The one question we need to STOP asking when dating interracially

Posted by James, 19 Oct

How can I tell if someone of a different race is interested in me?

This is a question I hear so many men and women ask. Well, I have the perfect answer for you. And you will be shocked at how simple it is...

Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

Here goes...

Just walk up to them, say hello and spark up a conversation. If the conversation goes well, then ask to see them again in a more formal capacity like dinner or a movie. If it is someone you have known for a while and are not sure whether they like you like that, just ASK!

People put way too much emphasis on color when it comes to dating another race that they forget that we're just men and women.

The racial or ethnic background of a person should hold no real bearing on how you approach someone of interest. If it does then that's something that you have to work on internally. But please, don't let fear or being shade-shy keep you from pursuing someone you like. The shade or tone of skin has no effect on a person's gender and preferences. Men and women of all races who are single are fair game and approachable.

If you see a man or woman you are attracted to, you shouldn't ask how to know if they are interested if you have shown them no signs that you are in fact interested. Trying to get a feel of a person's attraction to you based on race will get you nowhere. You know if someone is attracted to you or wants to pursue you based on action. Not skin color.

Asking that question doesn't make sense at all. So stop asking that question.

5 responses to "The one question we need to STOP asking when dating interracially"

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  1. Posted: 03 Nov 18

    You will never go wrong if you choose character over color.

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  2.   Krysw says:
    Posted: 24 Oct 18

    I have learned that it’s better to ask than make a “good” or “positive” my experience I have done that and it appeared that I was talking to creeps or those who have never dated outside their race and just wanted to “experiment”, however, they do usually appear normal or have decent approaches.

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    • Nextexhubby says:
      Posted: 31 Dec 19

      No rational man would turn you down. That is unless he is intimidated by your looks. And if he wouldn't want him anyway!

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  3.   Prismatic says:
    Posted: 21 Oct 18

    So true. Just ask. I think a survey should be done on people who are interested in interracial dating and ask what stops them from persuing someone of another race. Is it the normal fear of rejection? What makes it so different from being rejected from someone else with the same skin color? It'd be an interesting study if done.

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