Would you get into a fight to defend your woman's honor?

Posted by James, 20 Jan

What should a man do when his woman’s self-respect is violated by another fella? Fight gallantly or take off?

Hitting another man requires a nerve. It helps when you are a bit smashed ;-) . That doesn’t count though because this article is about what it takes for a man to become a beast in order to defend a woman’s dignity. And whether he can live with the person he was pushed to be after the beastly act.

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The other day, I saw a man being pushed to this point. Much as he was outnumbered, he had to do something … defend his woman’s honor. The two guys against him had been hurling insults at him with no reaction on his part. But when they called his woman a w**re things changed.

Much as one of his opponents was way built than he could ever be (even after considerable visits to the gym), he did what most men in his shoes would have done… stood up to the man thrashing his woman’s honor. The fury and rage that overcame him was way more than the heavily built guy hurling aimless insults at his gal. Skinny as he was, he punched the living daylights off the “Tyson”.

We all knew it was gonna get ugly but having witnessed how the events unfolded, we stepped in in a bid to restore peace. But when I caught a glimpse of the woman’s face, all that was written was; “I know you would have been beaten senseless but damn! I am so proud of you.” I am not gonna lie. I was proud of him too. I am imagining if he had chosen to walk away after such insults were hurled at his lady, that would have haunted him. Plus he never would have heard the end of it from his lady.

Women usually expect us to stand up for them… defend their dignity even if it’s gonna get us killed. Stupid as it may be, dangerous as it may seem, taking a woman’s side proves how much you care. But, is it the only option?

How far does another man have to step on your woman’s toes for you to have a swing at him? How would a woman feel if her man chose to walk away from another man who massively thrashed her honor?

8 responses to "Would you get into a fight to defend your woman's honor?"

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  1.   kissime says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 11

    All I have to say is "Oorah"

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  2.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 11

    @EDDYREADY/BIGTEN Yeah this lady was no push over, I was told some guys had to grab her to keep her from finishing him off with the pointed end of the long neck. I've heard of women slapping a man's face or pouring a drink in his face but putting a bottle across his head and trying to stick him in the face with the pointed edge was a bit extreme, this lady was a bit too-gangster for me! LOL

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    • Posted: 24 Jan 11

      @NoPlayer Yes,i guess you are right,but i bet that guy learned a valuable lesson that day.The next time he thinks about doing something like that he may just back up and say maybe not ! EddyReady!

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  3.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 11

    Yeah, we'd have to take it to the streets! You provoke violence in a man when you insult his woman or his children. That's why I try to avoid the "buck clubs" and go to places that cater to the 30 and older crowd. I wont allow myself to get too tipsy so I'd be capable of defending myself or my woman. I once with out on a date and to my surprise after coming out of the restroom I couldn't find my date and I saw a crowd had formed not too far from my table so I ask the couple at the next table what was going and the guy told me my date had put a beer bottle across this guys head and she was with security guards. She told me after I'd left the guy came over to our table and started trying to flirt with her and after being asked to leave he became very disrespectful and she "showed him where it's at"! As much as I love a classy lady, I don't mind if they got a little hood in them! LOL

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    • Posted: 23 Jan 11

      @NoPlayer I like a woman with a little spunk also buddy! A woman that will love with you and stand with you and fight are the best! EddyReady

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  4.   Empress26 says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 11

    that is so true mts2sea, then again you have to look at the mare fact that you guys had a new born baby with you guys, allot could have went wrong when the stroller went down the side walk. He sure needed a whopping, in my case i would have knocked those fuk up remarks out his mouth just as well, i can hold my own no excuse for people who don't seem to care about other people feelings.

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  5.   mts2sea says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 11

    Wow, this post really caught my attention! It hits so close to home, no pun intended. It has happened to me more than once and from my experience it depends on your age at the time of the incident(s). Once, while in my thirties, vacationing in San Francisco with my ex and brand new baby boy, I was faced with just such a decision. We were srolling along Fisherman's Wharf enjoying the sights when suddenly I heard a commotion behind us. Before I could assess the situation, this guy ran beside my wife and baby-in-stroller, knocking her down and sending the stroller down the sidewalk. I yelled at him to stop, but he turned around and yelled "Fuck you asshole, she ain't hurt." I immediately began running down the street, passing shop after shop, dodging startled tourists. I saw him duck into an ice cream shop, and followed him in not two seconds behind. When I entered, there were some customers looking directly at me. They pointed to a back door, the employee entrance. Without thinking I burst through and found him trying to open a locked back door. Without thinking I ran, faced him, and let my father's boxing lessons take over (My dad was heavyweight champion of the armed forces in World War II and I have boxed my whole life). I left him crying like a baby. Although I find myself reveling in the memory of it as I write, I realize it is not the right thing to do. We are but animals with a brain that can reason. But the feeling of protecting your mate is removed from intellect and logic. Primal feelings emerge and in a few seconds one can "lose it."

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  6.   nafahamu says:
    Posted: 20 Jan 11

    Now this is a tricky one and you can tell that by the lack of comments.... If you say you'd knock their lights out, you could be classed as a thug. If you'd say you'd just stand back, you could be classed as a wimp. I believe each occasion is different and has to be judged on a case by case basis. If there are a lot of them, you'd be foolish to take them all on and quite possibly put the woman in question into harms way. Sometimes it's best to walk away, but I like most men do have a point when that red mist clouds your judgment and we just lunge at the cowards/bullies. One thing is for sure, most bullies are cowards, they fight for fun, but as soon as it stops being fun they are defeated. Someone being pushed to the limit has nowhere to go but fight, for them the struggle always means more and 9 times out of 10 will win on survival alone. Does that mean you should puff up your chest and scream like tarzan... Probably not.... Live to fight another day, depending on the situation, too many men get knifed to death in the city I live in. I'm 6ft 1 and pretty well built, and have actually had "girlfriends" taunt men to get me to defend their honor, in that case I walk away from both....

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