If Obama had a white wife, would he be president?

Posted by James, 23 Sep

Much as we are progressing when it comes to interracial relationships, much as we are known as the melting pot, has it ever occurred to you that the American government officials barely represent that? Look at the campaign trail and the number of interracial couples. See what I mean?

Given that we are a multiracial society, for some reason, I subconsciously find myself expecting to see a reflection of this in those in office and those running for office. But the numbers are barely visible.

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According to Michael Goldman, political consultant and the advisor to Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, the lack of mixed race families in government and politics isn’t that shocking. To him government officials aspire to be ordinary as possible and to have a spouse of a different race isn’t ordinary… its political liability. And since most people still marry within their race, most voters tend to vote for candidates who they can relate to – those NOT in interracial relationships.

Well, Bill de Blasio, New York advocate who is running for the New York City's mayor position isn’t letting the above assumption stop his campaign. He is white, married to Chirlane, black. The other one, Mia Love (black), Republican mayor-turned-GOP congressional candidate has dated interracially and is married to a white man.

Well, that may sound promising BUT…

According to a New York-based political consultant who has worked with Hillary Clinton, Basil Smikle, the Love's and de Blasio's have it eaaasy!! And you are not gonna believe his theory: Black men married to white women are more likely to have a harder time in a campaign than any other interracial combo. "I think for an African-American male candidate with a white spouse there is a credibility hurdle that he will need to overcome with black voters that another candidate would not face," he says.

Love and Blasio may have it easy because, when a black woman marries a white man, the assumption by the black voters is that he didn't meet a good black man. But when an accomplished black man marries a white woman: trophy wife! With such a negative perception, it becomes a challenge for the black male candidate married to a white woman to visit black churches and locales during his campaign. A good example is Rep. Harold Ford. When he was a candidate or the senate in Tennessee he was the target of an ad that showed a white woman seductively telling him "call me" which many interpreted it as being a result of being in an interracial relationship.

And with that Smikle concludes: "If Obama had a white wife it is unlikely he would be president."

Are we so driven by race when making voting decisions? Do you think Smikle is right to think Obama wouldn't have made it had he been in an interracial union while vying for office?

18 responses to "If Obama had a white wife, would he be president?"

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  1.   canadiangc says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 12

    In 2008, anyone running as the Democrat nominee would have been elected, after 8 years of a GOP President. Rarely has the nominee of a party that has had a President in office for 8 years, won the Presidential elections. So the question is irrelevent.

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  2. Posted: 10 Oct 12

    Mia Love, Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah is married to a white man, and is running for Congress. Apparently she is in a nasty race with her Democratic opponent, and needs financial support. Let's see if our acceptance crosses political lines.

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    • Aria08 says:
      Posted: 18 Oct 12

      Sorry Cream, The ONLY two things Mia and I have in common is that we are both Black women and date interracially. Everything else about that woman I detest. Her platform is that of the current crop of GOP Teapublicans, which goes against almost every ideal I stand for...and some of the things that have come out of her mouth have been despicable. I will not vote for her or "support" her simply b/c she was born a black woman and married a white guy. She is NOTHING like me, and the policies she supports do damage to my community. I vote my interests, NOT my color, gender, or dating preferences.

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  3.   secchance says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 12

    I think one would really have to ask someone in the Electoral College, that is who votes for the President, although I vote the popular vote doesn't count, just a lot of stuff. Look what happened to Al Gore, so with him being black married white, sadly as nice as this site is he wouldn't have had a snow ball chance in Hell, that is America, some of us have change some of us are still the same, stuck. One thing I do know for sure, we all gonna leave hear so make the best of it while we can.

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  4.   buckeyeeric says:
    Posted: 03 Oct 12

    What I find interesting is nearly everyone who is responding is a person of color. Sadly, I don't think he would have been elected. We still have a LONG way to go and it is due to racist whites and blacks who have passed on age old color bias to their children. I have heard it on both sides. I have married and seek to marry a white woman because that is what I want. Still, when you run for public office you are open to people judging every aspect of your life, and for as much at we want to say we as a nation are open to people chosing who they want to love; people would vehemently display their pathetic, ignorant displeasure at the voting booth by voting against ANY Black man running for president with a White wife in tow. Its sad, but true.

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  5.   Shane1981 says:
    Posted: 01 Oct 12

    Sadly I don't think not as many black voters would have made an effort to vote for him. Especially black women. Why? Well because even those that "say" they are attracted to white men is due to them not being able to keep or attract the love of a black man.. It is sad but a lot of times it's also true. So our envious nature would couvet his white wife's position simply because he is successful. Now it isn't just the stereotypical black woman's fault that these feelings exsist. Many times when a black man becomes successful they tend to drift toward non black women. Whether it be for image, availability, or frustration; many times that is the circumstance that many can't accept or tolerate.

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  6.   Robelto says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 12

    First of all I would vote for him. Remember folks Obama is Mulatto, and that is not a derogatory term, it used widely in Latin America, Caribbean and most parts of Africa(coloured) and is a proud and accepted terminology. Anyway, cant a mixed race person freely choose? I am sure he would still would be president, and that if he didnt reject his ancestry and identify himself as "Mixed" he still would have many votes, instead of Black; despite the crab mentally of many African Americans have, many want him to deny his dual heritage. He would still be president! Many Whites and Blacks(educated) would/might have said he is both and free to marry a woman who happens to be White and love.

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    • Reese says:
      Posted: 11 Oct 12

      I don't think he would win because he would be rightfully or wrongfully catergized as the stereotypical black man. The fact that he is mixed and with a white women might do more harm because a lot of people would catergize him. Black people didn't put the rule of one drop of blood is black white people did to have more slaves and it still stands today. Alot of people wouldn't vote for him black and white unfortaually we still see race not just blacks either. You see they were trying to band it Tennessee last year(not black people either). It shouldn't matter who he is married too. If he is gay or straight, but it does.

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  7. Posted: 28 Sep 12

    Yes because the NWA as an agenda to follow through with. whether you what to believe it or not "we don't have sh*t to do with picking the president. They just want us to think we have say in "their government" so they allow us to "vote." It's all been planned who is going to be president. Just my thoughts and opinion. Live your life and be the best person you can be don't be distracted by programing and manipulation x

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  8.   cakelady says:
    Posted: 28 Sep 12

    Is this a joke?

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  9. Posted: 26 Sep 12

    I am surprised by all the Rhetoric about Race and Since I am not an American. The issue is becoming ridicilous considering that we are in the 21st Century and the Outlook of People ought to change with the times that we are living in. I for one though black will gladly marry someone from another race if the love and admiration is there for all to see and suggest To those out there who find a good partner from another race go for it with the speed of God. To make things more interesting I am a mixed person myself and I have dated persons from other Races.

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  10.   Kimmie says:
    Posted: 26 Sep 12

    Any woman on this site saying that she would not vote for the current president if he had a white wife should not be on this site! If you are not okay seeing men date inter-racially then you probably should not do it yourself. If you do not believe that every person is entitled to love and spend their lives with who they select regardless of color then you are as guilty as racism as the people that fought against equal rights.

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    • arlandf says:
      Posted: 26 Sep 12

      Hey Kimmie, Disregard her. Some of these people are for interracial relationships are long as they are in. If they are not in it then they are against it. In addition, some people motives to get into one isn't really pure. I desire one and I don't mind others to see happiness.

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    • NaijaBabe11 says:
      Posted: 27 Sep 12

      I agree. That's very childish and hypocritical for someone not to vote for him just because his wife isn't black. What matters to me is what a man or woman could do for the country if they became president.

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    • Darkeyes4U says:
      Posted: 08 Oct 12

      I have to disagree with part of your statement. Yes there may be women on this site including myself, men looking to date outside of our race that would not have vote for the president if he was married to a white woman. It doesn't make us bais towards him because it's more of a norm to see a black man chosing a white woman over his own especially if he's well established. The president already knew before he became president what his major goal was... Fair or not I'm sure he knew if he would have married a white woman instead of black woman he would not have been chosen. Did you know out of all the presidents we have had before president Obama he's not the first black president? They went for white because they were told to do so, only one admit of having another race besides white that was chosen. I always liked outside of my race, but did you know if I would have date a white man coming up my men would have nothing to do with me. I still get the same responce now but it's ok for them to do so. It is what it is... personal I wouldn't have a problem with obama marriying to a white woman, he wouldn't had my vote.

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  11.   MyResponse says:
    Posted: 26 Sep 12

    He wouldn't get my vote.

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  12.   arlandf says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 12

    He wouldn't be president because a black man with a white woman is despised and always will be despised. Among the black community, they will view him as a sellout or an Uncle Tom just to destroy his credibility. Within the white community, especially those that practice racism directly and indirectly, he would appear as an Uppity Negro because this man isn't a stereotypical black man. In addition, the white woman didn't fall for the racist rhetoric that her parents, friends, or society impute in her head.

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  13.   jammyjam617 says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 12

    To be honest and to make myself clear( i am not be against it if he were married to a white woman), but his chances of presidency would definitely be slim. There are a lot of reason and I will not list them all , but because The Obama's are the first black family in the white house that sets the mark on its own, especially with the American history and its effects on the black community. It sends a message to not only African Americans but to people of other racial backgrounds that "There is Possibility", and people do have a chance to rise up from the adversity of history. I just simply don't think he could have reach this if he were married to a white woman. No disrespect

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