Are interracial marriages declining among immigrants
Due to the rise in interracial dating and marriages over the years, Americans have come to believe that more and more people will end up marrying interracially. However, according to a Washington Post report, this aint the case.
Sociologists have started studying how the children of immigrants who have flown into the U.S. in recent years will date and marry. Having looked at census data, the rate of Hispanics and Asians marrying interracially has fallen over the past 20 years. Between 1990 and 2000, the percentages fell from 27 to 20 percent for Hispanics and 42 to 33 percent for Asians … and the downward trend continued to last year.
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"The immigrant population fundamentally changes the pool of potential partners for Asians and Hispanics. It expands the number and reinforces the culture, which means the second generation . . . is more likely to marry people of their own ethnicity," said Daniel T. Lichter, a sociologist at Cornell University.
Bhavna Pandit, a political consultant of Indian descent says that much as people tend to rebel against their parents and traditions, now that she is 29, she actually cares about that stuff and is looking for an Indian man – and those are hard to find in Capitol Hill where she hails.
Apparently, most people of Asian, Latino and South Asian descent in their 20s and 30s who have attended some cultural speed dating events have expressed the desire to connect with someone who shares their roots. But having been raised within the American culture, the point of contention for them is: Would one be happier with an American partner or a recent immigrant?
If this is true, do you think it will affect the 'global village' we envision? Is this a threat to the future of interracial relationships?
110 responses to "Are interracial marriages declining among immigrants"
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imarose says:Posted: 27 Mar 09
Oh, I forgot to mention one of the articles I read and their are others concerning the rich and living beyond their means. One was called "The Neiman Marcus Paradox How dumb rich people end up in debt." Which said.... "The rich are different than you and me. They shop at better stores, and they don't fly commercially. But in one way, they are very much the same: A fair number of them spend more than they make." No all of them, but a fair number of them live beyond their means. This has been common knowledge for years. The articles does say that the top 1% of the rich only hold 6 percent of the nations debt, but that leave the other 99%... Also, the article says, "And the rich are also capable of amassing idiotic debt. Frank cited a survey by Spectrem Group that found 14 percent of people with more than $5 million in assets have credit-card balances. That's mystifying, since credit-card cash is perhaps the most expensive form of money legally available." They do the same thing people with little money do(not all, but a fair ammount) amass unncessary debt. While not all the wealthy function this way, many do. The rich and famous are filing bankruptcy all the time, because they mismanage their money. I much rather be with a financially stable man good man who treat people with respect then a jerk who treats others with contempt and has amassed a certain level of wealth, but holds a lot of debt and lives beyond his means. MC Hammer was 13.7 million in debt, but only held 9.6 million in assets... so he filed bankruptcy. Kim Bassinger and many other wealthy people have done the same thing.
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imarose says:Posted: 27 Mar 09
Tattedtodeath, I think you are right, this country is at odds with that credo, I think it's because there has been a loss of balance in the name of doing good. I was watching a program last night that was talking about how groups of immigrants are sent to a particular city and after spent a certain amount of time there, they are allowed to "move about the country". In this case it was Samalis living in Shelbyville, TN. What was now happening was those who are citizens of this country in that city who had lost their jobs due to the current economic situation are getting turned away from some on the plants that have hire many immigrants. Atleast that is what they are saying. As far as relationships though, I really think that there has to be an understanding of familial ways in order to be in a good relationship and that's regardless of culture, especially if that person is close to their family. They don't have to be all together "Americanize", if they are immigrant, and most immigrant do a good job of holding on to their culture. I do believe there has to be some level of assimilation though. If we go and live in other countries, the expectation is that we conform to the culture, but not so much here, which is part of what makes this country what it is. Peace!
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Member says:Posted: 27 Mar 09
Let me respond to the comment above. Imarose said this in all her wisdom. "A good man who is financially stable, meaning they don’t live with a lot of debt, is much more desirable to be than a wealthy jerk who probably lives beyond his means anyway" Keyword lives beyond his means. If he is wealthy there is no way he could live beyond his means. Women will be with a rich jerk before they will be with a good man that works at UPS. I know there is going to be some black women on here getting their tweety bird panties in a bunch over my recent comments. That is simply the truth. Naomi "Shambles" is with a rich white billionaire. He is still married and basically says lick my white penis I ain't leaving my white wife for you. I haven't seen any divorce papers as of yet. I do not know why they are trying to manipulate Tigger. It almost like they can't stand to see a white man stand up to them. If I was a white man, I would be like look nappy head I know your desperate you better treat me with respect or you can go back to the black community. I am not your ATM machine. I won't hold your bag in the mall while you shop at Lane Byrant or eat at the food court. I am not going to sit in a Dominican hair salon to hear you gossip with your nappy headed friends. Oh yea and I am not trying to hear you say you don't give head anymore either. You like to pull that trick on the white man. Peace and blessings. Imarose read your bible because you are always misinformed.
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imarose says:Posted: 27 Mar 09
BBWIF, I think you are right! Skin color doesn't matter for those of us who appreciate not only our own culture, but others also. A good man who is financially stable, meaning they don't live with a lot of debt, is much more desirable to be than a wealthy jerk who probably lives beyond his means anyway. I think what you like about Tiggerfan is that he remains positive and uses his brains and words in a way that builds up. Y'all could still get to know each other via the internet!!!!.
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Member says:Posted: 27 Mar 09
Race and money does not matter!!!!!!!!! Stop sniffing cocaine. You better have money in your pocket if you want a black woman. Perhaps, if you want to get Monique or Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi wouldn't take a broke ass black man you think she will be with a broke ass white man. Tigger you listen to me white homey. The point of black women dating interracially is to be with a white boy with money period. Show me a broke white man with a black woman. It is like trying to find an endangered monkey on the discovery channel. It doesn't happen. I can say that about black women. If they are going to sellout, they doing it to better their circumstances. Tatted stop bashing immigrants. First it was black men and now it is immigrants. You make me sick!
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BBWIF says:Posted: 27 Mar 09
Tiggerfan, I agree with your point of view about why you choose to date black women. It is really not about skin color it is about how you feel inside. I wish there were more white males like you in Virginia. For the record! You got my vote. Black women just want to be love and race and money the majority of the time does not matter.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 20 Mar 09
I think the idea that one must be "Americanized" to be happy in America is ridiculous. While (of course) I am all for people dating across any "line" that might exist, what this definitely boils down to is comfortability. This country is definitely (now more than ever) at odds with Statue of Liberty credo("give me you tired, weak and poor....). The economic climate as well as other factors have made us a bit paranoid and territorial. Even the best of us might find ourselves looking at recent immigrants as competition for jobs, homes, etc. While people that are of obvious different backgrounds might "feel" more American, others of us might look at them and see "fresh off the boat" or some other nonsense. So in turn there might be that desire to find someone who can relate to that plight....the divide continues it's wicked cycle. I think this is just one of those issues that might never be resolved.....unless people learn to truly love each other with their hearts and NOT their eyes. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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drniecey2b says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Imarose, I also feel the same way about the PDA thing. I like this very much as well. If my man wants to share little kiss or hold hands while we're out in public that's perfectly fine. It's just him showing everyone that he's happy to have me in his life and wants to express his love for me. This is one problem that a lot of black people have now. Some of us are too busy worrying about what other people are doing instead of just keeping our noses in our own businesses.
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Back to the original thought as Tatted2death suggested. "Apparently, most people of Asian, Latino and South Asian descent in their 20s and 30s who have attended some cultural speed dating events have expressed the desire to connect with someone who shares their roots. But having been raised within the American culture, the point of contention for them is: Would one be happier with an American partner or a recent immigrant?" Discuss!
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drniecey2b says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Imarose, I see your point but I'm just saying that I don't go around thinking that I'm all that. I also agree with the polygamist and the Adam and Even comment. Oh and by the way, thanks for the props and I wish you all the best with becoming a chef. Some guys are going to think you're stuck up anyway just because you won't talk to them. It all depends on how the guy approaches me. If he approaches me in a respectable manner then I'll pay some attention to him. But if he comes up and the first thing he says to me is some sleazy comment or something referring to body parts then I will look the other way. I don't just go up to men I don't know and start making comments about their bodies. I also don't care to have a softy man either. That was a problem that my ex (who was black) and I had. He was a bit too sensitive for me. For one I don't care to date younger men. It's a maturity level thing for me. He just seemed like a momma's boy and on a couple of occasions he upset me so I decided to let him know about it and he started crying. My white friend that I hung out with a couple of weeks ago is far from being soft so just because he's from a particular race doesn't make him predisposed to being a softy. And the only reason why I made the "kiss my ass" statement is because Queens directed to me first. If you can't handle it then stop dishing it out. We also don't need any of your damn counseling. You need to seek counseling for yourself. When you walked out the first time and "slammed the door" I'm sure you did a lot of us on this site a favor. You're only mad because you can't get everyone else to see things your way. Maybe there's a reason why you were left sitting in the corner by yourself when you were in school. Many women in their right mind would stay away from you. There are a lot of good, well-educated black men out there who don't share your crazy views and that's definitely a good thing. You are not an intellectual. All you do is go around making stereotypes and categorizing people based on your own personal experiences and talking bad about black women. That does not make you an intellectual. It's foolish! Perhaps you should try finding other better things to do with your time instead of looking for a way to try and get some mess started.
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Tiggerfan, replying to comment from the 17tg "Why is it that a white man is showing off?? Why can’t he just be flirting or being playful in love. Some people are turned on by public affection. I’m one of them for the record. If it was white couple or black couple would they have been showing off? I think not!" The truth is, the white man isn't showing off, just showing affection to someone he cares for, it's hard for some to recognize that when their thinking is clouded by jealousy because that black woman isn't with him. It's seen as a blow or an insult rather that what it is, true affection and love. The reason some get angry because we are not sitting on the side lines waiting on them...It's okay for the black man to date white women or other cultures twice as much a black women do, but then they want to get jealous(that's right I said jealous)! So then it becomes all about some conspiracy to provoke the black man rather the love and affection between two people. It's the highest form of insecurity wrapped up in ego I've ever seen really. Certain brothers act like they don't want us for this reason or that reason and that's , but they really do, or they wouldn't get so angry would they? It's those kind of attitudes(I'm going to bust somebody up because he's kissing his girlfriend) that keeps landing many young brothers in jail. I find that people who don't feel great about themselves, get some sort of sick pleasure in dragging others down or have some sort of delusions that everything somehow is about them! I say if they man was showing off, then let him, cause that's what men do, show of the women they love. Peace
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
(Opening the door back up) You don't even know what the polygamist lifestyle is like but your condemning it. That is one thing I admire about the white man. He can use the bible to justify having multiples wive and make it look respectable. Not say it is not respectable, but the Mormon religion is very interesting. The polygamist men say that "men cheat on their wives everyday" and that we have a high divorce rate in the country. Instead we want to condemn these men as perverts and "wanting to get a nut" like the young lady said on here. If your going to bring up the bible. Don't use it to suit your needs. Nothing is wrong with polygamy and some of you women need guidance. I am only one man, I wish I could counsel most of you on a one to one basis. Especially Imarose because she is on the fence lol.
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
drniecey2b, I disagree with you, YOU ARE GOD'S GIFT TO MEN! Man was alone and need someone to help him(I didn't say it, God did). So He made someone(Woman) who could help man. I say we are great gifts!!! LOL!
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Good morning Daneen2, I'm like you, the poligamous life style is not for me, but if people want to live that way, I ain't gonna try to stop them. What I love about God, is HE set the pattern for what HE wanted in the beginning (Adam & Eve), He didn't add Monique and Shondra and I'd rather go his way, then go with what man(humankind) created and says is right. Have a blessed day Sis!
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
You WOMEN MAKE ME SICK! If you don't want a "soft girly man", WHY DATE A WHITE MAN! (Leaving and slamming the door)
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Daneen2, I just missed your this statement from the 17th "So you can be a horses hind part and date who you want but I must suffer with the above treatment. Not in this lifetime! I am looking for a good man and if his skin is lighter than mine then break out the marching band. I refuse to settle for some oaf of any race that does not put in as much as I do in a relationship! If I find what I have been longing for in a caucasian man then I would count my self lucky! Eveyone has someone out there for them I am not looking for a race in particular but I am happy to see two people in love shouldn’t you be?" EXACTLY! I agree with you one hundred persent. And as far as a guy being soft, I can't stand. I love a gentleman and someone who treats me like a lady though. A what I mean by soft aren't particularly masculine. I was doing the brother locs the other day, and he was all "thugged out" talking about former fiance', but there was something very soft about him, even the way he held his cigar! I don't need or want a soft, girly man!E-Ewwwww!
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Good Morning Ladies This is what I don't understand. I give you scripture readings like your pastor. Just because certain parts of the bible sanctioned plural marriages does not mean you ignore it. This is the thing with black people and the bible. They use the bible when it "suits" them.I debunked the Adam and Eve story that Imarose tried to say on here. Yet, the polygamist lifestyle drew some angry responses. Such as "kiss my ass", and all this. If I was a white man pushing the polygamist agenda. You wouldn't be saying "Oh Laurelton you want a nut". What the hell is a "nut"? I guess your referring to sexual gratification. Your sharing men anyway. What the hell is the problem? Some "black men" rather just be open about it. By the way, I won't even get into black women having bisexual experiences while they have a man. Inviting other women in their "bedroom". Hopefully, you women will rethink this. I might write about Black polygamy in my blog. Clearly, some black women have been watching too much BET. God Bless
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drniecey2b says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Imarose you're right about the cohabitation thing. I wouldn't do it but does seem that a lot of people are doing that these days. To Queens, no way in hell! I never thought that my "shit didn't stink" nor do I think that I'm God's gift to anyone. You don't me or anything about me. You can kiss my ass also!
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Dear Daneen I didn't even say anything to you. Trust me I can support the women I am with if I chose the polygamist lifestyle. Scripture does not say be monogamous. It says a man should "cling" to his wife. We all know some of the "prophets" had multiples wives. I extend an olive branch to you also. Clearly, your anger is getting the best of you. You said empty barrel so you are Jamaican. You should like this arrangement! Your more than welcome at my home in Orlando, FL. I am an intellectual. I think you know this. Good day
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Hey Tigg, I ran across your profile today! I was like, man this guy looks familiar... duh... then I recognized you.
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Daneen2 says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Well I will respond to your drivel but only this once; and just to say... Thank you for opening your mouth and presenting such an outstanding case on why I should stay far from men like you. You have no regard for God or the scriptures so I will not dignify you with a response with regard to that. You are a sad, sad thing. I'd feel sorry for you if I had the time but I just pity you. You have no idea what it means to take responsibility for any thing so you shoot off your mouth in an attempt to sound intellectual. ... I pity you. You are behaving like a sorry excuse for a human being and you have the power to change that. If you really want to live a poligamous life style move to a polygamous country and have a ball! But you have to take care of the women not just nut. Did not count on that one huh! (Too bad, so sad) Frighting idea, I know, you can stop quivering in your sneakers. The thought of taking care of a woman must make your knees knock. See all I have heard from you is selfish drivel! You have no spine, no intestines and no integrity you are an empty barrel, all you do is make noise!
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Imarose and Dr Niecy I believe in plural marriages so come to Florida. We can all live happily ever after. My home is big enough for everyone. Originally, in the bible it said you could have multiples wives. God bless you both
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imarose says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
drniecey2b, Yeah, I thought that was an interesting tidbit. I also read that black women had a much higher incident of cohabitation than other cultures, although it is on the rise for all. They are in relationships, but don't have spouses, making them "single". Good for you on becoming a Vet. I'm working of becoming a chef now. In my case at school, the guys are too young as I am 40. In the circles I run, most of the people I am around are married, now that I think about it even at my church, which is small, everyone is married... I need to get out more. LOL. I would like to get married, but I have too say, that being a single person has it's benefits too! It's a give and give thing for all involve and some days, when I see my married and engaged friends trying to navigate there trouble, I think man, I can come and go as I please without having to consider anyone else...
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 09
Here we go. The victimization talk again. When I was undergrad I never heard this kind of talk before. Now that more and more women are going to college they are complaining. There is always a man available for a woman. The problem is some women think they are "just so great" that they ignore the man in the corner getting his education. Why pay attention to the man with the perverse jokes. When there is a quiet man doing his work, who more than likely, does not have a woman. I was one of those guys. Then again, I am not exactly "the approachable type". I tried to be but I never cared for black women, who think their "shit don't stink." Why should a man pursue a woman that think she is "god's gift" to everyone. You can kiss me ass twice. Many professional black men don't like the ego and attitude. Even the fat ones think their "cute". Not even the white man is chasing you, but you "dying" to be with him. At least, black men show some type of attention towards you.
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drniecey2b says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Imarose, this is interesting information. It says that 70% of us are single but I wonder why they only focused on that age range? Who wants to get married at age 16? I don't know too many people who get married before the age of 20 anyway. A lot of people these days are waiting until their 30's to get married for different reasons. For many it's because or career choices. Some people are still in school in their 20's becuase they're trying to pursue higher education, didn't go to college right after high school or are still trying to get their lives together. So some people are in their 30's by the time they have it all figured out and want to make sure they have a good career going and are financially stable before they think about bringing home a spouse or starting a family. I'm in veterinary school and I do have a few classmates who are in relationships or are already married but a lot of my classmates have said that they would like to hold off on marriage until they finish school. My school is pretty diverse so this comes from both women and men, black, white, Asian and Puerto Rican. I also haven't met too many black men in their 20's who are ready to get married and settle down, whether they're in school or not. Most of the ones that I have met claim to use being young or still in school as a reason to mess around with different women. Who wants to try to settle down and work things out with a man that's not even showing any interest in trying to be serious? Why waste your time? There's even a guy in my class who's 38 (the oldest in the class but still acts like he's 18) who uses that "I'm in school" excuse to claim that he's not ready to settle down. There are a lot of women in the vet school but not too many of us like him because he makes preverse comments about the ladies and keeps trying to get in everyone's panties. I feel that it's his decision if he's deciding that he wants to remain single for now but I don't feel that justifies him acting like some dirty old man which is what a lot of the ladies call him. I also think that's sad that there's so many black men in jail which could be part of the reason why there are so few good black men to go around. And the good ones that are left out there seem to use that to their advantage knowing that there are still plenty of black women out there looking for that black man. To me it seems like many of these men don't even try to pursue us and they want us to pursue them I guess because there's so many single women to go around. One of my male friends, who is also black, seems to notice this as well. Then sometimes these women end up fighting over these men. So then I say why bother? I'm not going to fight over a man who does not have time for me in the first place or is not showing me any interest in return because he has a pool of other girls that he's trying to divide himself among.
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
I apologize for being a multi postings, but I just ran across this article from February of last year. Hear are a couple of small passages. "For the first time in the nation's history, more than one in 100 American adults are behind bars, according to a new report. Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 adult Hispanic men is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 adult black men is, too, as is one in nine black men ages 20 to 34." These are of course very distressing and sad statistics, but it would seem that since 70% of black women are single, divorced, or widowed between the ages of 16-30 and black men were involved in interracial relationships at a rate twice a much as black women back in 2000, Lord only knows what it is nine years later... And 1 in 9 of our young black men ages 20-34 (which is the same age bracket as the 70%) are incarcerated, it would stands to reason that many black women are single. Besides the fact that black women choosing more and more to get their education, pursue their careers and are opening their own businesses to the tune of $32 billion in revenue. currently about 51% Latina & white women are single.
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Ladies, Here is a quote from an article I found called "THE SINGLE YOUNG BLACK WOMAN" it said this. "We know the statistics, 70% of Black Women age 16-30 are single, widowed, or divorced. For every 100 single Black Women, there are 70 single Black Men, according to recent U.S. Census Bureau figures. In the Washington area, there are 83 single Black Men for every 100 single Black Women. For eligible Black Men, that equation can look like a dating smorgasbord, with seemingly limitless choices, and not just among Black Women. According to the 2000 census, Black Men enter interracial marriages at a higher rate -- 9.7 percent -- than any other racial or gender group except Asian Women. That's twice the rate of Black Women!! (WAKE UP!!!!" I just thought that was interesting.
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Hey tatted2death, I agree, most of us have "gotten off track with the tread", As far as religion... It's not about religion for me, but lifestyle and relationship with God. It's apart of me and no one has to share my views, but since it is a part of me, it going to come out. Just as people talk about their sex lives and where they are from and what affects their lives. Every reference initially made to the Word, pertained to an opinion I had about a statement that was made and any following was a clarification or a rebuttal, so there is no agenda on my part but to speak the truth as I know it just like everyone else. I get what you are saying about balance noe, it's hard to know what people are really mean when you don't know them. I usually do copy and paste, just in case something crazy happend, but I forgot to the first time I tried to post my reply too you.
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Member says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Dear Imarose I just posted the deal with Adam concerning scripture. Reread it. "We know that Eve was deceived. 2 Cor. 11:3 says, “But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” Also, 1 Tim. 2:14 says, “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression.” Just because Adam was with Eve your basically saying the serpent decieved Adam too. Clearly, it says Eve was decieved. She CAUSED Adam to sin. She fell into transgression FIRST. Another thing, Eve gave the fruit to ADAM TO EAT. So don't make it seem like Adam was decieved by the serpent so that is why he ate the fruit. Now let me move on. These black women need a better grasp of the Bible. HMMM Daneen sorry I took so long to respond. You make good points. Black men have to step their game up and provide guidance to some black women. Clearly, some of them on this board are "misguided". We had an interesting discussion at A telephone conference on black women. I heard some things that made complete sense. Just listening to all the stories of articulate black men verified WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. Clearly, if 70 percent of you is single. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Instead of competing with black men, you should be working with us. Instead this power trip your own is on going to lead to your downfall. This whole thing about white men dating black women. The issue is never really white men. White men have their misgivings about you too. They just don't broadcast it. It is a damn shame some black women put up with all "the stipulations" it takes to be with a white man. You wouldn't join a gym for a black man. Yet, your jogging with your white man. You wouldn't cook for a black men. The white man have you at the stove making "white meals" like hamburger helper. Knock it off the black man breaks his back for you. I am gone By the way, read the bible correctly. Can you at least do that?????????????????????
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tatted2death says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
First of all I would like to applaud *jecrego1972* for actually staying on topic.....goodness know how hard that is to do in blogs such as!!! Secondly, I fed nor totally knocked anyone's agenda here....simply acknowledged it and moved on. Just as it seems some people's agenda is to endlessly debate the inane and bring religion into every topic; seeming to get off on just typing back and forth with someone that obviously doesn't have anything better to do......but like was previously stated "whatever floats your boat". ...And just for the record...whenever I make reference to "straightening someone out" I am just basically talking about keeping a balance in the as to not have ONE person and just THEIR views spouted over and over.....THAT IS ALL. ....AND lastly...of course I know I am a good woman which is why I don't even bother to respond to certain attacks anymore.....At least not in the "easiest" way. Happy Typing Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S. Also a word to the wise......if you type something that you feel is deeply profound, I suggest you copy and paste it onto wordpad or notepad before you submit. It just might save you from pulling your hair out...(lol.....I had to learn this one the hard way
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Oh... I just read the last part of you statement.... First of all, there is not worse punishment in my eyes than separation from God and a sentence of death. Where does it say in the Word that God punish Adam only because Eve sinned??? And where can we see that it was a fact that Adam was innocent when the Bible specifically said he sinned? I can understand it you say it is you opinion, but it's not fact, because he sinned. No, it is not nescessarily a sin to stand next to someong, but Adam didn't just stand there as you well know, he ate, which is an action, which was a in direct defiance to the command that God gave to him, not to Eve, because she had not been created yet. So no, my comments are true according to what the Word says. Peace
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Oh... I just read the last part of you statement.... First of all, there is not worse punishment in my eyes than separation from God and a sentence of death. Where does it say in the Word that God punish Adam only because Eve sinned??? And where can we see that it was a fact that Adam was innocent when the Bible specifically said he sinned? I can understand it you say it is you opinion, but it's not fact, because he sinned.
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
You don't have to believe me, the scripture is clear, God gave Adam the command and both he and Eve ate the fruit and God told ADAM the day you eat it, you will die. It didn't say Oh, if Eve gives the fruit to you though, that's a pass for you Adam and you won't die. I read what the scripture says and so did you he was with her and God kicked them both out, because THEY BOTH SINNED and the scripture in Romans makes it clear without anyone's interpretation. Adam sinned. Is sin, right or wrong? That's right you can say it with me (WRONG)... It doesn't matter to me one way or the other if you believe it what the Word says or not sooooo.... Good night!
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Member says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Imarose No, if that was the case Adam would have done the same thing Eve did. If Adam was next to her than he would have committed the sin Eve did. That leads me to believe that Adam was innocent and that Eve disregarded what God said. Just because you stand next to someone does not make you a sinner. That is false; that is like saying your sister commits adultery so your a whore too. God punished them both because of Eve. Not because Adam was a sinner. Adam was considered a sinner because of Eve. Eve was decieved by the serpent. She set the ball in motion. Nothing in the Bible says Adam had to stop Eve from doing what God told them "both" not to do. Also, if we want to make inferences. God could have punished them worse than he did. It was the fact that Adam was an innocent party that the punishment wasn't worse. Also, God was aware Satan did tempt Eve.
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
... And concerning 1 Timothe 2:14 if we read it all in context, Paul was setting the church in order. He verse 12&13 Paul says this concerning the church "do not let women teach men or have authority over them. Let them listen quietly. For God made Adam first, and afterward he made Eve." Paul seems to be inferring that had the lead, God given authority over his wife just by means of being created first. Then verse 13 says, "And it was the woman, not Adam, who was deceived by Satan, and sin was the result. " the King James version you used which uses transgression, which strangly enough, the Greek word for transgression and the Greek work for sin/sinned are completely different. Have a great night!
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imarose says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
Mr. Queens, You quoted me, but you didn't really pay attention to the whole quote. I said, "(don’t get me wrong, she still sinned)" I SAID SHE SINNED. I- SAID- SHE- SINNED. Which means I'm not making any excuses for her sin. But Adam was right there with her(HOLDING ON TO THE DIRECT COMMAND OF GOD) and if she sinned, so did he! God didn't kick him out of the garden cause he was a good boy that was duped by his wife. Romans 5:12-15 (New Living Trans.) "When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. And though there was no law to break, since it had not yet been given, they all died anyway – even though they did not disobey an explicit commandment of God, as Adam did. What a contrast between Adam and Christ, who was yet to come! And what a difference between our sin and God's generous gift of forgiveness. For this one man, Adam, brought death to many through his sin. But this other man, Jesus Christ, brought forgiveness to many through God's bountiful gift." Lets see now, Adam sinned, which means he transgressed God's commands, which means he(come on and say it with me Mr. Queen)...DID SOMETHING WRONG! As did Eve, only she was deceived, or as on translation says, beguiled. And I know I'm sexy! Don't try to throw out some random flattery and think that is gonna fall for it. Joker! LOL
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drniecey2b says:Posted: 18 Mar 09
And to Tigggerfan, there is nothing wrong with being a blue collar worker. I don't think they're all dumb field hands. College isn't for everybody anyway. At least you have something going for yourself and you're doing something with your life. I have met men before who didn't go to college for whatever reason being finances or they just don't want to study but instead of trying to do something good with their lives they try to find an easy ride by doing wrong or looking for a handout. Some women are guilty of doing that too. If you want something good to come out of life you have to work for it in some way.
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Daneen2 says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
Hey Laurelton, Did it ever occur to you while you poorly advise others to ill treat black women that this could be the reason why we wanna try something new! Why should I, a black woman put my back into a relationship and only get "I rarely give advice to white guys on black women. You seem like a good guy. The problem you kiss their black girl’s asses to much. Your capable of getting a model black girl and she will do anything you want her to do. Just never be soft.?" So you can be a horses hind part and date who you want but I must suffer with the above treatment. Not in this lifetime! I am looking for a good man and if his skin is lighter than mine then break out the marching band. I refuse to settle for some oaf of any race that does not put in as much as I do in a relationship! If I find what I have been longing for in a caucasian man then I would count my self lucky! Eveyone has someone out there for them I am not looking for a race in particular but I am happy to see two people in love shouldn't you be? One last thing black men have said the reason they date women of other races is because something is wrong with black women. This is ridiculous! I would go so far as to say that the reason why black women date non black men, (me in particular and I think the sista's would agree) is because we like the man. We like how he treats us and we have found a match. So if you don't like the idea of black women stepping out with a white man, why don't you tell the fella's to stop actin' up and step up your game!
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drniecey2b says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
First of all I don't belong to black men, white men or any other men for that matter. I belong to God. Unless it says it somewhere in the Bible that it's a sin for the races to intermix with each other I'm going to continue dating whomever I want. Secondly, unless you're making another generalized statement, Mr. Q, I don't prefer to date "flashy black men" that are players or whatever. I also don't prefer to date thugs, "gangstas", or guys who think sagging pants are stylish. Some of the guys from other races also do these things and I won't mess with them either. And thirdly I never said anything to bash black men but I will have to say that black women are single for different reasons. I know there are some of us out there who don't make the best decisions and do choose to go after those thuggish or flashy type of men who end up getting them pregnant and the man wasn't ready to settle down so then it turns into some baby mama/baby daddy drama. Some single women are still alone because they are looking for good men and claim to not be able to find anyone they're compatible with because they may have certain standars such as they would like to have a God-fearing man but have yet to find one that even has a decent prayer life or good relationship with God. Some may like to have a man that they can relate to educationally or spiritually so they can have interesting and stimulating conversations. I know I would like to have a mate that can stimulate me in other ways besides sexually. I can't see myself with a man that can't even speak proper english. And of course some of these women would like to have a man that has some goals in life. No one wants a man that has nothing going for him because it is not our jobs to take care of men. He needs to be able to take care of himself because if he can't how the heck can he take care of a family? You shouldn't have to lower your standards for anyone because you can always do bad by yourself. You chose to marry a high school drop out but you don't seem to have a problem with it and the two of you are getting along just fine so great! I'm happy for you! I know there are good black men out there and I know plenty but out of these that I know most of them happen to be taken already. I am not trying to bash men of one particular race because there are jerky men in every race. If I happen to meet a black man that has all the qualities I'm looking for and we just so happen to click then great! However, if another man of another race beats him to the punch of course I'm not going to turn him away just because he's not black.
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Member says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
Dear Imarose You said this concerning scripture. SOOOOOOO… it was his responsibility to make sure his woman was schooled on the rules, Adam heard directly from God’s mouth, Eve did not, which is maybe why she was eaily deceived by the enemy (don’t get me wrong, she still sinned). But Adam knew better and he was right next to her. This is your interpretation concerning this passage. Oh boy your going to make me go back to the days I was raised in the church and listened to endless stories about the bible. I do watch mysteries of the bible too. Here is my research on it. I do read the Bible. Second, being deceived doesn't excuse a person. We know that Eve was deceived. 2 Cor. 11:3 says, "But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ." Also, 1 Tim. 2:14 says, "And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression." But, as I said in the article Genesis 3, The Fall, and Adam and Eve's sin, I searched through the Bible examining all 179 occurrences of deceive, deceived, deceit, deception, etc., and I found none that support the idea that being deceived is less an offense to God or somehow excuses a person from the consequence of that deception. On the contrary, if anything I found evidence to the contrary. Like I said ADAM DID NOTHING WRONG! Imarose your sexy girl but try again!
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imarose says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
Oh Mr Q, for the record, Adam did do something wrong! God spoke to him and told him not to eat from the tree before Eve was ever created brother... Genesis 2:15-23, here, so you don't have to look it up. " The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, SOOOOOOO... it was his responsibility to make sure his woman was schooled on the rules, Adam heard directly from God's mouth, Eve did not, which is maybe why she was eaily deceived by the enemy (don't get me wrong, she still sinned). But Adam knew better and he was right next to her Gen3:6 "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.". So why didn't he speak up? God told him straight up what the deal was and he ate of the tree and disobeyed God anyway. Again, he blamed Eve instead of taking resposiblity and she blamed the snake, thye both were wrong and both go put out of paradise! You can blame the sister (EVE) all day long, but it still comes back too the brother (ADAM) END OF STORY.
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imarose says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
Oh... now you want to get angry with me... LOL! Don't feel so good does it LOL!!!... Provokes you to lash out at me doesn't it LOL!!!. Like you, I don't care,I stand by my comments, back in the day it was about status. Black men took the first step outside their culture, and if they were too weak for the black woman, then so be it! NOBODY ASKED YOU TO BE OUR SALVATION! We have our problems and evidently other cultures are so fed up cause they are still seeking us out. And the good brothers are too, so don't get it twisted! That being said, my work is don't for the day. I'm amazed at how you go straight to cursing an ranting, but I still have much love for you brother Q. Good Day
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imarose says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
Whatever is in our heart(mind), that's what we say. I a post that I didn't the other night that never saw the light of day, I did say in your defense that if nothing else, your harsh words atleast got people to articulate how they felt and got us to think. However, you say "Some people think I talk bad about black women. It seems like that because I like to make broad statements to light a fire under a debate.Many times people are just politically correct. I rather just come out and say how you feel." Are you saying it for debate say, or because it's how you truly feel? What Tigg said was he wanted was educated and articulate...And trust, there are plenty of black men who don't date fat girls either. And every man I've dated black, white, asian, latino, have dated dated a fat girl. This fat thing is a western thing, and besides, it isn't always the most healthy thing which is why I chose to lose weight. My best friend is plus sized and her white husband flants her. My friend who is black and so is her husband, when she got pregnant, he was like, "come on, we are going for a walk, 'cause I ain't fitt'n to have a fat wife", it all in preference. You see, I've seen a lot of stuff on both sides.
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Problem is not the immigrants, the real problem is who hires them. Ofcourse it`s easy to beat the donkey not the rider (Excuse my expresion). Race is an issue only in America because we have bigger problems to focus on. These things are not even a problem to the other side of the world like, what kind of skin color people have? (Difference makes you more interesting) or how to find a man? We work our behinds off at our jobs and rush home to serve our men (!!!) If anything goes wrong on street in the house it`s only your fault (Who knows what you did to make the man assault you or beat you up) Where ever you go, there are men watching you even you look like a beast. We grow up with sexual discramination and we have to act like we deserve it. If you tried to speak up, nobody is going to pay attention. For once I spoke at female journalist conference and said we all got raped or sexually assaulted at work place and we have to stand up but nobody but nobody spoke up. If you are not virgin, you can`t get get married but men can have sex as much as he wants because it makes him a real man. Did I mention I had to get married to my rapist caleague because I was no longer virgin. Talking about how difficult to be an American woman, Please go and live (Not for vacation, actual living, like get a job, an apartment) in the one of muslim country when you come back here, you will kiss this freedom land because this country is blessing for women.