+50s care more about the health of the potential mate than looks
Yap! That is according to 64% singles over the age of 55 who participated in a survey done by the online dating site for +50 singles OurTime.com. You might wanna avoid talking about your heart problems with potential mates because majority wont date someone with health issues. But good thing is: That not-so-great profile picture of yours bother less of them compared to adults between 18 to 34 years.
What comes to me as no surprise is this +55 group of adults are players! A whole 65% of them said dating more than one person at a time is no big deal. As for the 18-34 adults, only 41% are ok with playing the field.
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When it comes to intermarriage, a great number of them would date someone from a different religion. But what came out is that women care about religion of their spouses more than men. Race on the other hand appeared to be somewhat of an issue for the +55s compared to the younger group of adults. 46% of the +55s would date someone of a different race whereas two-thirds of the younger adults were open to it.
Snooping on the other hand seemed to be a big deal for them (wonder if its because they know they like to play ;-) ). Three quarters of them hate partners who spy on their spouse’s texts , emails and phone records to confirm their suspicions. And if you actually get caught, you’ll be glad to know that you might get a second chance with 53% of the men; women: hmmm… not so much. Only 35% of the +55 women would forgive your sexual indiscretions.
So if you really want a chance, keep your blood pressure stories to yourself for a while ;-)
2 responses to "+50s care more about the health of the potential mate than looks"
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wildnkinky says:Posted: 03 Sep 12
I never thought that way of 55+ wow that's a shock
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Healthy lifestyle is a must. You got to take care of yourself to lenghten the funtime we can have together...