Impress her with killer kicks
Intelligence. Kindness. Loyalty. Forget all that. On the first date, how you look is everything. Superficial? Absolutely. But much as we all wanna pretend that we aint that shallow, when it comes to first dates, being shallow is human. How you dress will definitely speak volumes before any ‘hellos’ are exchanged.
To prevent you from getting a final goodbye after your first date, you need to get it kicking with shoes that will make her breathless... If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes.
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Women are obsessed with shoes – not just their own, but even what the man she is seen with wears. So your shabby running shoes just won’t cut the mustard I’m afraid . Even your clumpy slip-ons that you dust off are culprits - they offend women too.
The thing with shoes is: An ill-informed footwear choice has the power to ruin even the very best of outfits. Don’t fall victim to this. Instead: Invest! Invest! I say invest in high quality shoes and these will for sure give you a stylish finish… shoes your date will appreciate like a pair of lace-up brogues.
Brogues are incredibly relevant. And the beauty about them is that they can be dressed down for your date… bringing a contemporary swirl to the old-fashioned country aesthetic. And when it comes to color, brown works best for me but you could swing any color you see fit say, camel or olive, or even two-tone brogues which can give an fascinating twist on the classic model. These can be found at ASOS and Urban Outfitters.
Well here is how you can dress down your brogues for that breath-taking effect on her…
Would you consider the look?
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