Would you dump a spouse that got fat?

Posted by James, 23 Sep

fat partnerAccording to this particular study, half the men would dump a chick who gained weight.

We get into committed relationships and we get comfortable as soon as we are sure he or she is now “in the box”. So we quit the make-up and trips to the gym, we wear shabby t-shirts day-in-day-out. You know exactly what you do (or stop doing) when you become sure that you and your significant other are on the same page when it comes to being in love. And most common thing that happens to most of us is weight gain which sometimes seems unavoidable.

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But how do men and women react to their partners adding considerable number of pounds in comparison to how they were when they first met?

In a survey done on 70 000 people dubbed "Great Male Survey" and "Great Female Survey", 48% of the men who took the poll would dump their partner who became fat in a heartbeat in comparison to 20% of the women. This is a clear indication of how most men are obsessed with their partner’s body type.

Ok! Lets get real for a moment here. Obsession or no obsession, nearly half?! Is it even practical. See I am finding it hard to believe that in the practical world, half of us would ditch their spouses based on weight gain. I am a man and much as I love my women on the skinny side, I don't believe its practical. And much as this study was done and people participated in it, to be honest, I think the results of this particular poll question say more about what the 48% would love to do as opposed to what they would actually do. What do you think?

For more about what men and women think about sex, dating and life in general follow the links above.

2 responses to "Would you dump a spouse that got fat?"

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  1.   blackjade74 says:
    Posted: 11 Oct 11

    If nearly 50% of those surveyed said they would dump a spouse that gained weight...? And on the whole, the nation's getting fatter... How is this nearly 50% going to find another "suitable" partner/spouse?

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  2.   SugahRush says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 11

    Would I dump a spouse who got fat?...I take this article to have been written with "Men" in mind. I'm not a man so my perspective may be a bit off. Hmmmm...the better question is would I dump a spouse who got fat... lost his hair or started the comb-over thing(lol)...gained a lil' pot belly (at 50 no less)...didn't maintain EXCELLENT dental hygiene... or suddenly became indiscreet with his effluvium, flatulence and other excretions... or began picking his nose and scratching in public (or when he thought no one was watching) ...or became more interested in beer and ballgames rather than nice hike or stroll...or became forgetful, careless and inconsiderate... or if he suddenly stopped doing those things he did to pursue me in the first place...or maybe if he lost his job, for longer than saaaayyyy...a few weeks...or if he developed his father's penchant for polyester Haggard slacks buttoned over or below his belly, worn with sandals and socks...or curl bags, sweats, slippers to the store...or... I cold go on!! OBNOXIOUS, HUH? The shallowness which makes people treat others like trade-ins & upgrades, I do not embrace. Nor do I attribute it to anything other than Cowardice & Low self esteem on the part of the "Dumper" Cowardice comes to play when one overvalues skin deep beauty. Or he/she who think that partners are a value-added commodity. Sure. A woman--AND A MAN--should always put their best self forward! Do your hair, nails, put on a little makeup and some sweet scent and get your feet done once in awhile. Eat more broccoli than burgers and drink more cold water than Coca-Cola!And yes, EXERCIS… move your butt...TOGETHER as well as apart. That's only good sense! Look at your mothers, Aunts, Uncles, Grandmothers..."Your change will come, People"!! Why fight a losing fight?? All the silly-cones in the world ain't gonna change that...so go for what matters and enjoy the ride. Fact, is, bodies change. Like our hearts, minds and attitudes, bodies soften over time and with all the collagen, squats, nips & tucks in the world, TIME & GRAVITY STILL WIN IN THE END...and in the boobs, belly and, yes, the biceps. and bald spots. Time has softened my body in a way that just THRILLS me. I love me where I am and have no desire to be "where I was". I'm healthy, active, flexible and a touchy feely type who has very few inhibitions but am decidedly reserved for one man who is most worthy…and knows the same about me. Sure, there's room for improvement: so I eat better, exercise and meditate...and I laugh my ass off--literally! I'm attractive to younger and older men of several ethnic backgrounds and enjoy the company of several age groups. I believe and have been told that my personal allure has to do with the confident, relaxed, honest way in which I carry myself. I needn't flaunt for anyone's approval--I approve of myself. And I keep better company because of it. I think however, my beauty is in the eyes of the beholder…and not everybody is a beholder, feel me?~SugahRush

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