Man creates fake online profiles for his exes as his revenge

Posted by James, 23 Jul

He got dumped and thought: Hey, why not create fake online profiles just to get back at these exes? That’s the 30 yr-old Carl Wayne McGraw, for you, who has been charged for impersonating online, two women he had previously dated. As per the story on Houston Chronicle,

McGraw met one of the women through, an online dating site, in October 2011. They dated for about two months, when she told him that she wasn’t looking for a serious relationship. To test her loyalty, McGraw created a fake account on the dating site with the name “Bryan Smiles” and tried to arrange a date with her, records show.

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She agreed to the date with the fictitious “Smiles” but ended up cancelling. The document states that this angered him and he created a series of phony profiles of the woman on the dating site that claimed she was a “porn star and doctor” and was a “very sexual person and loves sex.” He also linked her home and work addresses to the cloned profile, the document states.

McGraw carried out a similar revenge to a second woman he had dated for five months. Two weeks after being dumped, McGraw signed her up to a prisoner correspondence site using her email address. Then letters from prisoners started streaming into her email account. And according to this woman, he also set up a Facebook account in her name. Apparently, he started sending her aunt some vulgar messages using this Facebook account.

For a man his age, he must be having some serious self esteem issues. Who still revenges for being dumped? Dude, there are thousands of women online; why all the fuss? :roll:

12 responses to "Man creates fake online profiles for his exes as his revenge"

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  1.   jammyjam617 says:
    Posted: 28 Sep 12

    No bueno!!

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  2.   Siolav says:
    Posted: 17 Aug 12

    It's obvious why no one wants to date this guy. Could be in his profile also. He's dangerous----headed for incarceration himself.

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  3.   NaijaBabe11 says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 12

    SMH...this dude has some SERIOUS issues!

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  4.   alourl130 says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 12

    Oh wow, seriously....I would have so dated this guy. I guess good for me. So many fishes in the ocean, what's wrong with people these days?

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  5.   nats77 says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 12

    oh my God such a scary!!!!!!

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  6.   spam06 says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 12

    Whhooo,crazy things people do for love,the guy needs prayers

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  7.   QTpie1968 says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 12

    I agree, ladydi98. This IS indeed scary!!!!!

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  8.   ladydi98 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 12

    This is scary!

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  9.   allie777 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 12

    Wow this guy has serious issues. Mainly he is stuck fast in the muddy mire of resentment bitterness and unforgiveness. Ironic that a tool of revenge was a prisoner site as that may be where he is headed unless he can change himself and his ways. Enough said about this.

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  10.   dave_74 says:
    Posted: 26 Jul 12

    wow! ah, how about moving on and finding someone else insted? ....but ah , I'd be a bit suspicious of any womans profile stating she's both a "doctor and a porn star" ....just me

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  11.   arlandf says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 12

    This is horrible. This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. Try having a hobby instead of creating profiles.

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  12.   trackgirl15 says:
    Posted: 24 Jul 12

    I am not shocked by this story. There are some pretty pathetic lonely men in this world.

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