Women mood swings
Who can explain this… how a conversation with a woman can jump from sexy to sour in a jiffy? And don’t even think about telling her that some studies have found PMS to be a myth :lol:
When it comes to women and moods, there usually is no cue when the next will strike. This reminds me of this joke I read some time back:
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A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden he said out loud, "Lord grant me one wish." Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish".The man said, 'Build me a bridge to Hawaii, so I can drive over anytime I want to."
The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the logistics of that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another wish, a wish you think would honor and glorify me."
The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I have been married and divorced four times. All of my wives said that I am uncaring and insensitive. I wish that I could understand women. I want to know how they feel inside, what they are thinking when they give me the silent treatment, why they cry, what they mean when they say "nothing" and how I can make a woman truly happy."
After a few minutes God said, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"
Understanding women is quite a task. But when the swings strike, there is usually the old age “hormones᾿ explanation. And then there is one more … You have probably been a d*** and it’s really your fault.
One mistake men make is that they assume that a woman’s moodiness is all about them. The ego :lol: Ever stopped to think that she probably just had a bad day at work? Show that you care by asking about that. And whatever you do, do not let your big mouth suggest that she is PMSing. Just go along with whatever she says has ticked her off.Help out a little… dinner, run to the shops. It could be the uneven division of labor that’s making her moody.
But the very best advice … Offer your hairy chest for a punching bag and take the blows as a man. Let her vent out without you b*tching back. Then draw her a bath, brush her hair and rub her back. You will be generously rewarded when she is in a better mood ;-) You feel me?
Think this is cocky? Well… works for me like a charm
Tags: mood swings, dating, women
12 responses to "Women mood swings"
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fkoi says:Posted: 23 Apr 10
Women are not the only ones with strange mood swings as I'm sure any woman can attest. The joke would have worked just as well with a woman as the protagonist.
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Leon says:Posted: 25 Jul 07
Your point is well taken if she really had hair under her arms, But she doesn't ... I'm not naive, that I would say such if she did. .. That's what made it a joke, It wasn't true. It really was a tease.
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hiimsteph says:Posted: 10 Jul 07
Moods are apart of our natural human being existence. Sometimes they can be underplayed or exaggerrated, it all depends.
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Leon says:Posted: 02 Jul 07
Your point is well taken Barbara, But we can't blame everything on PMS. .. She had to end our friendship, Because it was me or her husband. And it wasn't an easy thing for her to do. So the joke gave her the out that she needed. .. While James may not have seen any harm in the movie. But if we're really honest about it. No man like the idea of his wife setting in a dark movie with another man. ... You Think?
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Leon says:Posted: 02 Jul 07
Sir Knight, thanks for your input, But you may have read in my blog, more than what was there. I realize the sensitivities with women and their appearances. But this was a different situation. This young lady and I was very tight, And we have often kid and tease each other Hind sight is twenty twenty, In looking back, There was some signs of discontent long before this incident. But I'm afraid I was looking out the wrong window. Like I James said, The hair under her arm joke, Was used as a means of escape to let our friendship go. It may have met with some opposition at home, And she wrestled with what to do. The joke served the purpose that she needed to let our friendship go. It could have been done a better way. But I don't cry over spilled milk. .. I get a rag, wipe it up and pour myself another glass. It's been seven months now, Since our parting of the ways. I've tried to explain my regret, But she don't want me to explain or apologize. Read my originals again. You may have missed some vital points. Again Thanks!
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SirKnight says:Posted: 01 Jul 07
Oh by the way, this Lady was married, and she needed to fill obligations, and committments, so when she said she was too busy, it could just well have been that, friend, to friend basis, I feel if her husband was uncomfortable with the movie outing she would have came out and said that, because look at the fact, she stated her mind about the joke...right?
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SirKnight says:Posted: 01 Jul 07
well..#1..it was a simple mistake, that led to a bigger situation with the joke about hair under her arms, of which obviously she didn't have that. Women are highly conscious towards their appearance, I'd like to say most of them are. some take remarks, or critizism well, others don't accept it well, or at all. Sensitive areas pertain to their hair, facial features, age, and most definitely weight, these are areas where the slightest wrong expression can create a social complication, and trying to make things right afterwards could be like trying to diffuse a live bomb! If you're not sure on what to say to correct the mistake, the absolute recourse is to back off of what was said, and work towards speaking upon subjects that will keep her mind off of it, and if she questions you again, then you have the opportunity to apologize, and hope for redemption, note: It better be a good manner of apology, the Lady is totally on gaurd for whatever response is given, in layman's terms, don't think she's just simply forgotten about it, or she wouldn't be asking.
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Barbara says:Posted: 01 Jul 07
Love your comment James! One can blame mood swings on PMS, MENOPAUSE or whatever. Sometimes it can be an adverse reaction to meds or B12 deficiency...so when you're feeling fatigued and experiencing mood swings it may be time to see your doctor. As a woman who is very even tempered and optomistic it was shocking to discover how pernicious anemia and the side effects from meds altered my life. Thankfully the anemia is treatable and once off the meds I'm a whole new woman. Just another perspective on moods. Barbara
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Leon says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
Thanks James, .. Thanks for being frank with me. I figured as much, But when you're involved emotionally You can not always see thing objectably .. It's good to seek a different perspective. As I look back on the friendship, Even though we didn't cross the physical line, We may had cross the emotional line. It's called an Emotional Affair. As I look back on the friendship, To end it was a blessing in disquise. We were headed for destruction, Big Time! ... I took a 8 month leave of absense from the gym to clear my perspective and equillibium. I know this woman cared a great deal for me, But she was face with fact that our friendship was beginning to affect her marriage. We both may have been in denial. I will always have much love for her, It's the way she made me feel, When I was in her company. I've never experience that type of exceptance from anyone of a different race. Thank You very much for your quick response ... eNjOy!
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James says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
Hi Leon? If you guys used to do lunches before, i don't think a movie would have been too big of a deal. Her coming up with excuses such as being too busy... well that was just that... excuses. I don't believe in such things as being too busy for someone you are interested in. Sorry to be so blunt but clearly, this woman had made up her mind not to go out with you anymore. And all she was doing was just looking for a small flaw in you so she can make her grand exit. And your joke finally did it for her. So her ending the relationship probably had nothing to do with the joke. She wanted to. And am sure at some point she started feeling guilty about going out with someone else. Don't you think?
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Leon says:Posted: 22 Jun 07
I'm a black man that had a close friendship with a married white woman. Our friendship centered around the gym, .. I've been to her partys at her home. Met her husband, Etc. .. We have often gone to lunch, And exchanged gifts on special days. I had the uttermost respect for her. She always told her husband when we would do lunch. She thought this was the right thing to do, That if we ran into someone that knew him/her he would there was nothing to be concern about, Because she had already sought his permission. I invited her to go see a movie with me. that we both was interested in. She said she would love to do so. I'm sure she asked her husband was it ok, And it may had met with some opposition, It's one thing to do a little lunch, But to sit in a dark movie with his wife, Maybe taking it too far. Which I truly understand. But I was thinking like that when I suggested it. Anyway, I kept asking her, When are we going to go? She kept putting it off, As being too busy right now. To make a long story short. We never went to the movie. I ended up taking someone else. .. Why she couldn't just tell me, That her husband wasn't please with the idea. I certainly would have understood. .. Anyway, During our workout at the gym, I jokingly said to her. I didn't know you had hair under your arms. Just teasing .. Of course she doesn't have hair under her arms. But she blew her top. As sweet as she has been to me, I've never seen her with such venomous look in her eyes. She ended our friendship, right then and there. And refuse to hear any apology from me. Which left me a little perplexed. .. What do you think this is all about. Certainly, a little joke wouldn't have called for such drastic measures. .. You Think?
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Well said Fkoi, all creatures have mood swings. We are ruled by forces of nature. The gravity from the Sun and Moon affect all life. Anyone who reads astrology know about the cycles of mood, thought, and physical well being. I have not looked at astroloy too closely, but most people at least know about "our signs". Women may show more sensitivity to the cycles, many men just do not want to admit they are not in complete controll of themselves.