Hot Date or Hot Job?
The dating world for most singles has become a lot like searching for employment opportunities. A bad date is kinda like a bad candidate during an interview.
Out of those people who are unemployed, a good portion have most likely ended up in unemployment line because they’ve lied, were undependable, lazy, didn’t get along with others, violated rules, etc. And for job seekers, a slice of them are holding down an existing job while looking either looking for a 2nd job on the side or perhaps interested in switching employers.
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The dating scene kind of functions the same way. Most of the population is in between relationships. Individuals have either been ‘fired’ or have quit their last relationship. On the other hand, some are busy seeking out affairs, cheating on their significant other or potentially leaving their current mate… kind of like “moonlighting᾿ or “passive candidates᾿ looking to change employers. This makes the odds of finding that perfect match rather difficult don’t you think?
Then comes the search… employers usually post adverts either online or in a newspaper in their search for the perfect candidate. Candidates can then create a profile listing their skills and job histories. In the world of dating it’s becoming more and more popular for singles to post personal ads or profiles on popular dating websites where the love seeker can browse through various profiles in search for the perfect match.
On various occasions, some individuals post a much younger age that what they really are. Well in the job searches, some also “pad their resumes᾿ with work experience they don’t have. While employers seek candidate referrals from their employees, singles also look for referrals from their friends… blind dates.
Then comes the screening process… employer typically is looking for someone that has a stable work history, dependable, easy to get a long with, dedicated. Don’t you do the same with dating too? “So, how long have you been single?" “What’s the longest relationship you’ve been involved in?᾿ “Why did you and the other person part ways?᾿ These questions asked simply to probe about stability and unstable past. You wouldn’t want to hire someone who leaves once the training is over now would you? History has a way of repeating itself.
Then there’s the case of the over-qualified and the under-qualified. If you meet someone who is too attractive… someone that exudes the qualities you’re seeking, most of the time we don’t bother asking them out. We believe that if someone has it all going on, they must be taken or they are way beyond our league… fear of rejection. But isn’t it worth giving it a shot? I mean, who is to tell what will happen?
In the recruitment stage, most job candidates have more than one choice when it comes to employment opportunities. We’re all faced with lots of choices when it comes to dating. In some cases you might have a long list of potential husbands/wives to choose from. This is when courting begins. Employers also try to lure their candidates by telling them what they will stand to benefit when they come on board. Background checks are also done by both the employer and job seeker before “popping the question᾿ or “accepting the proposal.᾿ Do you see the similarities between courting and recruiting?
Given the above, don’t you agree that there’s a definite parallel between the world of job seekers and online dating? Both are looking to develop relationships. Much as each may be looking for different qualifications, both seek the same fundamental traits… sincerity, honesty, communication skills, stability, diligence…
Let’s hope someday you won’t be asked to provide a resume listing out your past relationships, health records, plus three ex-boyfriends or girlfriends to act as references! Coz at the rate at which things are going, don’t be surprised. Start typing your dating resume profile before you get doomed to a world of REGRETS! :lol:
Tags: interview, dating scene
2 responses to "Hot Date or Hot Job?"
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silvertop says:Posted: 25 Oct 07
Wonderful article!!! I definitely can see the comparison. The venue of online dating does give that feeling of an interview. I find it most discouraging to find the various barriers one holds to be the determinating factor of a relationship. As a supervisor, I have seen someone hired for the job and that employee just doesnt seem to fit into that role. The focus should not be on whether or not they fit but was the expectations unachieveable.
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I guess you could say that like jobs and relationships, all of life is an audition. If we get our foot in the door, it's up to us to make the right impression. I've never thought relationships in that way before, but references are available upon request.