Jolie ‘too white’ to play Cleopatra?
She has been rated among the most beautiful women in the world. And let me not talk about her lips for now. Which is why author of the book ‘Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra: A life’ Stacy Schiff figured Angelina Jolie is the perfect woman to play the role of the legendary Egyptian Queen Cleopatra in an upcoming Cleopatra biopic. And in her words, "Physically, she's the perfect look."
Well, not everyone agrees. There has been an internet buzzing by critics over whether Jolie is right for her latest role. Some people are outraged by this casting decision and feel that Jolie is “too white” to play this infamous Egyptian Queen.
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In an editorial for, Shirea Carrol writes:
Just when we thought there weren't enough leading roles for Black women in Hollywood, they create one and give it to a White woman… I don't care how full Angelina Jolie's lips are, how many African children she adopts, or how bronzed her skin will become for the film, I firmly believe this role should have gone to a Black woman… Were Vanessa Williams, Halle Berry and Thandie Newton unavailable for auditions that day? Why does Hollywood think it's even slightly plausible to cast White women in roles that would be more sensible to cast a Black actress for? Especially when that role is an African queen.
Jolie has been the center of another race controversy in 2007 when she wore tinted make-up to play the role of reporter Daniel Pearl's wife Marian, who is partly of African descent. 47 years ago, Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra.
Even though historians can’t confirm with certainty that Cleopatra was of a darker complexion, more evidence leans towards her being Black and not totally of Macedonian Greek ancestry. And according to ABC News, Egyptologists claim she wasn’t the beautiful temptress people claim she was; she was “short, fat and plain.” And as Carrol puts it, “Jolie -- not so perfect.”
Does the color of the skin really matter here? Should we flash the race card?
49 responses to "Jolie ‘too white’ to play Cleopatra?"
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serenity33 says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
Fascinating analysis Jeff. I never thought of it that way. You seem like a genuine kind of guy. I wish more Christians were like you and we could trade some other Christians for people like you.;-) I don't agree with your looks consciousness but at least you are honest and I admire that. Thanks for your input and getting the blog back on track. I hope all the hate is erased as well on this blog. Peace be with you and thanks for being so informative and supportive.:-) Sincerely, Joseph Evan Moyer
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studmuffin99 says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
I have seen Angelina Jolie's movie and she is a bad actress and the only reason she gets her parts are because of her looks and her famous family. She would disgrace Cleopatra who was supposed to be one of the smartest and most clever woman in history. Plus she is on the top ten list for willing to show nudity which I have nieces and nephews and I have to censor any of her movies and not let them watch them at least at my house when they visit. I think she is a bad moral influence especially for children and I would like to be able to show my relatives kid's the Cleopatra movie if it comes out. I like to party but even drunk, her movies aren't good. They should get someone with real talent to play the part and who is darker and more convincing and not give in to media hype and cast someone as bad as her. I still think a no name with no nudity in her past with talent that is truly black should play the part. Beauty is only skin deep which is why I benefit from being good looking because I keep in shape but I work for a living unlike Angelina Jolie. I have a real job delivering mail. A respectable honest job. Give a black female a chance who has worked hard to get into acting and didn't have it handed to her like Angelina Jolie. That's just my opinion even if I am white. Jeff
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studmuffin99 says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
I see nothing but kindness from this man and you attack him at every turn. Why don't you give it a rest and let those of us who are serious about this blog learn something from him and others who are actually talking about what is on this blog rather than spouting off hate like you do. I am not Christian but if you are Christian, I am glad I am not one. Please chill out and vent your anger elsewhere. It is highly disruptive. I would say this even if I didn't agree with him. Please let it go for the sake of the rest of us. Thank you. Jeff
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tatted2death says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
Yuppers....the Moral Majority that thinks as long as you SAY you are Christian you are A-OK. Could be burning crosses on someone's front lawn and eating babies in their basement.....but AS LONG AS THEY ARE MORAL/CHRISTIAN; nevermind the rest, right???? Just curious(lol), who would be judging what is "moral"?????Slippery slope right skate uphill if you so choose. And as for anyone being "attacked" Sir STUDMUFFIN99(cute, they have pulled alot of this character's posts (some of mine too.....WOW the moderators are actually working now.....WOOHOO). If you want to follow him and co-sign/support what he is saying that is fine but let it be known that he has flung alot of his own feces all over this blog in various topics......the moderators have been VERY kind to him and have let him come out smelling like roses. I have seen this dude at his worse and I am not buying the BS he is trying to shovel in here.....EVER VIGILANT (with MY OWN soul)... ... AND FOR THE LAST TIME and for the effin record I am NOT ANTI-Christian....let me explain it in SIMPLE terms. If I have been stabbed repeatedly I am not going to necessarily HATE "KNIVES", BUT I WILL HAVE ISSUE WITH THE MOFO STABBING ME. I WILL (at the VERY LEAST) SUGGEST HE FIND A BETTER USE FOR HIS PENCHANT FOR WIELDING SHARP OBJECTS (say chopping firewood or being sous "Knives" have a positive purpose and for me to bash all "knives" or "knife-wielders" would ridiculous.....ok.....that's a bit extreme/outlandish but I think you get the jist. LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR RELIGION TO UPLIFT or JUST KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! ...well, enough with that.....if you think the topic warrants more discussion...continue BASHING JOLIE (like that woman cares.....LOL). Peace PEOPLE tatted2death
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studmuffin99 says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
I agree with you, Joseph, and also feel the producers should level the playing feel and get a morally good black woman that is unknown and get her to play the part. Weren't Egyptians supposed to be darker skinned anyway? Give a good black woman a chance with good morals and have it be her breakout film that makes her famous. That would be really cool. Jeff
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serenity33 says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
Morally speaking, I feel that Angelina Jolie is a bad role model and should not be allowed to play Cleopatra. I feel the group known as the Moral Majority would agree. They should get a sister of color to play the part that is known for her good morality. Joseph Moyer
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tatted2death says:Posted: 02 Aug 10 sam....(I meant that SISTER in the most endearing of ways.....think: TWISTED SISTER...LOL)
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tatted2death says:Posted: 02 Aug 10
ALSO....I am so glad to know that all it takes to be a Christian (in the EYES of is to JUST SAY YOU ARE ONE......AMAZING. learn something new everyday....pfft. Hey SISTER-sam.....I think the devil might VERY WELL exist but MANKIND STILL NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE ACTIONS CARRIED OUT (in various NAMES).....REGARDLESS.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 02 Aug 10
2 sam..... ...don't try and ACTUALLY discuss the topic here.. We all know that once the zealots get ahold of something there is no looking back. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with expressing your faith but once you start using it to put others down.....well, I guess that starts to give some of them their own little special brand of that infamous "GOD-COMPLEX" and there is no backing down from that Mofo....I here it is worse than sexual-addiction...LOL. peace PEOPLE tatted2death
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serenity33 says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
I don't know where you got your facts from but I am too tired to dispute each one individual as entire books that I have read were written on each one of the things you talked about and our posts are already long enough. If you want to know the truth about those things you said, go to a good Seminary and they will all be explained and reputed because they are big on logic there as well and going by historical facts. I will dispute all of them in private if you really want to hear the truth but I don't think you want to but I will if you really do but in private because we have taken the religious thing far enough. Not to mention I am not Catholic and Protestants have a different view and a different history so Catholic quotes don't have any pertinence to what I said. Study Anabaptism is you want to know my Christian religion since I am Mennonite, not Catholic and don't believe in a lot of the things you said like Catholics do. And as far as Jolie and sin, she is extremely full of it from a Christian psychological perspective and I would rather have someone a bit less corrupt and narcissistic play an Old Testament Role. It would offend a lot of Christians of all types of she played the role not to mention those of the true Jewish persuasion. PS I really do hope you take up my offer to argue in private because you history and theology is so riddled with Catholicism that you give real Christians a bad name with the rubbish you spout. That is one thing I really hate in the media is that the Catholic church is always considered the representation of Christianity including their crap with infant baptism, the crusades, the inquisition, and other horrible things that were done in the name of Christianity but really under Catholicism which don't represent the real Christians out there. During the Reformation, thousands of Anabaptists were slain along with non-believers because we believed in adult baptism. Occasionally, you will see some crazy Baptist preacher displayed in the media which we aren't Baptist either so they hurt our image just as much. Sad part is the Amish, one of our relatives get the most press. Try looking at the movie "The Witness" to get a little better view of were I am coming from. Ignore the main characters who spiced things up for the audience and pay attention to the background people who really were Amish. Other good movies are "The Hiding Place" and "Pilgrims Progress" parts one and two. These give a truer version of Christianity. Also "The Cross and the Switchblade" which the latter was a true story as was "The Hiding Place" which showed how real Christians acted in a Nazi prison of war camp.
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teddebear says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
this is what happened. white folks discovered the tombs , they then put on the outfits ,and started making films.most films you'll see of Egyptians are played by white or middle eastern people. but ancient egyptians are black,to the lady that said not all eqyptians are are seeing eqyptians today which is over ran by middle eastern people much like the whites in south africa. (not all south africans are black,right,lol) another thing, i offen go to the movies and i'm the only black person there.the studios make movies for the people spending money ,and that's the white folks.their target audience is white,and with eqyptians in their native color is not going to bring the white folks to the theatres or dvd sales. so Angelina Jolie is our african queen !!!! all hail
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sam says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
Now I don't care what the bible says because I'm not a christian. I don't need a book written by people who lived almost two millenia ago in a totally different culture and society to tell me what to do and what to think. It would make much more sense to base your religion on Mickey Mouse than a book written for hellenistic diaspora jews in the first century. At least Mickey Mouse was invented few decades ago and reflects that reality much more than bible. The same goes for any other religious book. For me they are just books written by humans. Nothing else. You belive in devil. For me devil is a fairy tale carachter. Such thing does not exist. It lives only in judaism, christianity and islam, and because they are all connected by geography. Man is much more scarier creature than some dude with horns on his forehead who lives in fiery lake or something else. I have met genuinely scary guys who have been evil. They are real. Devil is not. Then we come to Jesus. You belive he was the only son of the god. I don't. He was not even unique in his sermons and teatchings. Every thing he told was told few hundred years before by other profets of greek philosophers. Besides in those days all the righteous jews were sons and daughters of God. He was just one of them. His name was actually Yeshua and he was a jew. He spoke most likely aramean and he was not from a humble home. His father was not a carpenter. The original word for his fathers occupation means more like building master or architect. At the time he was born and they lived in Galilea, there was a huge building project going on: one whole city. He was most likely related to king David by his mothers side and thus could claim the title of Messiah. Messiah was not a divine person. He was somebody who would bring back the freedom and independece for the jews living under the roman yoke. A religious and political leader in new born jewish state. Not in some heaven. The word Messiah comes from acient Egypt were all the pharaos were known as Messeh. This means anointed, oiled one. In Egypt the pharaos were oiled with crockodile grease. I don't know what they used for Yeshua. He was seen by his followers and enemies as the new king of jews. That is why he was killed by the romans. Not by the jews. See, the Sandherin, the council of jewish elders, was not allowed to meet at night time and that was the time he was arrested and send to Pilatus. Pontius Pilatus was a roman and no good at that too. Soon after the Yeshua incident he was called back to Rome by the emperor because of corruption and other crap. But Yeshua was not the only one in those days who claimed to be the messiah. There were many others. Some you can find from the book Changing Faces of Jesus by Geza Vermes. They did miracles too. And finally we come to the concept of sin. That originated from earlier religions which, like all religions, needed something to scare people in to submission. In fact it was that rich gladiator show loving roman Augustus who invented so called Original Sin. He came up the idea that because Eve, all humans were sinners and thus doomed to hell. So the new born baby was as much sinner as the worst rapist killer in the lot. If that child was not taken in by the church the baby was going straight to hell. In fact every one who did not bow in front of the Roman church was going to hell. So unless you are a catholic, you are also going to hell according Augustus. After all this rambling I am still at loss as how this has anything to do with Angelina Jolie?? And I'm sorry if I offend somebodys religious feelings. It is not the intention. I just wanted to say something to that guy. And I still can't understand what religion and sin have to do with Angelina Jolie and the role of Cleopatra in a movie???
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
Well said Serenity33 By the way you are correct about Angelina Jolie.She has a lesbian relationship. You don't have to justify your belief in Jesus Christ. I too am a christian and completely understand what you are trying to convey here,but there will always be people who think that they can do it their way. Also don't get a debate about christianity. I went back and read what you posted,and for the life of me,I don't understand how the focus became your christianity. I focused on what you said and the point you were making,not your beliefs,since I have no malice toward Chrisitianity that didnt hit a sore spot for me,lol. Please know that are many here that support you as other christians, but don't get in a debate over this on this board. Peace
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serenity33 says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
I don't have any secret perversions or perversions period. For you information, I have a low testosterone level and don't find any women that appealing and it has lifted the blinders off my eyes so I can see their personalities and not be blinded by their appearance. That is why I make such a good marriage counselor because it is easy to see when someone is blinded by lust, even lesbians. I think Angelina might be a lesbian because of her movie Gia which I saw in my youth and didn't know what I was seeing at the time. I have known many lesbians since then especially the one's who come in for counseling and they act the same that Angelina does in Gia which my psychologically trained eye can tell the similarity to. I have no proof other than that but if you know psychology as well as I have, books have been on less proof than that. I don't find sexuality so interesting as a Christian but I find it interesting as a psychologist who is a Christian since it is proven in studies across the USA and the world that that is the number one reason for divorce as well as sexual aberration. One must no evil and no evil to fight it. It is the number one cause that the couples I counsel break up and psychological studies back me up on that. So I would take that to be an evil if it breaks up the holy matrimony as marriage. We are like the Roman Empire and are spiraling downward into decadence while the people that are like the people in the USSR are growing strong as they embrace true Christianity. Try reading Will and Spirit. It isn't that long of a book so I think you could get through it even if you don't understand it properly. And there is a little thing in the Bible called "accountability" and "sin" and the Bible says we are called on each other to hold each other accountable for their sin. Read the Bible. It says that if anyone claims to be a Christian, and they sin, such as promoting lesbianism which is clearly quoted as an abomination unto God in the Bible, then you should go to them as a single person. If they don't listen, take a small group to confront them. Then if they don't listen, bring them in front of the entire congregation. Then if they don't listen, treat them as you would a non-Christian. And this is all in Bible so please don't ever call yourself a Christian because you give Christianity a bad name and a license to sin as our unwed mother rate skyrockets all over the world. Trying studying this site and see how many unwed mothers there are and they are in the vast majority. And the rest are single without kids because they are too selfish and career minded to want to have kids and don't want to be tied down to kids and wish to just party. Plus Jesus said that you must be without sin to throw the first stone at a none Christian which he literally meant when they used to carry out stonings to death those they thought to be sinful. Well I am not trying to kill you. I am trying to hold you accountable to Christianity which Jesus DOES say we should do to each other as does the Apostle Paul and James in the book for James. Try not to use isegesis to justify your sin. It says clearly in the Bible that the only way into Heaven is to except Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior and accept that He died for your sins and then make Him Lord and Master of your heart. Which means we should try and act like Jesus did and He did hold accountable the sinners. He just didn't kill them on earth but gave them a chance to change their ways. He even said to the lady at the well, "Go and sin no more" so He is holding people accountable in their lifestyles and whether they shall get into Heaven or not. He also talks about Lukewarm Christians who don't stand up for Christianity strongly which he says God will spew from His mouth in disgust and they won't be getting into Heaven. Check all this out and see that it is in the Bible and that you can't take one verse out of the Bible and expect to skate buy with that is your Philosophy of life and your religion of life. You have to accept the entire thing or none of it. So I am not saying that you aren't going to heaven since only God knows but as a Christian of many long years, who has seen much sin, I would gamble the odds are low that unless you make a change, that you will get into heaven and you will be especially punished for anyone you lead astray. Look up on the internet, Keith Green's song, "No one believes in me anymore." It is hard to find but is is a great song sung from the Devil's point of view and he would back your claims up as the Devil in the song totally!! So before you start quoting Bible verses, learn about it first and maybe go to Seminary like I did and learn about things a little deeper before you go quoting the Bible or switch to a looser religion that doesn't have accountability in it and then you can stay in denial until the day you die. And try an read my whole profile so you know where I have been. It is very long so I don't know if you have the patience for it but read it before you criticize me. And as far as false accusations, I think I would have more to take you to court on for slander and libel of character than Jolie would for me. You made assumptions without any real basis of knowing me. I was merely pointing out from a psychological perspective that there is some chance that Jolie may be Lesbian because of her early movie Gia. Now that I know her family is Hollywood actors, I agree she didn't have to use the couch to get parts. But everything else I said about her has a high probability based on psychological analysis while your analysis of me doesn't. And I love Lesbians too, not as sexual beings but as possible children of God and have known lesbians and homosexuals who have renounced their ways and have explained to me the lure and temptation involved in homosexuality. Do you know any recanted homosexuals, especially Lesbians? I think the odds are slim to none. Plus I don't see a profile for you while mine is all spelled out in black and white and people can tell my background and credentials by my profile.
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sam says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
Well said, tatted2death! I have always wondered why the so-called "christians" and other zelots have found other peoples sexuality and sexual behavior so interesting. As far as I can see, there is nothing in the Bible, nor in Koran, that says "thou shall get involved thy fellow mans sex life regardless of their whishes!". Maybe I'm wrong, I might be because I am a free spirit and do not apply any religious teatchings in my life. Actually I am what the religious might call a heathen since I have my own connection to God. I have no need for middle men of any sorts to get my bearings right. Like one song said: " I don't need the binoculars to see the light". I do know that Jesus teatched that the one who is totally without a sin can throw the first stone. Now, the point of this lesson is ofcourse, that there is no man alive who si without a sin. So no man can judge another. Looking4life is also right. Angelina Jolie would not need to sleep around to get into movies. That is the secret pervet fantasy of mr serenity33. Like the hinting of her lesbianity. Maybe you have a secret fantasies of lesbians, maybe you have watched too much lesbian porn, but do not make that kind of claims even here. If Angelina Jolie would like to take you to the court for spreading that kind of rumours, she could do it. And I guarantee that you have no proof to back up your rumour. And I also guarantee that she would take you to the cleaners, that it financially, on this one. And finally, since I love women, I fully understand lesbians. I am attracted to women too. I like them like they are. Nothing wrong in that.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
wow are we actually using the Bible/Chirstianity to spread more hatred over someone's lifestyle. Decadence and Hedonism never actually killed anyone...It the IDIOTS practicing them that DID NOT know their limits... People really should stop blaming other sources (i.e. Media, Hollywood, blah blah) for their lack of self control. If you have a spiritual base to help keep you in check.....THEN GOOD FOR YOU. BUT NOT EVERYONE NEEDS that......just so you know. You don't have to lust for Jolie but to make all the hateful remarks about her "alleged" sexuality and her need to "come out" was just ridiculous. Seems to me someone might be lusting after her after all.....why else would HER sexuality be such a concern TO YOU????? Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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serenity33 says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
Oh like Drew Barrymore since both her parents were famous actors. Okay, maybe she was the rare few who didn't have to go to that couch because of connections because it is all in who you know. I guess she was no Traci Lords when it comes to getting parts. Jolie was lucky then. But she is the rare few. Unless you have a relative in the business or good connections to start off with, the casting couch is the vast majority of the way most actresses and even actors get their start. It is that way in the entertainment profession all over. I had an friend who was a talented opera singer especially when he was younger and he did some opera but he got offered some big part because some gay opera singer who was high up fancied him. He was a good Christian and of course turned it down. Now he moved to Russia and is married and has three kids and is doing and teaching opera over there because since the fall of the Soviet Union, there is a big void in the lives of the Russian people and their is a big revival of Christianity over there and he and his family are a major part of it. He is getting very popular over there and never wants to come back to the decadence of the Western World. It is rough over there which is why there are so many Russian male order brides when there didn't used to be. But as far as Jolie, she may not have had to sleep for parts but with the decadence and hedonism of the Entertainment business, I bet she slept with her fair share of men. Hard to keep an eye on someone who is traveling a lot. What do you think got Tiger Woods in trouble? He had too much time away from his family and his wife is very societally attractive, as attractive as Jolie except blond.
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looking4life says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
serenity33 you are entitled to your opinion, however casting couch for jolie???? right, have you got a clue whom her father is?? just like kiefer sutherland, the sheen boys the baldwins the douglas's and the goldie hawn/kurt russell daughter...cant think of her name right now their parents are all "alumni" these people never started at the back of the bus, they got instant cred. because of their family.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 24 Jul 10
Aren't you confusing like with lust? I think lusting is wrong and she can't act and probably is lesbian which I wish she would just come out of the closet and be honest about. But like I said, it would kill her career and she knows it. Because she knows guys lust over her including guys who think they are morally right and they would have more trouble lusting over her if she was a lesbian. But if that is one of your male fantasies that so many men have which happens very little as far as women are concern where they get turned on by two guys getting it on(although to be honest I have talked to some who like but they are in the minority compared to me) then it is a moral issue that is entirely a totally different matter. And being heterosexual, I like men but have learned at an early age, not to treat them as sexual pieces of meat but to respect them for who they are on the inside and to find that attractive. Give me a plain woman who likes science fiction, cats, and horror movies, and hates traveling and shopping and sports over a self-centered societally attractive woman who likes everything I hate and hates everything I like, usually because they are too shallow and have skated buy on their looks their entire life. Angelina Jolie may be attractive societally and very smart when it comes to business and how to make money and herself marketable but she has no real wisdom or depth to her and obviously deep down only cares about the shallow things in life. And I would be you that she spent her time on the casting couch because I have spent a lot of time talking to aspiring actresses out in CA even on the phone about what is asked of them to get the parts they want. Only when they make it big time do they finally not have to resort to that anymore. So I have no respect for Angelina Jolie and since I won't drool over her like most guys do, she is worthless to me and I won't spend a dime to make her "coffers grow larger" by going to any of her crappy movies. Joseph Moyer
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sam says:Posted: 24 Jul 10
I don't care if she or he is gay. I just don't think she's not that hot nor is she a good actress. But lesbian? Hey, any guy can understand that somebody likes women, right? I mean, all us heterosexual men like women, so what's wrong with that??
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serenity33 says:Posted: 24 Jul 10
I think Jolie is a poor actress and is typecast in almost every movie. I think she is really a lesbian because they say that the first movies they do at the beginning of the career are the one's that portray their true personalitys and she blamed a lesbian model in her early movie awfully convincingly. I think she is a closet lesbian and a type two lesbian that thinks she is too pretty for any guy to be with ever Brad Pitt and she would rather be with another beautiful model if she had her way but she has played so many heterosexual parts and made so much money that she would flush her career down the toilet if she ever left her true nature show. Face, Helen Degereres isn't a sex symbol to most guys and is most loved by gay and lesbian people. I saw her years ago when she played a straight secretary on a sitcom and her career was going nowhere. It was only once she came out of the closet that she became bigtime. Without all her surgery and makeup, Angelo Jolie isn't that pretty any more. She is growing old. I refused to see any of her films because she makes me nauseous because she thinks she can act. Her best acting is pretending she is straight!! She is playing the Madonna card and as she gets older and less attractive, she is trying to pick up causes to make her seem like an actress of substance so people will still love her. Look at Britney as soon as she went back to being white trailer trash. Her popularity plummeted. Jolie and Brad are no dummies. I am still waiting for Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise to do their own version of "Brokeback Mountain" if they ever both come out of the closet!! Joseph Moyer
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sam says:Posted: 23 Jul 10
Darn! Another Sam! Well, I guess I have to do some changes.
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Sam says:Posted: 23 Jul 10
Jolie as Cleo - absolutely not. There are plenty of women of colour actresses to play Cleo. What kind of role model is she for her daughter, Zahara? Is Zahara supposed to be ok that her mom played a mixed historical figure when very few roles go to women of colour? Jolie gets praises for physical attributes that most of us black women have naturally without surgery. ************** Comment by anonymous26 on 18 July 2010: Not all Egyptians are all Black.. Now they are more white due to many centuries of voluntary and forced race mixing. But back then they were not. ******** I love how historians use today's standards of superficial/surgery altered beauty to judge what was considered beautiful in the past. Whatever!
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looking4life says:Posted: 20 Jul 10
vivica fox definitely, kerry washington supporting, i love it. thandie newton or zoe saldana too small. ok i just watched "i can do bad all by myself", tyler perry is such an a--HOLE(in the best possible way) he does a great job with his movies, stirs up so many feelings as a great movie should. more than just entertainment. if you havent seen it, its a good watch, if you have any others i may wanna see??
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tatted2death says:Posted: 20 Jul 10
LMAO......the "over-educated" always spoil the day.... I hope you DON'T TRULY think that you schooled anyone there, trying to be condescending or anything. THIS IS NOT ABOUT HISTORY OF THE WORLD SO MUCH AS IT IS A HISTORY OF HOLLYWOOD. Certain men of color might not understand this as much as they would like to portray......because quite simply it has taken the woman of color a little longer to get away from "roles of servitude". This sort of role, if given to a talented woman of color (THAT IS ALSO BANKABLE) would forever cement that "thing are changing". Loosely, this could be equated to how MANY black men (and women as well) when Obama was matter your politcal alignment you more than likely were moved by the "EVENT" of it all. I think TOUSSAINT sort of got the point...."My vote is for Zoe Saldana; this is just an incredibly beautiful woman with a lot of ‘heat’ going for her right now. A role like this would launch her into another stratosphere…" There really is no "argument" there. btw.....when you have to used words like "very likely" your "HIS-story" lesson chances are facts have been altered in some way.....ESPECIALLY if you are reading books written by CERTAIN people....Thanks for attention ....and you also have a WONDERFUL evening... Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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julius26 says:Posted: 20 Jul 10
Let me put an end to this agument, cleopatra was neither black or african, in fact she was not even beautiful, judging from the bust i have seen of her. She was of greek descent,She was a ptolemy who ruled egypt for 275 years. They where know for their incest and inbreeding so it is very likely that cleopatra would have been 100% white european. Well that concludes todays history lesson let me know if you want any more, have a nice day.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 19 Jul 10
I know of plenty of talented Middle Eastern, Arabic, Palestinian, etc. actresses that could really work this role....but again we are talking BANKABLITY here. I have a special place in my heart for independent and so-called foreign films be we are talking HOLLYWOOD and if that be the the role to a talented "sistah" would make up for alot of HOLLYWOOD wrongs in the past..... ....just my two cents there. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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anonymous26 says:Posted: 18 Jul 10
Not all Egyptians are all Black.. most egyptians I've seen on pictures, and I've met some in my life are actually a dark olive to brown complexion... So I think they should have cast someone one of that description with much talent ofcourse :)
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toussaint says:Posted: 18 Jul 10
My vote is for Zoe Saldana; this is just an incredibly beautiful woman with a lot of 'heat' going for her right now. A role like this would launch her into another stratosphere... But that's the real rub of it, isn't it? Actors of color get dissed for roles of even historical figures. (Gerard Depardieu taking the lead role in the Alexandre Dumas biopic, then donning a wig of woolish hair and darking his skin to look "mixed". You all did know the author of "Three Musketeers" and "Count of Monte Christo" was Black, right?) At least my man Don Cheadle is starring in the biopic of my hero, Toussaint Louverture.
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afrodite_07 says:Posted: 13 Jul 10
angelina is white...cleopatra was an egyptian ,egyptians are africans,africans are black.hell no she can't play cleopatra.i heard some white people think egyptians are not in that weather (don't ya'll burn in the desert?)
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fkoi says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
Was Lawrence Olivier Roman enough to play Antony? Not that Jolie is Olivier but then he would have made a pretty "butch" Cleo. Should a real Egyptian be cast? Najla Fathi anyone? Maybe “short, fat and plain” is the way to go.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
@Shelly WHO ARE YOU? Are you some poster or member's wife? You had better hope you don't get sued for identity theft! Anybody that knows PetiteChick knows how I do things. I take no prisoners. You've messed with the wrong one.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
Hey Jenna: This is some "real" mess. I have an idea of who did this but I can't prove it. I just want this site to fix it. This is one of the disadvantages of just letting people off the street (so to speak) come in here and post. Anyone can, not just members. Uuggghhhhhh.
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ChocolateLady says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
Vivica Fox would portray a good Cleopatra. She played Bethsheba and she did a good job. I wouldn't go to see that a movie if Angelina Got the part due to the fact that she is an adulterous theif!!!!! I don't view hers or her mates movies or projects period.
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Jenna says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
@beachkisses Oh I agree if Aaliyah was alive she would have been perfect! @tatted2death Zoe is nice yes a great actress too,but wow she is rail thin lol, like Angelina Jolie! Maybe we need a Cleopatra with some meat .. @petitechick Hope they solve that account issue of yours, I hate fakes lol!Besides they could imitate you but there is only 1 petitechick!
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tatted2death says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
I hear ya, Sam...... I am not a hater of Angelina AT ALL.....I have loved her in almost every movie in which she has been featured....she does have some talent. It's just that I think there are equally if not more talented women of color who would rock this role if given have the chance. As another post's all about the sex. And what I think this has roots in is males being exposed to porn at too early an age these days. And let's face it; not many bodies or faces that exist in that world are found in nature. Angelina might very well be "image conscious" but I am sure she has to be to stay working......Hollywood really and truly is only a half step away from the porn world nowadays. I still stand behind Zoe for this Star Trek she proved that she can "ride the tide" next to some very fine (and fine leading men. A very believable love interest for ANY man.....period. Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S. KNOW I LOVE Angela but Zoe got the certain "generational" appeal that I think satisfy the demographic that spends the most money at the box office....if you get my
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Summerbaby22 says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
Jolie Cleopatra...NOT!!! There are so many women of color that are so much more talented than she could ever think of being who could potrait this important woman in History. Just because she has dark hair and full lips, whatever. If she is ethnic she has been hiding it all this time so who needs her. Hell, by the way the Egyptologist talk, I probably look more like Queen C than she does. How about letting me audition. Short list of worthy actresses in the game that have the drawing power: Hallie Berry Zoe Saldana Sanna(sp) Lathan Tandi Newton
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sam says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
Just my humble opinion: Angelina Jolie is Not a good looking woman. She is too skinny and she has somekind of complex about her lips. I think she is as hot as a paper cup in deep freeze. Any of you ladies who commented this, you are much more beautiful than her. Cleopatra or not. I never liked her. I don't know any men who like her. I just read from the papers all the time that men are supposed to think that Angelina Jolie is hot. Well, just be sure, I made a quick poll with my buddies and not a one thinks her as hot or sexy or anything else. Granted, my poll was 11 white guys. Actually three of them said that she (jolie) looks stupid, what ever that means. Who are those guys that think she's hot? Guys who played Tomb Raider and got a stiffie when she played Lara Croft in the lowsy movie? Stylists, whose sexual identity is little bit here and there? Fashion designers? Metrosexuals? Tell me, damned! I don't know a single heterosexual male who would take that woman in to his bed.
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beachkisses says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
Its all about who could possible make this movie sell.By choosing a woman that men desire, should be the trick. im sure there will be sex scenes and plenty nudity. Lets face it, this movie is not going to do well, and "black" movies dont get rated high. All the black women named would be perfect, and Angela Basset would be a beautiful Nefertiti, perhaps. Im sure if Aaliyah were alive shed be a great pick. But anyway sex sells is my point- ha =)
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Shelly says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
Yeah major studios can still get the bank so long as they have someone who can sell the movie worldwide. Actors and actresses get their pay upfront, unlike recording artists. The good actresses can also negotiate some more $$$ based on how well the film is received. I guess that is why so many rappers want to be movie stars. Record sales are never guaranteed and depending on how their contract is negotiated they can run into money troubles if their label doesn't push for them. The entertainment field is rough and tumble.
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hmontaq says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
True... Its all about who brings in the most money to the box office. And keeping Avon in business of course. lol
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Shelly says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
I think the Zoe is a good choice as well. I also think Thandie Newton could do the roll justice. Controversially speaking for a darker Cleopatra, Angela Basset would be my choice.
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Shelly says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
I think the Zoe is a good choice as well. I also think Thandie Newton could do the roll justice. Controversially speaking for a darker Cleopatra, Angela Basset would be my choice.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
Open audition?......unbiased casting director????hmmmm..... At the end of the ALL that matter is who is more "BANKABLE"......sad but true... My vote is for Zoe Saldana, btw. Jolie needs to catch some "family time" on this one (lol) Peace tatted2death
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Nothing left to say on this blog so I will stop posting here as well. Bye. Joseph Evan Moyer