Do women have erotic dreams?

Posted by James, 17 Oct

Lights out! Dreaming… Dream dream dream when I want you. Dreams can come true… really? Enough about the dream songs. Well I am sure most of us that have sexual fantasies get fulfilled in our dreams. Most men will admit to having erotic dreams at some stage in their life. Question is, do women?

A Canadian study reveals that women have as many erotic dreams as men, (about 45% of men said they'd had dreams about sex as did 41% of women) though the fantasies differ greatly. Much as men may spend considerably more of their waking moments thinking about sex than women, but both men and women dream about the subject equally some lights out. This is contrary to earlier studies.

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These dreams however tend to conform to gender stereotypes. While women tend to fantasize about film stars, politicians, rock stars or lovers past and present, men tend to visualize themselves making love to several partners in public or some weird settings. True? Holla back! I dream personally dream about Angelina Jolie or Halle Berry...or both at the same time ;) The men reportedly dream about multiple sex partners twice as often as the women.

Most of women’s dreams were about flesh and blood lovers, past or present, who turned up in 20 per cent of the women's dreams and in 90% of the men’s dreams, their ego wasn’t put on the line… women made the first move. ;-) "The men had women coming on to them, at least in their dreams," said author Antonio Zadra, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Montreal in Canada. Does this reflect some pattern of wishful thinking?

So why is this study important? Dr. Zadra said the study of sex in dreams is important because it "is consistent with the continuity hypothesis of dreaming which postulates that the content of everyday dreams reflects the dreamer's waking states and concern -- that is, that dream and waking thought contents are continuous." True?

When compared to similar studies in the 1960s, women are now dreaming more about sex. So what does this mean? Does this reflect an increased willingness of women to talk about the subject or the fact that women are having more such dreams since the sexual revolution of the 1960s? Or is it that only now are they telling us poor fellas this and they've done it all along?

Tags: erotic dreams

9 responses to "Do women have erotic dreams?"

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  1.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 10

    P.S. If any of you ladies are having erotic dreams about me I'd appreciate it if you let me know. LOL

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  2.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 27 Mar 10

    Why would they not? Dreams are unconscious messages to ourselves. Why wouldn't sexy visions be part of that. Fritz Perls has an interesting take on dreams in "Gestalt Therapy Verbatim".

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  3.   Member says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 10

    Oh yes!! as my recent post - flights of fancy shows - my dreams can be very much so!

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  4.   CoCo5 says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    This brings up a very important subject for me...I am in my late 40's and I have a healthy sex drive, well atleast I think so, but I have never had an erotic or sexual fantacy dream about someone I dont know. Is there something wrong with me? I do know I have fantasized or daydreamed about a man I am sharing my life with or I have had a dream about him and it was filled with love like in the movies but was not a heated sexual dream. I understand there are alot of people men and women who are able to seperate their emotions from sex but I have always only be aroused when I can attact my emotions with my partner only. Can anyone explain to me why and is this normal for women?

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  5.   bardoville says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 09

    Erotic dreams?... Yes, and lots of them!.. I have lustful dreams about men I want and haven't had the pleasure yet:-) My erotic dreams are always about future wants and desires... Char

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  6.   Vanilla3657 says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    I can speak for myself, yes. I have exprienced wet dreams where I had to have a bath the next morning. I believe that some things are the same for men and women but the sexes don't want the other to know for some sort of fear. Women may get attached quicker and have more "woman" things going on for them, but there are some serious "man" things going on also. . . at least for me. I have both asseertive and passive dreams concerning men and women. I have had a variety of dreams. Most have not come true in real life. I believe we all can be labeled as "human" and that we have very similar experiences. We just usually don't talk about them.

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  7.   PeaceStar says:
    Posted: 18 Dec 08

    I myself have erotic dreams all the time. I dream of myself with a couple of particular lovers from my past. I only dream of famous men occasionally, because let's be honest after you hear them in an interview, it kills most fantasies (most are just pretty eye candy). For the majority I have erotic dreams about men who I want to sleep with in the future. If I have a great conversation and the chemistry is there more than likely I am having hot dreams about him.

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  8.   lola says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 08

    Pretty interesting. I have to admit this subject is of a lot of interest to me. I also do have erotic dreams. I've noticed that I have them when something is going not very great in my personal life. Actually I have read about it also on They have a lot of good info about it as well. Thye actually say that erotic dreams manifest the fact that we need closeness and maybe just not getting it at this time. Pretty interesting.

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  9.   ivorysilk says:
    Posted: 21 Oct 07

    Of course I cannot speak for all women, but honestly I do have erotic dreams quite often. I think it depends of the womans sex drive, and if you are having regular sex. Sometimes you meet someone and if there is a connection, of course one would fantasize on how it would be with them, especially if you are attracted to them.. I remember watching Taxi with Queen Latifah, and her boyfriend was to die for, and guess who was making wild passionate love to him that night??

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