3 Easy Ways to Get Over an Ex
Getting over an ex can be such a bummer; especially if you were hoping for a 'happily-ever-after"or you were on the brutal receiving end of it.
But if you are really determined to move on, then worry no more. You are in the great hands of relationship guru Genevive Zawada from London. Being a relationship and dating coach, this is something she talks about constantly.
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As we all know, its really hard to get into a new relationship when you are still stuck in the old one.
In this segment, Genevive will tackle acceptance, letting go, and show you how to move on and have a healthy happy relationship in future.
Watch this super interactive section where Genevive takes answers questions from participants and feel free to ask as many questions as you can.
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Genevieve Zawada has over 20 years’ worth of experience in coaching, mentoring and putting relationships together. With all of this wealth of knowledge, Genevieve has dedicated her time to helping people find, build and improve romantic relationships.Responses to "3 Easy Ways to Get Over an Ex"
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