Success Story: BombTongue and Maurice27
So what question did Maurice have for Tina in our latest success story? Listen to Maurice and Tina (bombtongue and maurice27) talk together about their first meeting, their love for each other and most of all their plans for the future.
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This is Jackie calling from customer support and I have on the line Tina and Maurice, they are our latest success story. Hi guys how are you?
We are good. How you guys doing?
Now, Maurice you are in US
Yes I am
And Tina is in Ireland, and how have you coped, now, I know for a fact you guys have actually met, so Maurice tell me what happened.
Well you want to know how it started from the beginning? You know, who initiated contact?
Well, We know that would have been Tina.
We actually had a debate on that one and I swore it was me, I swore (laughing) but it wasn't. Well we meet on January 19th 2006 and she flirted with me and I replied and we replied back and forth for the first couple of days then we got a little more comfortable and we choose to meet on cam and we started talking on cam and by the first week of February, we had decided that, I wanted her to come here first but she wanted me to come to meet her family, I guess she was testing me to see how sincere I was.
I was testing you
Yes, she was testing to see how sincere I was so immediately I said ok fine. I haven't had a passport over fifteen years, I went and got a passport the very next day, spent quite a bit of money on that and then within 4 days after that day I brought my flight ticket to be able to fly out on the February of 27th this year. Then I flew out and when I got there, well before I got there I was nervous but by that time I had already flown 10 hours so there ain't no turning back now, so when I got off the plane we thought we were going have a long wait in customs, but we didn't. I went through customs signed in and walked right of the plane and seen her and we had talked about the meeting, we were like, when I get out of the plane you gotta run to me and all this and we were really happy and really excited, on the phone and on cam and it didn't happen nothing like that, I dropped my bag and started walking really really briskly, and we hugged and we kissed.
I saw the look of fear on your face (laughing)
I know was like, I couldn't believe I flew all the way over this water. I think there was about a five to maybe10 minute little period of time when it was awkward, I think it was actually the setting in for both for us. After that my entire trip in length was 10 days and there was not one bit of uneasiness, her family took to me very well ,her friends took to me very well, me and her, it was like we know each other for years, for years. It was awesome.
Tina did you find that because you had that period of time where you could only talk over the internet and using the web cam and things, did you find out it was really good to get know someone beforehand?
Definitely, it was definitely, really as Maurice will tell you, it wasn't based on physical attraction, we actually got to know each other and fell in love with each other's personality, it was awesome, we were maintained able to maintain contact all the time and us being so far apart, that was our lifeline, we depended on that to keep us together and it's worked really, really well and it still does.
And Tina, what was your first impressions when you saw him out of the customs, did you know it was him straight way?
He actually said to me, you better run to me but I think he held that end up ok when he started looking at me. He spotted me coming at him (laughing) but I recognised him straight away, definitely, definitely.
And obviously he is everything that he said to he was to you?
Yes and more
That's important isn't it and Maurice you can probably agree here as well, the most important thing you can do, if you are going to date even if you are on the Internet or real life it to be real and to be honest."
Yes honestly, you know you have to have the thought in your head that this person, whomever I am speaking too even if I haven't seen them yet, we are just exchanging words that they're going to be as honest as I am with you
Because eventually you will be caught out anyway, if you are talking about a meeting you are going to get caught out anyway.
That's true, that's true
Tina how are you handling it at the moment the distance? Let me know what are the plans for the future?
It is hard, at times it gets hard, I have my days where I think "My God I am so depressed today" I know I look forward to it because I know in August I am going to be there and we are going to be together and we have plans to get married, we have real definite plans to get married and I know I am going to have him for keeps after that.
So Maurice have you officially popped the question Maurice?
We didn't really get into that conversation until I came back because that's when we realised how important it was. You know I guess we had that time, you know, when I was on my way back home, to think, like man, how was this trip, was he really what I always wanted, I was asking myself the same question and yes I did ask her the question but I told her it wasn't fair so when she comes here she will get it, of course I am not going to tell her when she's gonna get it.
But you are do going to do it right?
You see that?
You can ask her officially now if you like.
Oh you can ask me officially, come on Maurice ask me officially
You want me to? Ok, I am on my balcony right now am getting on my knee on my balcony Tina, I love you and I really enjoy every moment that we that we talk, everything that we share, I enjoy your company whether your scaring me on the cam or whether your sitting right next to me on the couch holding my hand.
Oh Maurice that's so sweet
Tina, I need you in my life, I really do and I love you with everything that I have and am asking you today, if you would honor me by becoming my wife.
Oh my God, of course I will, oh my God are you serious? You're so special, oh my God I don't want to live one day with you in my life, no way, so definitely.
Well am sitting here crying (laughing) and I am so happy that you didn't say "this person is too far away" and you missed out on opportunity to meet.
Oh no, no way
And we bring that up every day, every day, every day, you know, it does not take that closeness of standing right next to that person every day to bring you two together, it takes that determination and that true love and companionship that we have.
We always say distance doesn't make things impossible. You know what I mean, you can always hop on a plane and you're gone. We knew once Maurice got back to the States that we were going to go for this. This was us, so we made the decision, he was going to move and I decided well, I may go.
Love always finds a way, that's what I tell people everyday, love always find a way
That is so true, so true
And am I so happy for you two and I know your going to have a great life, I want, if not an invitation to the wedding, I want wedding photos,
Oh! We will, we've invited everybody, we want the whole site there. One big shindig.
Well on behalf of our site I'd like to wish you both every happiness and the wedding is going to be when Maurice? When are you planning?
Well we are going to do it October when she gets here, after she is been here for a while when we get couple of things settled and then we have planned for the official time for the huge wedding, so everyone's family can be there back in Ireland in next summer.
Excellent, So Tina are you going to marry him twice just to make sure?
I am going to marry him twice, I would do it as many times as I could, seriously
I have already warned Maurice there is no thing such as a divorce in Ireland.
Her Momma sat me down and giving me attitude....
We would just take him out the back and give him a beating until he comes to his senses.
Maurice you are laughing, but that IS the Irish way
Oh Woah (laughing)
Are you scared now? That's ok, I will just come to the States and introduce it there.
Anyway we honestly, I know, from Tina as well, we want to thank the website, because if it was not for this website, it makes it a lot more easier to meet someone special even if you meet someone as a friend on this website.
We've met a lot of friends.
People are so easy going, we've made a lot of friends and that a lot of the reasons we are usually in the chat room because we have a lot of friends.
I have actually made one really true friend on there and she means the world to me and that's D2, we are really close
Is she going to be a bridesmaid?
Well we are hoping. She's is going to be a bride next month
Getting to know someone online I think is a great way of knowing their heart before you know their body.
Yeah that's true
Because you meet the true person, you are gonna role over that next morning and you are gonna, wow ok, did we talk any, can this person actually speak to me, you have to be able to hold a conversation.
So Tina, what have you got to say to the ladies on our site
This works, this really, really works anybody who out there who is not serious about it don't get on there. Because it really does work and you do get results at the end, if you're serious and you're honest and you just stick with it, serious, knock it off. I just hope everybody follows in our footsteps.
And Maurice what have you got to say to the guys?
Be honest and be yourself, don't try to be someone you are not, you know the player role it doesn't work. Nowadays, a woman doesn't want that, they want a true sensitive man and you have to be open and honest with yourself, before you can be open and honest with someone else and someone will appreciate that a lot more.
Once again I wish you guys the absolute very best for your future, and I expect updates. Wedding Photos, Baby photos.....
Thank you
Responses to "Success Story: BombTongue and Maurice27"
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lovely2see says:Posted: 17 May 08
Wow. I would like to know where they are at in their relationship now. This was very moving and beautiful.
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2ute4u says:Posted: 14 Jan 08
To all those guys who are afraid of a little geography,after all these two were worlds apart actually came together, thank you both for proving that w/ determination, it can actually happen. Best of luck to you both
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Fala says:Posted: 13 Dec 07
Bomb-a-lomb-a-ding-dong! I only just found this story here today. I can't believe it took me so long to say: Congrats and Best Wishes to You Both!
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Jade74 says:Posted: 20 Feb 07
Hello Tina,always good to see you in the chat room.Congrats to you and Maurice.Keep in touch and take care.
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maishagal says:Posted: 05 Feb 07
What a great success story! I was fortunate to hear Tina tellin folks they're expectin now! congrats guys
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turbogirl says:Posted: 05 Jan 07
Congrats guys, your story has really given me hope this new year. Cheers!
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 03 Jan 07
You guys look great together. Best of luck and please keep us informed
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Atarah says:Posted: 23 Nov 06
continue in love and pray to God for guidance.congrats and best of wishes.
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JADE74 says:Posted: 20 Nov 06
It's always good to chat with you Bomb.Wishing you and Maurice much love and happyness.
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Atarah says:Posted: 10 Nov 06
maurice and tina ur success story give people like me hope.i wish u God's riches blessings.congratulations.
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EMBRACEME says:Posted: 06 Nov 06
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naturallyliz says:Posted: 19 Oct 06
I think it's wonderful that you all found each other. Many happy memories to you both.
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sweetest1 says:Posted: 14 Oct 06
You two are so adorable together!! I'm so glad things worked out for the best and now that Bomb is in the states I'm coming to visit!! LOL
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aantonio says:Posted: 22 Sep 06
Hey i would like to say congrats to the both of you. I have been on here for a few months n this brings me hope on meeting someone new. god bless
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sizzla says:Posted: 17 Sep 06
This is the best story yet. You make a luvly couple...
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Natural72 says:Posted: 15 Sep 06
Congrats Bomb and Maurice! I am so glad things worked out. I hear you are in the states now Bomb...keep in touch.
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charlee1 says:Posted: 14 Sep 06
i just love the success stories! best wishes to you both!
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browneye68 says:Posted: 14 Sep 06
hey,,,,, im so happy for you both and it was a great thing to get to know you... i wish you all the best and good luck
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JADE74 says:Posted: 13 Sep 06
Congrads and best wishes to you. You are truly blessed to find love and each other..
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yoby says:Posted: 30 Aug 06
hi bomb, i am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maurice, you are a serious blessing for the cathegory "men" XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX yoby
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TrueHarmony says:Posted: 24 Aug 06
Still wishing you both the very best that life has to offer on your new journey together. May it be blessed!
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VAVixen28 says:Posted: 21 May 06
Congrats ya'll, that is wonderful how you found each other, I wish you all the best.
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brwnsuga says:Posted: 15 May 06
Congratulations to the both of you, listening to your testimony almost made me cry, it was soooo sweet and refreshing and it helped me realize that you shouldn't let distance get in the way of true love GOOD BLESS AND THE BEST OF LUCK TO YOU GUYS!!!
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Blaquerose says:Posted: 12 May 06
Congratulations you two. I wish you the very best!
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babiplay says:Posted: 04 May 06
Maurice and Tina, i`m sincerely happy for you two. How i wish it`s me.I`m wishing you the best of love together.
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treasure76 says:Posted: 30 Apr 06
Congratulations to you, I wish you all the best in life,when I listened to your tape I realised how much you both need each other, I wish you all the best with all my heart. Congratulations
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islandwoman says:Posted: 29 Apr 06
Maurice, by your loyalty,faithfulness, allegiance and commitment to Tina you have exemplified the code of chivalry. I wish for you both all that I wish for myself; which is fullfillment of happiness which leads to living the "good life." When one attains the secret for happiness only then can one lead this "good life" you both did. God bless your love Maurice and Tina. islandwoman
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marcy says:Posted: 28 Apr 06
Congratulations : I hope that you two share the love god has planned out. All the love in the world comes together when two people open their souls to one another. The only advice I can give you two is never stop communication. Communication is the key to a long lasting realtionship. It would be nice to hear a update when you do get married and for at least a year down the road.. All my prayers and blessings are upon you too... GOOD LUCK AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU ...
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Kalilah says:Posted: 26 Apr 06
Congratulations to you both. I wish you nothing but success, love, happiness, and joy...thanks for sharing!
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dupe says:Posted: 26 Apr 06
wish you guys all the best and its nice to know things worked out good and pls stay together love one another and communicate and pray GODBLESS DUPE
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Koolgal says:Posted: 26 Apr 06
Congratulations to Maurice and Tina.... thats was a nice story. Thank for encouraging others one the site and giving them hope that even them they can find a good hubby or wife and make more friends. Wish you all the best in your coming wedding. God bless you.
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whytb0y says:Posted: 24 Apr 06
Maurice and Tina I'm so happy for the both of you , when I first came on this site y'all were the first folks I met and you both were very friendly to me and made me feel at home on here. It just shows y'all are truly warm people and it's that warmth that will keep you both going strong with each other non stop ,best wishes and many blessings to you both.
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deeslife says:Posted: 24 Apr 06
Maurice and Tina, I am so happy for you. May you be blessed with eternal happiness..
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Nikki33 says:Posted: 24 Apr 06
CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you so much for telling your fantastic story. You give all of us looking for that one special person hope. You both look great together. Nik
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Uzurheart says:Posted: 23 Apr 06
It's encouraging to hear your story, and I wish you both the very best. You are a true testament that love is where you find it, and if you want it bad enough, anything is possible - love will find a way! Thanks for sharing your story and CONGRATS, Maurice and Tina!
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kaymed says:Posted: 23 Apr 06
Man! you guys are so lucky to just find yourselves like that and then BOOOM....I WISH YOU GUYS THE BEST.
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Toya says:Posted: 22 Apr 06
You two look like a match made in heaven. Enjoy your new lives together! Toya
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divaG6 says:Posted: 21 Apr 06
Congratulations Bomb! (BOOOOMMMM!! LOL) May God Bless you and Maurice!!
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wizzie64 says:Posted: 21 Apr 06
Hi guys i wish you all the luck in the world, take good care of each other and congratulations to both of you. Love wizzie64.
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Congratulations! You look very cute together!