What do women want sexually?

Posted by James, 06 Aug

Even science can’t say exactly.

Scientists at the borders of research on the most eternal question of what women find erotic, came up with the latest answer – NOT naked guys … at least not simply naked guys.

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According to Meredith Chivers in her new documentary 'Bi the Way' about bisexuality, “… looking at a naked man walking on the beach is about as exciting as looking at landscapes.᾿ In the study she showed people video clips of naked men and women in various sexual and non sexual situations and measured their genital arousal. And the results were quite shocking.

Heterosexual women were no more excited by athletic naked men doing yoga than they were by the control clip – long pans of snow capped Himalayas. :roll: . Here comes the twist … When straight women viewed a video clip of a naked woman doing aerobics, blood flow increased radically.

For women, it’s not about the gender … it’s about sensuality. And what aroused them more than videos of naked people exercising, were videos of masturbation and better still, by graphic videos of couples making passionate love. Women on women, men on men, men on women … it really didn’t seem to matter to her female subjects, Dr. Chivers said.

This research kinda places female sexuality along a continuum between heterosexuality and homosexuality, rather than an either-or phenomenon.

Women are quite complex I guess. Lisa Diamond, a researcher at University of Utah published a study in January in the journal of Developmental Psychology that followed the love lives of 79 non-heterosexual women (lesbians and bisexual) and over 10 years Dr. Diamond found the women continued to be attracted to both sexes.

Well the response to videos of sex seem to extend to other species, Dr. Chivers found. Women were slightly but significantly aroused by a footage of bonobo chimps mating. And when subjects were asked to rate their own arousal to the video clips watched, the women, gay or straight, tended to give a higher rating to films that showed women.

Why are women so turned on by watching other women? Science can’t say exactly. Can you?

39 responses to "What do women want sexually?"

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  1.   sodominican says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 12

    I think the women in the panel were checking out the shoes. Like all women they also were comparing their body parts to the women on the screen. If the women in the film were “perfect” or augmented then the panel were jealous or immediately judgmental.Also women look way better naked than men. I rather see a soft “Eve” than a hairy man beast in Jimmy Choos.

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  2. Posted: 20 Apr 12

    I agree I think it was the intimacy the panel was observing that aroused or piqued the interest of the women watching the film.Which goes to show you don’t have to be “based or learning impaired” to be lonely. They probably went home and asked their men “Why don’t you eat my !@#$ like a lesbian?” If you lack intimacy and/or communication about what you want in the bedroom even a pet rock will turn you on. Just put your hands up if you need to get laid!

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  3.   HawkinsJ says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 12

    Looks are great..yet domination is a natural gift. And the perfect timing and surrender to an explosion is essential.The control with the timing is the key.The intensity with the timing should be perfection.The wait after each touch should be Godlike. and the next touch should explode over universes.The women has to be allowable to touch then let go of from miles away.Then barely touch again.You have to control the explosions. Women want everything sexually..You have to give it to them.

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  4.   Ant-den says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 12

    For people who want to say heterosexual women should be used to validate this point, re-read the article. This time carefully. Then question the validity of the study.

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  5.   reese says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 11

    Nothing sexier to me than a man's man doing his thing. I like them to look like they can dominate me as far as fantasy's goes.

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  6.   reese says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 11

    I think it doesn't mean what they think. I think seeing people moving sensually is sexier than just watching a good looking man. Not that I desire the people but I think the act itself.

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  7.   manowine says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 11

    ask ten different women and you will get ten different answers.

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  8.   serpic065 says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 11

    In my experience I have known women who run the gammit. From bisexual (one favored watching gay male porn) to completey lesbian to completely straight where the thought of being with another woman was even repulsive. With that being said, I do agree with the one consensus opinion that women tend to be more sensual than men. But on the other hand I find that broad sweeping generalizations always fail at one point.

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  9.   serpic065 says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 11

    A man was running down the beach in California, praying to God. All of a sudden the clouds gather up over his head, and God's booming voice from the sky says: "Since you have been so faithful, I am going to grant you one wish." The man thinks to himself for a moment, and replies; "I wish that you could build a bridge from here to Hawaii, so that I can drive there and back anytime I want." Then God replies; "Well that is a very materialistic wish, the Pacific Ocean is very deep and there would a lot of concrete and steele. Why don't you think of a less materialistic wish, something that will proclaim my glory more?" After a minute or so, the man replies; "I would really love to understand women. What they mean when they say nothing. What they mean when they say "no". Just how to really understand and please a woman." This time God takes a few minutes to reply, and says; "How many lanes you want on that bridge, 2 or 4?"

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  10.   psydcount says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 11

    I have never commented on a blog before but being a recent psychology doctoral student, I had to comment on this study. Ms. Chivers should know better than to use a sample size of 79. A sample size of 79 to represent a population is way too small. There is no point in discussing or arguing her findings. The study does not state the selection process of the participants or the region of the country from which they came. How was the blood flow measured? Did they insert needles into the participant? Where they measuring blood pressure? There are so many flaws with the study in general. I think I will use the study for my next paper to point out how people with Doctorate degrees can come up with false hypothesis, and note we were not given the hypothesis from the beginning that was to be proved. Did Ms. Chivers reject her null hypothesis or accept the alternative? No doubt if Ms. Chivers conducted her study in the bible belt of the USA versus the western part of the country the result may have been different but we may never know because they entire study is invalid.

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    • serpic065 says:
      Posted: 22 Dec 11

      I was thinking the same thing.

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    • reese says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 11

      Ofcourse it is to represent the 130 million wome in America of sexual age.

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    • danica says:
      Posted: 04 Jan 12

      But Chivers didn't conduct the study with the 79 women. The number that participated in her study was not actually mentioned...

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  11.   emekaj48 says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 11

    Women naturally are very sensual and attractive

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    • Posted: 19 Apr 12

      I agree I think it was the intimacy the panel was observing that aroused or piqued the interest of the women watching the film.Which goes to show you don't have to be "based or learning impaired" to be lonely. They probably went home and asked their men "Why don't you eat my !@#$ like a lesbian?" If you lack intimacy and/or communication about what you want in the bedroom even a pet rock will turn you on. Just put your hands up if you need to get laid!

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  12.   Member says:
    Posted: 10 Feb 10

    "Comment by 1sweetblonde on 8 August 2008: I’m quite sure it (woman on woman images) would do nothing for me. Maybe for someone who are very base and simple-minded it would, but that certainly wouldn’t do it for me." Oh yeah! Only base people are turned on by stuff like that. People who are simple-minded it are turned on by everything!

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  13.   Sexeetee says:
    Posted: 24 Nov 09

    I love watching men in their element. It's a turn on to me to watch them being men. It's a turn on to watch men running up and down the field during a football game or performing martial arts. My sister and I were drooling watching the movie 300! Watching those muscles flex and veins popping, oh my goodness! Nothing like seeing a man's body doing what it was meant to do!

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  14.   Timbo649 says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 09

    Joke: Did you know that all women are bisexual? Yeah, you have to buy them something to get sexual!

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  15.   Doktor says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 09

    one central finding if I understand the study correctly is that women clearly are aroused by images of women ALTHOUGH wehn you ask them about it they answer rationaly that they aren't. (contrary the men: when they state they are aroused the measurments show the same amount)

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  16.   sassykae says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    I agree with Eric_t. You can't possibly link the sexuality of homosexual and bisexual women to that of heterosexual women. I don't find same sex images attractive but a picture of a sexy man will get me every time. Your research is accurate for those two segments.

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  17.   eric_t says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 08

    I just want to point out that this research was done on women who were either lesbian or bisexual. Funny then they should draw the conclusion that bisexual or lesbian women are attracted to women..., duh. Something in this article seems to be a little crafty to me. Lets do this research on heterosexual women and see what happens. I'm willing to bet that the naked men exercising are going to arouse a little more interest than beautiful landscape.

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    • danica says:
      Posted: 04 Jan 12

      I know this is coming SUPER late, but... eric_t, the main study in question in this article involves heterosexual women. The mention of the study with lesbians and bisexual women is simply an addition to fortify the notion that women's sexuality is complex (because the 79 were consistently attracted to both sexes over an extended period of time). The heterosexual women in Dr. Chiver's research were in fact aroused by all manners of human sexual interactions both homo- and heterosexual. It doesn't necessarily mean that all women would be turned on by watching homosexual acts, but that they were more turned on by this that watching a naked dude bend his leg over his head.

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  18.   JohnLove says:
    Posted: 02 Nov 08

    I agree with {DMTK},the bible speaks againest the same sex ,with each other,she is right it is biblecal wrong , read Roman 1st, chapter,{the english translated version,down to the 25th verse.

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  19.   INEED2FINDU says:
    Posted: 12 Oct 08


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  20.   flychick17 says:
    Posted: 08 Oct 08

    I think that women are turned on by feeling and sensations rather than watching naked people. we are intimate creatures that want to be touched.

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    • Posted: 19 Apr 12

      I think the women in the panel were checking out the shoes. Like all women they also were comparing their body parts to the women on the screen. If the women in the film were "perfect" or augmented then the panel were jealous or immediately judgmental.Also women lost way better naked than men. I rather see a soft "Eve" than a hairy man beast in Jimmy Choos.

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  21.   1rockgodess says:
    Posted: 01 Oct 08

    Everything was hard and turf of d clay called man, then the one upstairs said "wont be fun, I better spice it up else he would be lonely." Then the plush soft sensual being emerged to compliment him. uh! the better being emerged, you cant compare the first car that was ever produced to the present day car.... so a better creature, a refined one was formed from the old material... need I say more?

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  22.   Nikki says:
    Posted: 17 Aug 08

    It's unfair to make the statement that women are just not aroused by "looking at a naked man walking on the beach." Some of us are, indeed, more interested in those images. I'd prefer to see that than watch any person masturbating or having sex. Bare bodies of any gender (and race) are sexy and stimulating, but "getting freaky" is more of a private thing.

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  23.   peacfulmix says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 08

    Woman are the sexier being, no doubt about it. We can judge or we can be understanding. But if you are honest, you can admit that the female body is arousing and that two together is "beyond" sexy; like trying to get to another planet and landing in another galaxy; that kind of sexy. To those of you who claim that there needs to be research done, um, read the article again, take some science classes that discuss "scientific methods" and then repost your apology. No need to mention names, you know who you are. No doubt that guys like it too, but obviously some do as well. I do have a kind ear to the topic of religion and heterosexuality; but then again, why is there such a gap in the ratio between the genders. Perhaps we should be more open minded and accept people regardless of their preference. Like I say, "As long as they don't push their desires on me, it's okay." Back to my opening comment: It is true that many, if not most straight guys, love the thought of two woman together. There are several ways of looking at that. One is that a guy wants two woman at the same time. Humanly impossible, by the way. But it is possible to "share" the experience at the same time. Another way of looking at is that the study mentioned proves that sexuality is arousing. Duh? Doesn't everyone stop and stare when they see two dogs going at it? That doesn't mean that you want to go and join them (I hope). But it brings out the raw animal in all of us. We begin to think about sex when something arouses us or "reminds us" about it. Seeing two animals on the street or in the zoo can make us want to go home and "get our animal on." Woman happen to have a more open mind than men, in general. This is true in nearly all circumstances, including sexuality. As a guy, I don't find it arousing to think about two guys doing "anything" together. But a woman may think of it the same as a guy thinks of two woman. "Double your pleasure?" Or, "Damn, they're not faking it, they're really into each other!" No matter what, that is sexy. If you saw a sex scene in a movie where one of the two people was text messaging someone else during the act, that would not be sexy, no matter how much flesh was being shown. People that make movies have learned that they don't need to show flesh to make something sexy for a woman. A man may need "more" stimulation, but a woman could be completely aroused by seeing the eye contact, heavy breathing and then the two clutching each other's hand during the climax. Such as the movie, "The Competition" with Richard Dreyfus (sp?). Okay, I think that the comedian, Steve Harvey, put it best: "Women are the sexier being." Simple and true. Honestly, if I were a woman, I would be bisexual; period. Women are sexy, they have curves, they can be cute, beautiful and "sexy" is often used to describe them. If I am with a woman that decides to explore her sexuality with another woman, I don't consider it to be cheating. At some point, she will still want what I have; but there is something that I can not give. That is a level of "sexy" that only a female possesses. When I see two woman kissing, it is instant arousal for me. I would want to be with two women at the same time if they are not "into each other". If they want to include me in their act, I'm loving it; but it is not sexy to have one and then the other. That would make me feel dirty, like a slut. It has to be a "sharing" event, not "taking turns". So, just to clarify, let me just say that a man and a woman are a complete union. With that said, there are things that a woman brings to the table that has a special appeal. I'm not saying that guys can't be sexy, but women have the whole package. No matter the gender preference, woman are truly the sexier, no matter how you slice it. Don't be affraid to admit to yourselves. That doesn't mean that you have to act on it and experience it, but the next time you see your man checking out another woman, think about what he is looking at and don't judge yourself in the process. He may not be looking for the grass on the other side of the fence; he may just be admiring the plush turf from a distance. When you get home, you'll be the lawn that he services. And for woman who share each other, don't hate on guys that gawk, it's just sexy, period.

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  24.   yryrizaaol says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 08

    DMTK. The Republican party wants YOU! lol. Bigot.

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  25.   tpf2005 says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 08

    I agree in many ways with the expert, I suppose. Funny...my best friend and I just had a similar discussion last week. She was telling me that she had just sat down and watched the movie, Brokeback Mountain for the first time. She was concerned that 'she' found the movie apealing (the sex scene) and wanted to know if I did. I told her that 'I' didn't but didn't think that it was weird that 'she' did. I explained to her that in order for 'my' visual sense to be stimulated, or anything else...a woman has to be in the picture, basically. I'm still trying to understand in my mind of why that may be so, because of course, a man has to be involved as well. Perhaps...I just have a high appreciation for the concept of sexuality...

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  26.   OutandProud says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    I agree with the findings. I am a lesbian woman, but have straight girl-friends that agree on the sensuality of other women (and these are married women with kids who have never been with other women). Women portray beauty, softness, gentleness and passion. The sensuality comes from the fact that women who are posing are confident with their bodies, which is something all women aspire to. It shows bravery and self-love. If you disagree and think "I would never find a woman beautiful", what about tasteful nude photos of pregnant women showing off their baby bulges? In my GYNs office there are tons of nude photos of women. Most people stop and say "Aaaaw" at the pregnant women's pictures and look in admiration at the non-pregnant women's pics. Just because you think women are beautiful and perhaps erotic in some aspects, all it does is enhance your own self-awareness and love.

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  27. Posted: 08 Aug 08

    I'm quite sure it (woman on woman images) would do nothing for me. Maybe for someone who are very base and simple-minded it would, but that certainly wouldn't do it for me.

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  28.   DMTK says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    I don't think it's women turned on by watching other women, in fact it's repulsive, morally and biblically wrong. It's men who have this bizarre attraction to female on female. Somebody needs to do some more research on this crap.

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    • ellimay says:
      Posted: 20 Dec 11

      speak for yourself alone, dear. there is nothing, nothing morally wrong about 2 gals, or 2 guys, getting it on. and watching, well, that's a privilege.

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      • judissma says:
        Posted: 27 Dec 11

        you are right. We were not created that way! Thank you spoke up

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    • judissma says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 11

      This is right. We were not created that way! Thank you spoke up and told the truth.

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    • Hattie28 says:
      Posted: 05 Jul 12

      I agree with DMTK. No one want t watch women.

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  29.   sehsawy says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 08


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