Are mama's boys the ideal husbands?
He compares your cooking to his mum's cooking (which you can never top), he rushes to mama whenever you two have relationship problems (even the sexual kind). Mummy has always comes first! This really freaks out most women. In fact when looking for mates, most women watch out for these signs coz who would want her life to be run by mummy in law dearest, right?
Well, much as they have had a sucky reputation for years, recent research from Arizona State University means ladies are gonna have to give them a chance because mama's boys make super boyfriends and are perfect husband material. Here is why…
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Apparently, these overgrown boys are better at communication and are more empathetic than guys who have completely cut the cord. Couples’ therapist Rachel Sussman says these characteristics make them more monogamous and more likely to be in healthy long-term relationships than the macho men women run to.
Apparently, the closeness to mummy dearest makes some tenderness rub-off on him in terms of relating to people. He also get tips from her hence these sweeties tend to resist the masculine stereotypes like being detached in relationships and aggression; traits associated with being male. As a result, they are more open with their feelings, they understand their women's needs and are better listeners… all the qualities women want their men to possess … if only just a fraction.
But much as women want this kind of guy - a guy whose openness and listening skills = better bedroom skills - how do you deal with the constant reminder that there is another woman who is so connected to him on a level you can never compete with?
According to marital therapist and author of "Secrets of Happily Married Women", Scott Haltzman, viewing this connection as a threat - like he is giving too much love and attention to mummy - will only cause problems in your relationship. HOW-EVER, boundaries need to be set.
If he drops all the plans you have for her, or runs off to her when you were just about to get down, you have the RIGHT to SPEAK! All you need to do is make him know you respect whatever connection they have, and that he needs to also acknowledge the fact that the two of you are now one – a team. And the relationship the two of you have should come first. Sussman recommends following that up "…with a suggestion, like that he call his mom during his lunch break at work or telling her she can't come over when you're spending alone time together."
Much as women love men who are in tune with their feelings, I think if his mama's boy side overpowers him, then this is also a recipe for disaster. Apparently, encouraging his manly side will do the trick say – "you look so hot when you fix our car". And stay clear from labeling him "mama's boy". Every man always wants to be THE MAN! ;-)
3 responses to "Are mama's boys the ideal husbands?"
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Boy, the guys they talk about in this article are such neanderthals. If you have a good relationship with your mother and father like I did and had other mother and father figures like pastors and pastors wives when you are growing up, you tend to be much more sensitive yet secure in your masculinity so you don't need to be manipulated by cheesy lines like "you look so hot when you fix our car." What neanderthal is that retarded to fall for a line like that? This article encourages women to say things to manipulate men like they are stupid retarded sex-crazed dogs!! Any man with a ounce of sensitivity and awareness would know this is bullshit from the start. If you had a childhood like mine, you would mature quickly and would rational enough to discuss things honestly and not resort to game playing and manipulation. If you want a guy to be more sensitive when he is growing up, get him interested in animals that require gentleness to take care of as pets like rabbits or cats especially. I learned to be sensitive and gentle from having cats around me all my life and you can't be rough and treat them like dogs which only reinforces neanderthallic behavior. This article is an affront to any self-actualized man and extremely insulting. You want to know the real reason why some women love Mama's boys? I studied and counseled this phenomena to and women love it because of the technique known as transference which is a psychological term. Mama's boys often will transfer their dependence onto their girlfriend or wife if the other person plays their cards right. Then they are easily manipulated as long as the other person continues to baby them and treat them like their mother would. This phenomena is commonly used by overweight women to snag handsome guys because and overweight female often resembles a mother figure more than a sex symbol type of female. I have seen tons of these types of couples with the guy being led around by the nose as long as the female he is with keeps mothering him and she is in complete control of him and face it, women love to be in control of men especially good looking men. So if you want to exploit this weakness in mama's boys, then by all means go ahead but you won't get an equal relationship even though you will get all the power. Women feel safer from men if they are in power so it is natural for them to try and seize it if the male has a weakness like this in his psyche. Do what you want to do but don't expect any psychologically healthy and sensitive males to fall for any of this type of thing.;-)
Boy, the guys they talk about in this article are such neanderthals. If you have a good relationship with your mother and father like I did and had other mother and father figures like pastors and pastors wives when you are growing up, you tend to be much more sensitive yet secure in your masculinity so you don’t need to be manipulated by cheesy lines like “you look so hot when you fix our car.” What neanderthal is that retarded to fall for a line like that? This article encourages women to say things to manipulate men like they are stupid retarded sex-crazed dogs!! Any man with a ounce of sensitivity and awareness would know this is bullshit from the start. If you had a childhood like mine, you would mature quickly and would rational enough to discuss things honestly and not resort to game playing and manipulation. If you want a guy to be more sensitive when he is growing up, get him interested in animals that require gentleness to take care of as pets like rabbits or cats especially. I learned to be sensitive and gentle from having cats around me all my life and you can’t be rough and treat them like dogs which only reinforces neanderthallic behavior. This article is an affront to any self-actualized man and extremely insulting. You want to know the real reason why some women love Mama’s boys? I studied and counseled this phenomena to and women love it because of the technique known as transference which is a psychological term. Mama’s boys often will transfer their dependence onto their girlfriend or wife if the other person plays their cards right. Then they are easily manipulated as long as the other person continues to baby them and treat them like their mother would. This phenomena is commonly used by overweight women to snag handsome guys because and overweight female often resembles a mother figure more than a sex symbol type of female. I have seen tons of these types of couples with the guy being led around by the nose as long as the female he is with keeps mothering him and she is in complete control of him and face it, women love to be in control of men especially good looking men. So if you want to exploit this weakness in mama’s boys, then by all means go ahead but you won’t get an equal relationship even though you will get all the power. Women feel safer from men if they are in power so it is natural for them to try and seize it if the male has a weakness like this in his psyche. Do what you want to do but don’t expect any psychologically healthy and sensitive males to fall for any of this type of thing.;-)
Boy, the guys they talk about in this article are such neanderthals. If you have a good relationship with your mother and father like I did and had other mother and father figures like pastors and pastors wives when you are growing up, you tend to be much more sensitive yet secure in your masculinity so you don’t need to be manipulated by cheesy lines like “you look so hot when you fix our car.” What neanderthal is that retarded to fall for a line like that? This article encourages women to say things to manipulate men like they are stupid retarded sex-crazed dogs!! Any man with a ounce of sensitivity and awareness would know this is bullshit from the start. If you had a childhood like mine, you would mature quickly and would rational enough to discuss things honestly and not resort to game playing and manipulation. If you want a guy to be more sensitive when he is growing up, get him interested in animals that require gentleness to take care of as pets like rabbits or cats especially. I learned to be sensitive and gentle from having cats around me all my life and you can’t be rough and treat them like dogs which only reinforces neanderthallic behavior. This article is an affront to any self-actualized man and extremely insulting. You want to know the real reason why some women love Mama’s boys? I studied and counseled this phenomena to and women love it because of the technique known as transference which is a psychological term. Mama’s boys often will transfer their dependence onto their girlfriend or wife if the other person plays their cards right. Then they are easily manipulated as long as the other person continues to baby them and treat them like their mother would. This phenomena is commonly used by overweight women to snag handsome guys because and overweight female often resembles a mother figure more than a sex symbol type of female. I have seen tons of these types of couples with the guy being led around by the nose as long as the female he is with keeps mothering him and she is in complete control of him and face it, women love to be in control of men especially good looking men. So if you want to exploit this weakness in mama’s boys, then by all means go ahead but you won’t get an equal relationship even though you will get all the power. Women feel safer from men if they are in power so it is natural for them to try and seize it if the male has a weakness like this in his psyche. Do what you want to do but don’t expect any psychologically healthy and sensitive males to fall for any of this type of thing.;-) And women don't want guys to know that they are manipulative.