She almost kicked Prince Charming to the curb!
Caeryie describes herself as both “country and metropolitan,” “artsy” but business-minded. Though she considers herself a serious Christian, she admits to having a bit of a wild side. “I’m a multi-faceted person, and it was hard to find the right fit [for me],” she says of her search for love.
With so many members to choose from, our site appealed to Caeryie. “I felt it would broaden my field of choices. I had tried other sites before, without success. But when a friend recommended this site, I was ready to try again. I had a sense that this was the time… it was gonna work.”
Find your soulmate on InterracialDatingCentral

Steven felt burned out on dating, at least in the real world. That feeling drove him to look online. “I was tired of looking in my area at the same people doing the same things. I wanted to broaden my pool of choices,” he says. This “was not my first experience, but I chose the site because I knew where my interests lie. I narrowed the choices at the initial step by choosing an interracial dating site,” he explains.
While Caeryie longed for a lasting love, she wasn’t going to force anything. “I resolved that lonely and single is better than having the wrong partner,” she says. “I wanted a person with whom I could find adventures, have fun, and partner in making a difference in our world. I also wanted a smart man who had seen the world, so we could share with and understand one another.”
Our success stories often owe as much to mental fortitude as good fortune. Steven is a good example—he was a member of our site for three years without finding the relationship he sought. “Then I shut down my account for awhile. After reactivating my profile, I met Caeryie within a month.”
Seeing Caeryie’s profile, Steven was struck by how much “DesertRose1” matched his wish list for a woman. “I thought she was stunning—red hair, tall, intelligent.... Hot!” He exclaims. With all that going for her, how could Steven resist reaching out?
“I was only a member for three weeks when I first received a Flirt from Steven,” Caeryie relates. “But his Flirt ended up in the ‘filtered’ trash bin. I had set up search parameters that excluded those who didn't want to relocate. After a disappointment with another member, I was ready to shut down my profile but checked all messages before shutting it down. So glad I did! My Prince Charming had inadvertently been kicked to the curb.”
After checking out Steven’s profile, Caeryie’s spirits leapt. “I was impressed that he would be so bold with his user name, ‘Godswarrior,’ and his pic had such a silly smile, I thought ‘this guy must be joking… That can’t be a serious pic!’” Reading on, she found they shared both devotion and a playful spirit. “Two things about his character I love—he is passionate about his relationship with God, and he is a fun-loving joker of a guy.”
They traded correspondence and shifted the conversation from computer to phone calls. The stage was set for a date. “After multiple conversations, some lasting 4 to 6 hours, it felt like the right fit,” Steven tells us. “I felt really comfortable with my ‘Care Bear!’”
Caeryie was ready, too. “Steven and I spoke throughout the day, every day. It felt natural to have him in my daily life, and I was confident that meeting him face to face would flow smoothly into a natural relationship.”
Fate wasn’t finished throwing obstacles in their path, however. To see Caeryie, Steven had to fly from North Carolina to Arizona. While not exactly a journey of a thousand perils, headaches do happen in air travel. “Everything went wrong that day,” Steven begins. “First I had multiple delays with the airline. That delay of 24 hours resulted in a loss of our rental car reservation and therefore our plans to go out of town had to be altered. Regardless of all the screw-ups, it didn't upset our groove. Caeryie was positive, flexible and supportive through it all. We had a wonderful time together, despite the hurdles.”
Caeryie believes that their misfortune offered important insights about how her man handles stress. “Though we had significant challenges in getting our date off the ground, Steven remained positive and resolved to work it out. We had a wonderful time! Anyone can put their best foot forward in good times, but when things are not going your way, a person’s true character is revealed.”
What was her first impression of Steven when they met in person? “Wow... hot,” she remembers thinking. “While I waited for him in the airport, he called me once he finally touched down... I anxiously waited to meet him, but when I saw him, it just felt as natural to be with him as it had on our phone conversations. I went straight over to him for a big lip-lock and embrace. It felt right to finally be in one another's arms.”
After passing the test of trying experiences with flying colors, the couple enjoyed better times all the more fully. It wasn’t long before this couple realized how special their bond was.
“We are a surprising match in so many areas,” Caeryie notes. “I was looking for a strong, godly man to head my family. He didn't shy away from my three kids and has embraced them as his own. Steven is a true ‘Alpha’; he is very protective of his family, not in an oppressive way, but with great strength and resolve. I had previously thought that, because I am six feet tall, I needed a man significantly taller than me, to make me feel protected and feminine. But I feel more protected, honored, feminine and lovely than I ever have.”
All that love going back and forth could only mean one thing—this relationship was bound for a big step. Just six weeks after Steven sent Caeryie that Flirt, they eloped—on Valentine’s Day. Here’s how Steven popped the question. “He said, ‘I will to live to 130, and I want you to be by my side.’ I said ‘I would be honored.’ He got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife.”
Six weeks isn’t a long time to be engaged, let alone meet, date and get married, but there were no unanswered questions to hold them back. “We both had long previous marriages. We knew what we wanted and didn't want,” Caeryie says. “When what’s right is before you, you take it and run with it!”
Caeryie has contemplated the lessons learned from her experience. Remembering her own close call with restrictive search preferences, Caeryie advises singles not to overdo it when screening out potential dates. “Make sure to look beyond the limits of your ‘box.’ Treasure may be waiting just beyond your limitations. Don’t settle for less on the core issues, but be open-minded about the extras... If you don’t, you could miss out on your soulmate.”
She nearly did! It’s equally important to hang in there, even when it feels like you’ve been kept waiting for a ridiculous amount of time. Steven stuck with it for three years, and only then did he connect with Caeryie. He says that honesty is also key. “No. 1, be truthful about what you want, and who you are. If you have not been truthful, then the other person will find that they fell in love with what you presented but not with the true you. No. 2, most people's search is based on the exterior criterion, but if you look for the character on the inside, the true nature of a person is revealed. Then you will find your true connection.”
Remember how Caeryie filtered out Flirts from men who were not willing to relocate and, consequently, almost missed out on meeting her husband? True love has a way of changing a man’s mind. Steven relocated and the couple now live in Caeryie’s state.
37 responses to "She almost kicked Prince Charming to the curb!"
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Abisagi says:Posted: 08 Dec 17
Encouraging indeed for some of us who have been on this site for months and seen no positive results.A good advise...we should never settle for less on our core issues but be open minded about the that.All the best you two.
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Aucle says:Posted: 27 Jan 18
Hie Abisagi how are you my dear I'm looking someone like you to get in love with I'm looking forward to hear from you
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Gypsy22015 says:Posted: 12 Jan 16
Good idea. Double check the guys who flirts. Check out my filter too. But I have a strong feeling that this will be the site where I will meet- my prince charming . I have lowered my requirements in hopes that he will come close to my wants. Nice story.
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SugaShock says:Posted: 06 Jan 16
If these stories are true thats great.Maybe my approach is different tham how they went about their search. We can all hope we are so lucky. I have a friend who says she is getting a better response from reading yje articles. Good luck to all, hope you mau find a love in 2016!
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dumelezi says:Posted: 03 Nov 15
I can say, it is nice to waite till you get the right thing belong to you, congrats good couples
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Maggie610 says:Posted: 09 Oct 15
It is good know that there are good guys on site. It is so hard finding good guy that you can count on to be there for me and treat you right.
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C.N.1960 says:Posted: 28 May 14
Wow I feel very encourage that two people can find love despite all of the obstacles that was facing them . It is a very compelling love story. It gives me hope that if two people believe strong enough that destiny will bring the relationship together. Congratulations to this couple and all couples who believe.
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vanilawafers says:Posted: 09 May 13
This sounds like a true 21st century fairy tell....a compelling story. Congrats...
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foevastoned says:Posted: 05 Aug 12
Well i wish you guys the best and I can only dream for that type of outcome, but I will say this is the better of other sites I have tried ...maybe one day my prince will come!
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pony2012 says:Posted: 28 Jun 12
Thank you Leticia,they just enjoying what their mommas gave to them!very wonderful!!!
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sassyfrazz says:Posted: 01 Jun 12
I want too meet my best friend & partner god he wiil send me my angle from above
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Aucle says:Posted: 27 Jan 18
Hie Sassyfraz how are you my dear I'm happy to see your post
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Janice2 says:Posted: 22 May 12
oh beautiful may God bless them and we are also looking forward for such a blessing, Amen
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Tropical615 says:Posted: 19 May 12
Wow, this is beautiful. I hope one day my testimony will be up there.
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MzGina48 says:Posted: 21 Apr 12
Great story of true love......found. It gives me a new found sense of hope!
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darkadaberry says:Posted: 17 Apr 12
Now thats determination on BOTH parts!!! It is a great story, one that is to be made an example of. Congradulations to the lovely couple!
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allie777 says:Posted: 17 Apr 12
WWay to go Godswarrior! Fantastic story, thanks to both of you for sharing some wonderful insights. Reminds me of that shampoo advert here in N.Z. It wont happen overnight but it will happen!
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opalbbw1 says:Posted: 16 Apr 12
This is a truly encouraging story. All the best to the lovely couple!
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angela8209 says:Posted: 16 Apr 12
Awesome! Their faith was strong enough to complete their destiny. What a wonderful story.
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How sweet. Unfortunately, all that I am running into are duds. Also catfish. Hopefully, God will bless everyone will be happy like all around.