Human Papillomavirus
Last year an estimated 10,000 women in the United States were diagnosed with this type of cancer and nearly 4,000 were estimated to have died from it. According to a Health Information National Trends survey, put out by the National Cancer Institute in 2005, only 40% of American women surveyed had heard of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and only 20% had heard of its link to cervical cancer. So, how about we increase the number of people that are aware in an attempt to decrease the number of victims?
Raise your hand if you've seen those new commercials with the young girls jumping rope singing "I want to be one less..."? The product is called Gardasil and it's promoted as being the only vaccine that may help guard against 4 types of HPV which causes up to 70% of cervical cancer and 90% of genital warts.
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Now, most women already know and hopefully are receiving a yearly pap smear. The purpose for this exam is to detect cervical cancer. Well, this new controversial vaccine is for young girls and women from age 9-26. Of course the earlier you're given the vaccine, the greater the chances that it will prevent you from contracting genital warts or cervical cancer. Now you see where the controversy comes to play right? You can't go around telling women that they need to give their 9-year old baby a shot so that little Suzy won't get herpes. It doesn't go over well.
The actual controversial argument isn't really over the vaccine itself; it's over the fact that some people believe that it should be mandatory that our children are given the vaccine. Much like the other inoculations that children are required by law to take. I guess the idea is that if we make it a requirement, that we are telling our kids that we promote sexual activity. I wonder if these are the same people that are against condoms being given out in high schools?!
Now, it's never been my place or style to tell other people how to raise their children. However, I do feel that it's important for all of us to have all the facts available so that we can make an educated choice. So, here is what I've found out about HPV:
HPV can be spread by just touching an infected area. You don't have to have intercourse. It knows no race or gender boundaries. Now I've given you the stats for America, but, since we're a global site, let me include everyone here. According to the World Health Organization, cervical cancer is the second biggest cause of female cancer mortality worldwide with 288,000 deaths yearly. About 510,000 cases of cervical cancer are reported each year with nearly 80% in developing countries: 68,000 in Africa, 77,000 in Latin America, and 245,000 in Asia.
What does this have to do with you? Maybe you're well beyond 26 and you don't have a daughter. Chances are that you have friends and family that are in this demographic. Pass this information on to them. Education and information is 90% of the battle. You can't fight what you can't see and you can't cure what you don't understand. Knowledge is power and no matter what side of the argument you're on; understand why you are on that side. Take care and precautions when it comes to your body and your health and help by protecting yourself and our children.
This is Leticia...and now you know!
33 responses to "Human Papillomavirus"
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cee says:Posted: 11 Nov 07
Well first off I would like to correct Leticia - (medical professional) HPV is an STD honey. You do not get it by just touching. Women get it from having multiple sex partners. It is actually due to the constant exchange of body fluids from your sexual partners. The reason why they are marketing to little girls is because of the idea that young girls are having sex at younger ages, more often and with more partners. They figured if a girl starts having sex at 11-y/o by the time she reaches 15 chances are she would have had almost 20-sexual partners. I know you find this hard to believe but this is reality & it is happening everyday. There are more young people under 18 with STD's now than they've had in history. Sex is alive and well with young people so the idea is to try and prevent it early on. I do have my reserves about making it mandatory but I also understand that with the increase in youth STD's it is bound to be an epidemic with our young girls. If they damage their uterus at such a tender age while still in development we will encounter a huge problem with American population. Do more research on this a please try to get a better understanding because it a problem.
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HerMommy says:Posted: 23 Sep 07
I was very angry when it was mandated here in Texas. A GUY let alone some government entity is trying to tell me how to raise my daughter. She isn't a teen yet, but we talk about a lot of things (on a level she can understand). She will not be getting the vaccination at least not at the age of 11. I'll be signing the waiver when it is time. Maybe when she gets older and we have had more discussions.
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HerMommy says:Posted: 23 Sep 07
I was very angry when it was mandated here in Texas. A GUY let alone some government entity is trying to tell me how to raise my daughter. She isn't a teen yet, but we talk about a lot of things (on a level she can understand). She will not be getting the vaccination at least not at the age of 11. I'll be signing the waiver when it is time. Maybe when she gets older and we have had more discussions.
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Darkvanilla76 says:Posted: 31 Jul 07
I'm glad that you wrote the article. I think many women fail to realize how real the threat is. Mothers with young daughters should get all the facts and have their girls protected. Abstaning will not protect your daughter. Because even if a young woman waits until marriage to have sexual contact her mate may not have??? So, protect her in the future from whats unseen. You just never know?
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Fala says:Posted: 15 May 07
Apparently this isn t an issue in N.H. They have so many people asking for the vaccine, they can t keep up with the demand.
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unme23 says:Posted: 14 May 07
great to read the comments, from the supporters.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 05 May 07
Kudos to you Sweetheart. Its a shame that some of the insurance companies are not paying for this. Thank goodness I am covered for the shots for my daughter. She hates shots, but she is doing something that will help her when she is a grown woman. All I can say is such a small thing to do to prevent something so big and even harder to cure. Thank you all for your comments. They all touched my heart.
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Fala says:Posted: 05 May 07
In the news alot Mossimo as local governments try to make it mandatory for all young girls to get the vaccine. Just hope they all look at the risks and side effects.
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Fala says:Posted: 04 May 07
More and more are finding out about it Mossimo as local governments try to make the shot mandatory.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 02 May 07
I hope this info is out where everyday people can read about it. This is scary!!
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sweetnes20 says:Posted: 01 May 07
i hope everybody learned something from this.
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anne says:Posted: 30 Apr 07
we live a a great part of the world...the most industrialize societies and still we have to deal w/ things like this...enough already , thank, to be informed is the first step...
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kenyanito says:Posted: 28 Apr 07
Coco, That was a bold move that your took together with your daughter. Its sad to note that most of the diseases that we suffer from are unknown till they kill. I hope majority will have the guts to undergo this but also the medics, should reduce the vaccine charges so that every one benefits.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 27 Apr 07
Thanks for posting this....its very informative
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pleasjure13 says:Posted: 24 Apr 07
Article touches me in such a way that I want to give something in the direction of benefitting further research.
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Sweetheart says:Posted: 22 Apr 07
Even though the vaccine's is fairly new I talked to my doctor and I have already gotten 2 of the 3 Gardasil shots. They are about $140 a shot and very few insurances cover the cost. I did not care about the cost when my doctor told me over 90% of women will get HPV and not even know. Men can carry HPV from women to women and not realize. thats the scary part.
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Fala says:Posted: 22 Apr 07
That s great Cocokisses - they will be helping all women by doing that.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 21 Apr 07
Thanks Fala. A lot of young women are going to be courageous enough to do the research and possibly save their own lives.
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Fala says:Posted: 21 Apr 07
I don t think it should be mandatory. I think it should be like what Cocokisses did. Do your own research, ask your doctor and then decide on your own if it s right for you or your daughter.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 18 Apr 07
I thought this was a great article to have on this site. Funny thing is, Ohio is one of the states trying to make it mandatory. My daughter just turned 13, and they had a discussion about it in school. One of their teachers recently passed away from an agressive strain of ovarian cancer. From the time she found out to the time she passed was a little over 3 months. Most of the girls wanted more info on the disease and the vaccine. In my daughter's case, I had her talk to her doctor, and we looked up info on the internet. We decided to go for it. She is getting her first vaccine this week, and some of her friends are too. My daughter said she is doing it also to honor her teacher's memory, and to protect herself in the future. Whatever her reasons, I commend her for her courage, intelligence, and maturity. She did the research, talked to the doctor, and made a decision. I stand behind her 100%. I know we don't know the long term effects, but if it weren't for pioneers like her, I would not be receiving the treatment I am getting for my type one diabetes! Way to go Daughter Dear...way to go!
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"Well first off I would like to correct Leticia - (medical professional) HPV is an STD honey. You do not get it by just touching. Women get it from having multiple sex partners. It is actually due to the constant exchange of body fluids from your sexual partners." Yes, it is an STI and according to research, it is as common as the cold. The assumption is that the majority of the population will contract it at some point in time; however, you're typically not tested for the disease until you reach 30 or if you come in with complications. There isn't even a test for men. Condoms don't protect you from the disease because areas of your genitals that aren't covered by the condom still have contact (once again, research). These things make it very difficult to know who you got it from. It's not just women with multiple sex partners who get the diease, I know people who contracted it and they were not sleeping around. One in particular got it from the guy she dated for 5 years who happened to be her ONLY sexual partner. I can only hope that as a "medical professional" you're doing more research on the topic as well and have a better understanding if you are a source of information to others.