How to Meet Women Online
Tips on how to approach sexy women online
With all the possibilities that online dating presents, there are some men who still have trouble meeting women. We are here to help.
So how do you impress women online?
The dating culture has changed a lot. And this is happening faster than you can imagine. One minute men were meeting women in the bars and at social events. The next, you are busy talking to someone and forming a relationship with a person you have never met in your life. Welcome to online dating.
Everything is changing
And just as the dating culture is changing, so is the internet culture and online dating itself. You may have been on one of the best dating sites but you are not getting the desired or results or a single message back.
The thing is, there may be certain ways you might have used to approach women online about 10 years ago. Well, to be honest, those approaches might not work for you today. Some women might consider them a major turn off. You need to up your etiquette on how to meet women online so that you don’t blow your chances of at least landing a date.
Luckily, a considerable number of major dating sites carry out studies on their members’ profiles from time to time. And most of the times, they study profiles of the least successful online profiles and the most successful in a bid to find out what each of the groups is doing differently from the other. And lucky for you, most of these studies are conducted on women.
Well, with the right etiquette, online dating can be pretty damn easy.
Much as these sites may have the best algorithms to match you with your ideal potential mate, in the end, forming a connection with this person depends on how you conduct yourself online. The key is not to scare women with some cheesy and awkward messages or that weird profile picture.
Pictures are everything
Easy at it seems, some people still find it challenging to meet women online. As a man, you need to first decide which kind of pictures to upload on your profile. And your main profile picture is the one you need to put enough consideration to as this is the one that will either attract or scare off women completely.
Once you have a ‘winner’ pic, then you have to know how to present yourself on your ‘about you’ section. And with a limited number of characters to use, it may not be as easy as it seems. You need to choose your words carefully. One cheesy phrase can ruin all the chances you might have, no matter how dashing your profile picture is.
The next step is the most important: That first message you send to the woman whose profile captivates you.
Well, below are some tips on how to meet women online that you can apply:
Let your pictures portray you as an outdoors person. Have one taken doing some nice outdoor hobby. This is a side that most women find appealing.
Avoid group photos. Group photos tend to leave women wondering who among the bunch is the owner of the profile. After going through a bunch of profiles, do you think one will have the energy to even message you to find out which one on the picture you really are? Try taking solo pictures (at least your main picture).
Apparently, selfies don’t do it either. The ones that get the least attractive are the bare-chested bathroom mirror selfies. They are considered dated. Have someone take a great picture of you.
Embrace a casual look. Women respond faster to this side of you. Much as you love the tuxedos and all, try mixing up your pictures so that women can see a laid down side of you. Having all your ‘suit’ pictures make you come off as (for lack of a better word) uptight.
A smile is a window to your soul. It will definitely look you more attractive as it portrays are a more inviting side of you. Let your profile picture lead with that.
Let the description you choose about yourself be an honest one. And make it interesting while at it.
Apparently, women respond more to men who eat healthily. So throw in a words like “kale” or “smoothies”.
When it comes to the best time to be online, it’s at night. If you want a response when you hit a woman up via instant messaging, then make use of dark. They say women love chatting in the hours between 10 pm and 11 pm. That can't be so hard, right?
Well, there you have it, folks. All the best in the quest to meet that one special woman online.