being practiced now by some, but without widespread acceptance .Just what variety, what form should it take, maybe a hybrid? I got a really good response 4 all of u....but right now I got 2 get these taxes done ...need that refund.

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  21.   fenway2k says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 10

    Here's the deal: I am a man first and foremost and in order for me to succeed as a man in this world, I must know what kind of world I live in. The sad fact is that I live in a world where other people judge me based upon how I look, what I say, how I dress, who I date, my economic situation...on and on. As a man I can either choose to let all those OPINIONS affect me and dictate how I live, or I can be my own thinking individual, with my own sense of identity, and live my life to the fullest, because that is what I can control. What I choose to identify myself as should have no bearing on you. Believe me...yours has absolutely no bearing on my life in the slightest. Black unity can NEVER be achieved through blaming the White man, economics, nor revolution. The tragedy of Blacks is that they act like they are genetically predisposed to being subservient, and resent any attempt by a fellow Black man to rise up. Example, Asians can come into my neighborhood and open a beauty supply shop selling strictly BLACK products, not Asian or Caucasian, and we will flock there, even having the nerve to ask them about which products are best to use! WTF!!! And we will make them filthy rich. Now if I choose to open a BLACK-OWNED beauty supply store in the same neighborhood, it's the first one Blacks want to rob. Another example, If I wanted to open a corporation where I needed investors, sadly I would have to seek White investors, not because Blacks aren't qualified or don't have the money... But because we will become bitter enemies arguing over who gets to be in charge and why they feel they shouldn't have to answer to me. And cut the conversation short because they have to rush to their menial 9 to 5, worried because the boss (Massah) don't like it when they are late! The plight of Blacks begins within, on an individual basis. I have to develop my own sense of identity and learn to respect others sense of identity. Maybe then we can learn to post blogs without feeling a need to put people in their place and get ugly personal when someone says something I don't agree with.

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  22.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 10

    LMAO he can't cut strings that aren't your imagining ability has grown because now you can use it outside of Utopia...LMAO

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  23.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 10

    You DON'T HAVE THE CHOICE TO LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE....I am relentless....OH WELL. No that would be your vibrator...LOL. I don't do cliques,so no I won't be agreeing with you...get over it,:-)

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  24. Posted: 05 Feb 10

    All the "BACK PEDDALING" YOU must be tired. And like I said, "Daffy" probably will be cutting the strings pretty soon so you will more than likely disappear after that EMBARASSMENT..... Independent point????...From where I sit there is not a dayum thing independent about you. But where you "sit" must be plastic and spins like one of those old school toys....must be fun. I tried to leave well enough alone here.....but OH WELL.....

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  25.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 10

    This woman is CONFUSED...LOL. You are going to have to change you medications....LOL. The post that you copied and pasted,idiot...was an INDEPENDENT POINT made separately from any question that was asked...let me break down for you....I posted point as an AFTERTHOUGHT that had NOTHING TO DO with boots...LOL... you must be getting tired....and we both know tired and crazy don't mix...LOL. your mouth so I can make sure you are swallowing your pills...we don't need any more of these episodes...LOL.

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  26. Posted: 05 Feb 10

    "follow the leader"....INDEED!!! UMMM....since you most obviously need "guidance" I will "show" you....("CUT AND PASTE QUEEN" Comment by bigeyes31 on 31 January 2010: Some blacks are always the ones to want to put things in the past while decisions that affect our lives are being made with race in mind. All the other races and cultures celebrate,incorporate and translate their past into their present. Some black people want to live in utopia though singing utopian “spirituals” like “We Are The World” (sarcasm)LOL,while everyone else is strategizing and coming up with a plan for advancement. that was in response to her question "DIRECTED" at YOU?!?!?!......LOL. This question???!!???!!!? -----"And.. Tatt… as far as(GETTING ON WITH THE GET ALONG)why r black people so willing 2 but things in the past…J" Ok....slow down.....breathe.....deeply..... you are just getting SLOPPY now....LOL Peace, sis....

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  27.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 10

    Boots, please be aware of what you are dealing with,lol. She is disconnected from "reality" even she admits this she "automatically shuts down"LMAO. I told you..."disconnect" LOL. Comment by boots on 1 February 2010: big eyes …please share with me what would be your plan 4 advancing our people …4 me after yrs of thinking this whole race thing over and over…I think Iam begining to think in terms of Black Nationalism…..many of Mr queens ideas I share, the little bit of culture that we have managed to keep how will it continue if there is wide spread mixed marriages….Iam not a racist my grandfather was white!…singing spiritual that’s a good one..I bet Ich would have a lot to say about that…lol She IMAGINED that you didn't ASK ME a question and that some how it was "DIRECTED" at her, LOL. I rest my case....LOL.

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  28. Posted: 05 Feb 10

    Hiya BOOTS.....sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to you on your query....I've been living and loving life a little too much I suppose....tee hee. Umm..... to be honest I don't really know why "all" black people are too forgiving (I know I am paraphrasing Actually, in my experience, it has been much the opposite. Besides, when I speak of "getting on with the get along", why must it be assumed that means absolutely NO discussion of race/race relations??? My issue is why are we honestly trying to get blood from a turnip in this case. NO whites alive today owned slaves and NO blacks today ever were slaves. Now if you want to speak of the nepotism and "collars" that some have chosen to implement for themselves then that is a whole other story....and it makes a whole lot more sense to me to tackle the injustices on THAT level. I just have this automatic "shut-down" mechanism whenever I hear people (regardless of race, gender, etc.) go on and on about what "someone else" did to them YESTERDAY...and how it HAS to effect them TODAY When is it going to be time for people to be responsible for themselves and stop putting their happiness/misery on something/someone else???? That is where I am coming from.....a place of SELF-empowerment......PERIOD. I am not going to wait for someone else to "acknowledge" something that is basically seen as FACT. And at the same time I refuse to WASTE TIME on those that dwell in the past/negative void.....without true hope of "seeing the light". This is just something I do across the board...regardless of SKIN TONE. I hope this gives you a better and more unbiased view of how I see this....Like I said before, I TOTALLY SEE AND RESPECT your point of view on this. But I DO wish you ask you this. Seeing the CURRENT state of the so-called "black"....(or any other SINGLE community) would you REALLY be ready, willing and able to accept such an existence that would be brought on by NATIONALISM??? Just honestly wanting to know your BROAD view of this concept....which, as we both know, can be WAAAAY over-simplified at times..... Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S. OH yeah....Thanks bigeyes for UNSUCCESSFULLY attempting to answer the question boots asked OF ME.......LMAO.....yeah, yeah, yeah....."but it was typed for ALL to see and respond to"......I know, I know.....blah blah....LOL. You and all your utopian talk.....I swear, you are going to make the REAL ones come out....LOL.

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  29.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 10

    boots In my opinion I think it starts with getting our economics right. I'm not a total fan of capitalism but we live in a capitalistic nation. It all began with the revocation of the forty acres and a mule that was supposed to be given to freed slaves. See that was supposed to be our economic start. Those things that produced some economical strength like land which appreciates, the potential crops that would have turned a profit. That was the beginning of our ability to participate in the power structure of this country.

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  30.   boots says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    big eyes ...please share with me what would be your plan 4 advancing our people ...4 me after yrs of thinking this whole race thing over and over...I think Iam begining to think in terms of Black Nationalism.....many of Mr queens ideas I share, the little bit of culture that we have managed to keep how will it continue if there is wide spread mixed marriages....Iam not a racist my grandfather was white!...singing spiritual that's a good one..I bet Ich would have a lot to say about

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  31.   jali says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    As a black man,i couldn't agree with you more.Yes, everyone involved in the enslavement of black people should and will be held accountable, including the "Black Africans" who were apart of the systematic structure. No one ever talks of this but the facts are there, Africans, who just happened to be the same color as many of us had heavy involvement in the process.

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  32.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    Some blacks are always the ones to want to put things in the past while decisions that affect our lives are being made with race in mind. All the other races and cultures celebrate,incorporate and translate their past into their present. Some black people want to live in utopia though singing utopian "spirituals" like "We Are The World" (sarcasm)LOL,while everyone else is strategizing and coming up with a plan for advancement.

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  33.   boots says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    We r just blk people talking about the issues that touch our lives.........I did'nt quite finish my point above ....all the aforementioned..the Moslem Arabs Catholic Church..etc had a hand in the enslavement of blk people..They all should be held accountable too.

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  34.   boots says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    wow what a dunce(wrong key again)pg 66 BLACK LABOR WHITE WEALTH,CLAUD ANDERSON Ed.D.... Thanks guys

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  35.   boots says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    sorry people hit the wrong key.....Jewish people never forget the PASSOVER, PURIM FEAST, HOLOCAUST etc. The Catholic Church.the Moslem Religion(Arabs)both Protestant and Baptist Religions Western Europe,Spain Portugaland on and on.Blacks cannot yet afford to but slavery behind enslavement must be a constant reminder of the ramifications of a lack of collective unity strenght and self determination( pg 66

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  36.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    what's up boots I have a lot of love for the blogging style of Ichibod(don't let that cute face fool you,he can set it off in here too,lol),Queens, godiva and even tatted2death and many many more that I have seen on here, they come and go. I simply see this as blogging. I don't like name-calling though.Everyone in here I hope, are adults and should easily be able to defend themselves or agree or disagree with someone's posts.I think that's REAL objectivety.Right, if you like queens and I like queens, and ichibod that's our choice and shouldn't be judged as falling for game or less "strong" or considered a internet "troll".

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  37.   boots says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    To all... big eyes,tatted,ich,Mr queens I really got a lot of love 4 all u guys and that's truth.Blk people r so diverse, they had 2 be in order 2 survive, I dont consider myself a troll,I've been reading this blog 4 over a yr and similar blogs here and on topix 4 several yrs...But 2 your question( big eyes).. about your choice of who u like on this blog, that's your business. I like Queens a lot however I do think he should direct his criticisim toward B/M W/F relationships equally. And.. Tatt... as far as(GETTING ON WITH THE GET ALONG)why r black people so willing 2 but things in the past...J

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  38.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    I have to disagree with you on the "debate tactic. I voice my disagreement and point out inconsistencies in the points you make plain and simple.Much like any other debate, you KEEP coming on here and EXPLAINING your side. "NOT A DEBATE",lol,yes sure. Who cares about your character? No one knows you but you,but what you post on this board is up for debate whether "objectiveness" will allow you to accept that or not...not my concern. Why offer an olive branch?? It is irrelevant here both the offering of it and the accepting.You said yourself that you don't see me being disrespectful,exactly,I only disagree with what you say,so what need is there for a "peace" offering?? Once again I don't twist, I just point out holes in your logic,easy enough. I don't need to regurgitate anything I saw it myself as did many others, thank you. Done with that,lol. I haven't called you ANYTHING NOT ONCE, so I don't know what you are talking about. See, utopian language doesn't allow for words like relentlessness.President Obama shows a heightened relentlessness in his approach on healthcare or I am relentless in my pursuit of happiness. Only something inside YOU would make that word a bad one. You constanltly keep talking about what the TOPICS are but yet you have not posted on the topic yet,lol. You also said you were "done" several posts ago but again,more inconsistencies,lol. So, I have to say I'm "dragging" you as well,lol. Comment made by tatted2death "No names were used….but those that follow the blog (in VARIOUS threads) knew what you were trying to imply and WHO you were referencing. Was that really necessary to get YOUR point across IN THIS THREAD….again…COME ON, NOW, sis. You basically just regurgitated everything Queens said in the other thread about the situation." If you wanted to know who I was referring to,all you had to do was ask,lol. How do you know I was referring to YOU unless,YOU are responsible?? Innuendo and subtlety are not so fun are they? I firmly believe in using the "language" that a person speaks. If the shoe fits, tie it up tight. Who is in pain?? You have a whole other problem if you are taking what Mr. L. Queens says personally.Don't worry, I don't agree with you. I haven't "aligned" myself with anyone,lol. See what I mean? You evidently "pick" sides on here;I don't pick sides. I either agree or disagree, my choice. Where is all this "empowered" talk coming from??? That's what YOU evidently need,it is called projection,lol. I hope all is well with you and I also agreed a LONG, LONG time ago and MANY MANY posts ago but everytime I disagree with you seem to have a problem with it....OH WELL, this happens in the real world sometimes.I'm glad you never saw me as an opponent. Honeslty, this is fun and not personal for me. Peace

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  39. Posted: 31 Jan 10

    There really is NO DEBATE going on here....that much is obvious. What's the issue??? "character"???.....pfft. I am not in here "running for office" nor do I have any promotional agenda to work. So everything in the above post to that effect is utter nonsense . The topic at hand (here and in other threads) is of racial subject matter. Constantly using words and twisting phrases that a person uses (even after they have thoroughly explained them) is NOT an effective "debate" tactic. Come on now, sis.....I offered the olive branch simply because I knew YOU saw this as some sort of "back and forth"/"battle" that I am just not trying to take part in any more. We don't see eye to eye on most things here but that is not a big deal. I don't see you being disrespectful so I would rather focus on the positive commonalities. Yet everytime I make an attempt I am called something I am not.....don't worry I am over that and not "whining". But when terms like "relentlessness" are used to describe this fiasco I have to really set back and think. That sounds an awful like the flip-side of "dragging" something (or someone) around the blog. I AM DONE unless someone has something (on topic) to discuss and NOT finger-pointing and accusations (which started this whole mess....remember this, bigeyes???? ----- "I have seen some black women come on here and defend a white man married to a white woman who confesses he is NOW interested in black women(he is still married). He gets a pat on the back and branded “honest” by a black woman." No names were used....but those that follow the blog (in VARIOUS threads) knew what you were trying to imply and WHO you were referencing. Was that really necessary to get YOUR point across IN THIS THREAD....again...COME ON, NOW, sis. You basically just regurgitated everything Queens said in the other thread about the situation. I KNOW you are better than that. And you know as well as I do that it IS "sick" to get pleasure from others' pain (Queens has admitted to this already....pfft) the very least it is some sort of deviant behavior that is not consensual (= I don't need you or anyone else here to agree with me.....that much has already been proven. Nor do I have to align myself with anyone here to feel "empowered"....LOL. Although, as I have mentioned, I enjoy the "community" here.....PERIOD. Again, I offer the olive branch because there can be no "victor" in this so-called "form of debate" (Even Queens recognized this with me a LONG time ago....and can only resort to name-calling with me now...which I now see is HIS form of the olive branch....LOL). I believe you are so blinded right now that you didn't even see that I offered this a long time ago.....awhile back I basically "agreed to disagree". OH WELL. Hope all remains well with you and yours and that you have continued success in all that you do......sincerely (never saw you as an "opponent"...sorry) Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  40.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 29 Jan 10

    TO ALL READERS,WITH ALL DUE RESPECT PLEASE SCROLL BECAUSE THIS IS REALLY OFF TOPIC BUT HAS TO BE "DEALT" WITH. Tatted to death implies that I have fallen for "game",lol. This implies some that there is some trickery involved. I'm FULLY capable of discerning and chosing to agree or disagree with ANY blogger on here. If there is a point made by Mr. L. Queens that produces some evidence,although circumstantial,that gives me a logical reason to agree with that point and say he has the beginnings of a case,that is MY choice and a well-informed one at that.This does not call for or involve ANY need to explain how much "stronger" you are than anyone else,it's irrelevant unless there is some other "motive(s)",lol. The discussion did NOT have to turn into debate over RELIGION due to the original question the blogger asked was not about RELIGION in the first place. I suspected this was a "wave" used to ride in on in order to bring to the surface some "DARK and DEEP-SEEDED" thoughts, AS DARK THINGS OFTEN DO(come to the surface). Wow,sis how can you call someone "sick" for NOT agreeing with you when you don't know him personally??Again wow, I thought you considered yourself more objective than that...oh well. No, you couldn't use A tactict such as "parroting" against me due to the fact that the illogical holes that are present in what you say are simply not as gaping in my points. "Parroting" is simply repetiveness and contains no art for taking something that is completely illogical and unrealistic and pointing out those vulnerabilities and then making a very consistent and logical point as I have done. So, as the above clarification points out,you have over-simplified once again. comment by tattedtodeath on January 25,2010 in the third paragraph and point number one: "1)It’s a tad bit contradictory to say note that you are being followed and the “speak” to another blogger (calling for “help”…LOL) that has NEVER commented in this thread." Comment made by tattedtodeath on January 25,2010 first paragraph: "Now someone is claiming they are being “followed”….well, when I notice someone “running” to another thread to discuss issues that involved me in another I start to wonder certain things as well…..won’t express my theories here in an attempt to “rise” above the nonsense. If you can’t take someone “responding” to whatever you type here you NEED to stay off the net……PERIOD. Queens “followed” me and I made fun of it as well…glad to see some still maintain a sense of humor." For the record, anyone reading my original post that you are referring to, would agree that the post was not "involving you",but no matter. I sensed some attempt to "gloss over" some things, so I get ultra "specific" in reponse to this when I notice it so I had to copy and paste(not MY usual style but necessary in this instance). I think it's sufficient to say that you were VERY clear about what your intentions,motives or what have you, were. To imply that I'm "running" and "calling for help" you also went on to use the word INTIMIDATED, now this says that that YOU "let slip" more than I ever did,lol. No matter, my respect for MYSELF and love for debate would not allow me to back away from inconsistencies in a response such as yours.On this note, this is, in it's basic form, debating. Debating involves some basic "back and forth" and a level of competition and passion, so how could my saying that "I could go at this forever" be interpreted as "mean-spiritedness" and "hatred for anyone"??? This is a form of debate where as in ANY other debate, relentlessness is appreciated, necessary and even desired. It's the ONE place where it's healthy. That was a rhetorical question because I believe I already know that this is only a tactic to "paint a picture" of the opponent,so since I see it a mile away it has no affect on me. Btw I thought the GPS comment was witty,lol. Peace but the debate continues.

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  41. Posted: 29 Jan 10

    And generally speaking, "venom" and hatred usually DO have a limit....... REAL LOVE (not the romantic kind) does not.......EVER. So I cannot AND WILL NOT go at "this" forever ("this" being the mean-spiritedness and non-existent "competition")....I don't have that much hatred in me for ANYONE. Hey, I even give Queens "love" from time to time....LOL. I have spoken my piece on this.....if the CYNICS wants to take it as "game" or whatever that is their right. I guess I shall start to embrace being called the U-word...LOL.....nah.....but I AM OVER IT..... Peace and Blessings TO ALL

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  42. Posted: 29 Jan 10

    RESPECTFULLY TO ALL READERS OF THIS TOPIC: PLEASE SCROLL IF YOU HAVE NO INTEREST IN THE ABOVE (2-4) BECAUSE I AM ABOUT TO HANDLE SOME OBVIOUSLY UNFINISHED BUSINESS......THANK YOU. As I have suspected for sometime now, Bigeyes has fallen for the "game" that Queens was running a LONG time ago. REALLY, really sad. I had never said one harsh word to this woman and nor had I even expressed that she (or anyone else for that matter) leave the blog for good. Again, really, really sad that this beautiful black woman has allowed her mind to be twisted by some dude that gets a sick pleasure from otherS' discomfort. I am just glad that I am stronger than that and still have much love for bigeyes (always have....I just steered clear of responding to her here because, like I said before, I detected this mess VERY EARLY ON and saw how Queens was twisting things and she was NOT speaking against it.....oh well). I knew the day would come where we would have a debate (over RELIGION....big surprise there...LOL) and it would turn ugly simply because I was not going to allow my genuine respect for her to make me back down (not my style with ANYONE) and then (as ALL dark things do) it comes to LIGHT that there are some deep seated reasons for the venom in the posts as of late.....WOW. Man, sis, how could you let someone else tell you what is going on with someone else neither of you know personally??? I mean, I could use your tactic and basically "parrot" everything you are saying but what would be the point in that. I am addressing YOU this time because YOU have finally let slip what YOU have been thinking ALL THIS TIME. I thought this might have been the case but I really did hope that you were not following and BELIEVING the words of others here but as you "parrot" the "DUCK" I see that there probably is nothing left to say to you accept I truly do wish you PEACE....not just typing the words but meaning it from the heart. I hope you continue to receive love in whatever form you need it...I would never deny anyone that. And I have NEVER claimed to be perfect but it seems that at the end of the day that means NO ONE should give ANY advice to anyone then....because NO ONE has ALL the answers, right??....again, WOW. I have never claimed to be "queen" here (oh the irony....LOL). Yes, this has been an internet "home" for me for some time but I am not above sharing...LOL. If I have gotten used to Queens being around why would I have issue with another woman of color finding home here as well??....THAT would be lunacy. I am not here to "compete" with anyone...least of all another "sister". Sorry to disappoint those that thought that was the case.....(not Sorry for being sooooo far off topic that GPS couldn't find me, but I had to address that because when something "moves" me I gotta let it out......IT'S the healthy thing to do.....PERIOD. Hope everyone has a joyous weekend... Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  43.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 10

    HERE ARE YOUR RIGHTS: Your posts can and WILL be misinterpreted (get over that); Truly hillarious. Trying SOUND LOGICAL about being misinterpreted, coming from someone who constanly whined about being misinterpreted and then themselves misinterpreted others, is like a pig wearing lipstick.LOL I knew something sounded "off" about THAT statement,LOL. The bitterness may not allow some to "feel" like they are being dragged around these blogs but you don't "feel" the force of gravity but it's there,lol. Utopian thinking certainly allows some to be selective in what parts of reality they will accept,LOL. If you can't handle being "LABELED" you NEED to stay off the net....PERIOD. If you can't handle rejection, I suggest you find a new"hobby",LMAO.LOL.

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  44.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Hello godiva! I hope you are well. Save some crabcakes for me,lol. I spar better on a full stomach,lol! Peace

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  45.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Ahh, so the REAL reason for all these LONG EXPLANTIONS come out. Oh so this is as I suspected, you WANT me to RUN and you WANT me to be intimidated....GUESS WHAT...WON'T BE HAPPENING, LOL.Utopian thinking and imagining things go hand in hand, thanks for confirming that. Even after addressing the person by name(boots)to let every SANE person know who I was "so called" explaining to,(to the sane,its called posting a positive agreement to another blogger) you STILL think my posts are about you. For the record, you followed me and everyone knows it,lol. You "read between the lines" to some how end up imagining things once again. Running....from YOU????LMAO.That's what you wanted to happen so you made it up in your mind.Get some help for that. No, I don't place as much IMPORTANCE on "setting the record straight on how "my" post are understood"as much as YOU seem to ,given the length of your explanations to ME. Thank you, I appreciate all you put into it...LOL. Granted,people are going to walk away seeing the "truth" of who is following who from blog to blog. Speaking of "HOW TO BLOG WHEN SUBJECT JUST WON'T STAY THE COURSE", seems like I'M your topic instead of the one posted at the top of the thread. Again, you need to go in the same direction that you are giving others, but I know you can't because you just can't let go.Despise rejection much??,LMAO. You are seriously delusional if you think I need to call for help. You have ALREADY been dealt with...but good,lol. I moved on to a post in a different blog to someone who ACTUALLY DID POST(remember boots?)You obviously couldn't handle it. Speaking of getting "love" on this board, I have BEEN getting that since I started on this forum from white men, black men, some black women who all share MY,so ummh (get over that,lol).No matter how many people you imagine sharing your "sentiments", you still can't handle the ONE more than yours who share mine. You responded because you are so used to using innuendo on others that you have become,shall I say...hypersensitive to your own tactics. That's why you responded, lol. You play the game but not well enough. The BIGGEST HYPROCRISY IS....admonishing people to move on and talk about "forgiveness" when YOU HAVEN'T done it yourself. Like L. Queens said "bigeyes haven't done anything to you". Brilliant man. He has long been reading "between the lines" and calling them like he sees them,lol. Now, the bitter one wants me to move on from the blog and off the net,LMAO, what's wrong, am I invading the space of one who thinks she is the queen of this blog that she can tell anyone that they need to get off the blog?? This is my answer to ALL imaginary rulers/queens....OFF WITH HER HEAD...LMAO. I'll be here until I'm ready to leave and I can go at this forever.

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  46. Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Hiya Godiva......glad you know you are still around.. nice misdirection there.....LOL. Peace to you, sis

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  47. Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Dear Ich.... ...I truly appreciate (as always) your response here.... but know this much about how I truly feel on this....I am NOT for "forgetting" (LESSONS are meant to be LEARNED). I only offer suggestions as to why results may not from simply "remembering"/dwelling in the negative. I simply wish people could truly understand the nature of "forgiveness". My understanding is that TRUE christians are suppose to master this art and when I here people making certain claims and ....oh well...I am truly done with this aspect of it. It's just sad that neither approach works with some people (tough love or the "tree-hugging" kind...LOL). Like I have always said (AND UPHELD), I respect others and their right to disagree with me or whatever. But I REFUSE to allow self-assured and supposedly intelligent people slide with constantly "twisting"(not simply misintrepreting) what I am about....PERIOD. IF that gets translated into someone else is "dragging" me around these blogs...oh well. Funny, thing is I don't "feel" like anyone's dragging me. If anything they are riding (at least at times) MY coattails...and it's cool. I am not here "promoting" anything so it really doesn't matter all that much to me. And contrary to what some may believe of me I am NOT above learning lessons here. I am gradually learning to NOT be so miffed at someone "labeling" me, especially when they obviously have limited understanding of the label in the first place...(passive aggressive....PFFT and LOL). or even if they use a label like their "trademark" or something.....LOL. I actually take it as flattery when someone "patterns" their posts after mine in a "attempt" to belitte or insult....amusing, indeed. The reason I type as much as I do (to "explain" myself) is because I know for a fact that there are others that deeply share my sentiments but blogging just isn't their "style".....I respect that. I have NEVER had an issue with someone wanting to be a little more understood...that is human NO ONE should be censored (Queens, stick to the topic, dayummit...LOL) Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  48. Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Now someone is claiming they are being "followed"....well, when I notice someone "running" to another thread to discuss issues that involved me in another I start to wonder certain things as well.....won't express my theories here in an attempt to "rise" above the nonsense. If you can't take someone "responding" to whatever you type here you NEED to stay off the net......PERIOD. Queens "followed" me and I made fun of it as well...glad to see some still maintain a sense of humor. Well, here we go, THE TWISTING continues.....I never WAS "balanced".....I stated what I was trying to implement....(those that read and comprehended be it). And the truth of the matter is I certainly am NOT important enough to "explain" yourself to (yet you did anyway for another 2 paragraghs....LOL) yet I think you recognize the importance of "setting the record straight" in terms of how your posts are understood. I respect and understand that coompletely. Now granted people are still going to walk away with there own intrepretations but hey at least you tried. You know I also have a couple more SUGGESTIONS in "HOW TO BLOG WHEN THE SUBJECT JUST WON'T STAY THE COURSE" 1)It's a tad bit contradictory to say note that you are being followed and the "speak" to another blogger (calling for "help"...LOL) that has NEVER commented in this thread. 2)"Internet Thuggery" is USUALLY defined by someone calling names, making threats, etc. (typical kindergarten behavior). Now if you feel "INTIMIDATED" by someone's response that's another story. Whatever make the blogging "experience" more enjoyable for YOU, I suppose. 3)If someone is not speaking to someone DIRECTLY and a subject matter comes up that is somewhat "UNIVERSAL" then you come off as a hypocrite saying a particular person shouldn't feel the need to respond....(if someone took it personal oh's their PERSONAL right to respond accordingly). Many times I have posted in here on a certain subject....for example, my comment on "bible thumpers" in the other thread. I was basically posing a hypothetical to ALL people reading but certain people (for whatever PERSONAL reasons) felt the need to reply....UNDERSTANDABLE, right. This is the nature of Blogging. IF you are bold enough to make a "hobby" out of this (I DEFINITELY have and will probably need an intervention to get out of this....LOL), then you need to accept certain "realities". ---HERE ARE YOUR RIGHTS: Your posts can and WILL be misinterpreted (get over that); you have the right to scroll or be droll; you have the right to receive "love" from other bloggers but beware of the "haters", "bashers" etc.; But if you are incapable of receiving love that is a whole other can of blog misdirection and you might want to find a new "hobby"...(LMAO). Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  49.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Godiva's got vittles! Yummy :p

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  50.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 10

    Not to change the subject but I made too many crabcakes, could I interest anyone in some of my mouth watering crabcakes, homemade potato salad and fresh string beans. Desert is a lemon cream cheese pound cake.. Blessed are the peacemakers! Love to all and here's to not seeing Peyton Manning in the Super Bowl.. godiva

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