Would you butt in if you saw an interracial couple being harassed for being together?

Posted by James, 31 Jan

Much as we like to think America is a melting pot, some of us want to hang on to and preserve our cultures… even if it gets us jailed or killed. Sadly such efforts to preserve the purity of ethnicities comes at a cost especially to interracial couples. Some get verbal insults, some get physically insulted, and sadly so, some have faced death by these “purity preservers”.

In a bid to find out how people would react to an interracial couple being publicly told off for being in an interracial relationship, the ABC News TV Series What Would You Do” had 2 actors pose as an interracial couple at a bar and 2 actors as African American bigots loudly protesting against the interracial couple. And much as people were comforting to the interracial couple, for a while there, no one directly confronted the racists. Check out what happens...

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With the rise in interracial relationships, it’s getting harder to preserve original cultures of various communities. And much as the acceptance to interracial relationships has risen, there are those few individuals here and there who are so passionate about preserving culture that they feel they have a right to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.

But how far would you let insults against an interracial couple go before you decide to butt in? Do you think the racial composition of the couple would influences your reaction and the time you take before you react?

12 responses to "Would you butt in if you saw an interracial couple being harassed for being together?"

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  1.   nafahamu says:
    Posted: 10 Feb 11

    Many years ago an ignorant fool was insulting both myself and my baby girl (8 months old at the time) whilst trying to board a bus. I thank the men and women of all races who beat him away from me whilst I had my hands full and I'd always do the same if they needed it. Ignorance is bliss, until it hits you in the face.

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    • blaqbeauty4 says:
      Posted: 20 Feb 11

      Agreed. Ignorance is bliss until ur hits in the face. America has a long way to go regarding interracial relationships.

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  2.   Cynamyn82 says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 11

    I concur with fixin2. If the couple can stand up for themselves, I would sit back and watch them make a fool of those who harass them. If pushed to the very end, I get VERY mouthy.

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    • Posted: 08 Feb 11

      @Cynamyn82 You did make a good point with your pushed to the very end comment.If someone crosses the line,who knows what can happen. Take care ! EddyReady/BigTen

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  3.   lealust says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 11

    i would def say somthin...if i see it happening it would disgust me n make me to angry not to say anythin...interracial couples r beautiful..i love it :)

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    • Posted: 06 Feb 11

      @Iealust Thats ok if you feel that way. You sound like a sweet lady with a feisty side.Cool ! Do what feels right to you. Take care ! EddyReady/BigTen cares !

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      • Posted: 06 Feb 11

        @Lealust PS:i would say to you to let it ride and remain calm,but something just tells me you are the type of lady that will not listen to other people when you feel so strongly about something.So don't change,just do what feels right to you. EddyReady/BigTen cares

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  4.   thickness27 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 11

    Honestly, I would stay out of it. Unless it was a friend or family member. lol

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    • Posted: 05 Feb 11

      @Thickness27 I agree with you.Unless it is someone you know it's best to stay out of it. It makes you angry,but you have to let it ride! When couples enter into a interracial relationship they have to realize that [no matter how wrong] there maybe time like this and have to learn to deal with it on their on and become stronger because of it ! Stay sweet,cutie ! EddyReady/BigTen cares !

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  5.   fixin2 says:
    Posted: 31 Jan 11

    Not if they got it handled. If they didn't, I'm all about it.

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    • Posted: 05 Feb 11

      @Fixin2 I understand where you are comming from,buddy ! When people are out minding their own bussness,not bothing anyone and someone comes up and want's to make an ass out of theirself it makes me want to jump in to,but know matter how hard it is we have to remain calm. EddyReady

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      • fixin2 says:
        Posted: 09 Feb 11

        I know what you mean about staying calm there, EddieReady. I don't go out of my way to initiate conflict, but I won't run away from it either. If a couple is being harrassed for the simple reason of being inter-racial, then whoever it is doing the harrassing stuck their nose where it doesn't belong. That would get my attention, grind my ass, and cause me to get involved.

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