Black white dating isn't destroying the Black community

Posted by James, 08 Sep

black white relationshipsFor some reason, some people feel black white dating will eventually wipe out the entire black community. And this kind of reasoning has been used by many parents and those people who don’t believe in race mixing to convince others against interracial dating. Most black women have been brought up believing the only man who could ever love her as she is supposed to be loved; the only man who can find her beautiful; the only man who can ever love her, can only be black. And these women have been brought up within a culture that requires them to stand by black men no matter what; even if it means forfeiting a good relationship with a white man and having a hurtful, abusive and unfulfilled one with a black man. Its all about maintaining the Black community values through avoidance of race mixing. But who said black white dating is wrecking the black community?

With most black men dating out, for some reason, the black women feel its their sole responsibility to hold together the Black community. And when they try black white dating, the community automatically calls them selfish or sellouts or hoes. And while she is sacrificing all her happiness for the Black community, all most Black men do is degrade and disrespect her, making her believe she is unworthy of love – even from non-black men. So why don’t people blame black men for destroying the Black community?

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See, finding happiness should be everyone’s sole purpose. I don’t think any person should trade their happiness in the name of trying to maintain some certain societal structures. See, black white dating doesn’t destroy the black community. If anything, most Caucasians who marry into Black families tend to embrace their values and cultures. They are open enough to want to assimilate the Black culture into their own. And that is true maintenance of the Black values and culture – the spreading of the culture into the white community too.

My advice to Black women interested in black white dating: Follow your heart. Every black woman needs to realize that her options are wider and better. Every black woman needs to put her happiness first before the happiness of an entire community. Every black woman needs to realize that her appropriate man is defined by being responsible, loving and respectful to her - not by a skin color that matches her own.

So, go out there, explore your options and date whoever deserves your love.

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