Voila!!! as the French would put it
Imagine life being this simple. Everything happening at the push of a button.
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When I was watching this video clip, a thought crossed my mind. If only we could just have a remote control like the one Adam Sandler had in the movie "Click", then all the problems we face in the dating world would be history. I would have them customise one where interracial dating was acceptable to all and by all. Wouldn't that be something?
In our multicultural world, we all need to have such remote controls in our minds. Live together as one as my pal Bob Marley (How I wish) would put it. And for those who are sceptical about interracial and cross-cultural dating, I would have just the medicine for them. I'd borrow me that guys button and puff!!! all gone!!!
I know people are entitled to their own opinion... it’s a Free country. But if someone dedicates their every breathe to making the lives of interracial couples a living hell, then I think we ought to borrow that button. Well that's my opinion. What's yours?
4 responses to "Voila!!! as the French would put it"
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fkoi says:Posted: 18 Jul 10
Does anyone know when the pronounciation of "Voila!" stopped being, "Vwä-ˈlä!" (as the French would put it) and became "Wä-ˈlä!" and who I have to talk to have it changed back?
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fkoi says:Posted: 15 May 10
Hmmn. Sorry I missed this one. Semble comme lui était tout au sujet de l'amour sans haine. Rien mal avec cela !
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Fala says:Posted: 20 Mar 07
Sounds like a good idea to me. I seriously doubt anybody would miss them.
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Excuse me, I meant "pronunciation."